Black sails

Chapter 266 CCLXV Lifetime Board of Directors

Chapter 266 CCLXV. Lifetime Board of Directors

On the second floor of the hotel, Li Site was filling cups until Delea couldn't bear it. She awkwardly covered her forehead with her hands to cover her face.

I saw him imitating a certain movie character, nodding, smiling and toasting. He was the great Li Site.

However, no one criticized him at all.

Ask Xia Di and Fen what happened at the venue.

"I almost fucking died at that time, I guess."

Xia Di started to brag.

Ren is stupid, he should learn from himself.

"If you don't have any work, you can challenge Dollinger to a duel."

Morrison was a little depressed. Fenglin was just trying out the knife to kill people, so he knew how it felt. It was a pity that he didn't have a chance to fight tonight.

"Business matters."

Fen told the whole process of the banquet truthfully, down to the smallest details, the key positions, everyone's attitudes, and whose momentum overwhelmed who.

The golden dragon in the cellar said that the lockdown would be lifted at the end of the month, but only a new round of voting was needed. Why didn’t he understand Li Site’s thoughts and explain the current advantages to the backbone. After the new system was established, who would run away and who would die? Under the iron rule, 50,000 gold dragons will also be used as start-up capital.

Officially starting a war with Dollinger.

But after hearing such good news, the atmosphere was not as cheerful as expected, and all the backbones had their own thoughts.

Li Site didn't care, he really needed to think it through, but now that all the elements were met, there was no other way.

Delea had no intention of leaving, and seemed to intend to stay and witness the establishment of the company.

Li Site had an ominous premonition. Could this girl who was several hundred years old be planning to interfere in his business?

He was full of thoughts and glanced at Fen who was talking energetically. He didn't know when the conversation shifted to his poor school. He started to brag about things in the New World. He was the most authoritative one behind his eyes. The exploration officially started on the 15th. , the two newly purchased ships, the Dawn and Narcissus, should also be put to use.

Now Li Site is extremely powerful. He has two big boss allies, two major pirate groups under him, and pirate groups of varying strength in the seventies and eighties, which already accounts for half of the country.

Not to mention the stone tablet at the bottom of the box and Valrhona.

Not counting the cohesion and loyalty elements, but only the combined combat power and financial resources, ordinary dukes should not try to get involved.

"Old Weitou, after this is done, don't worry about this shabby hotel and just become the housekeeper. You have the final say in the castle."

Li Site thought about it, he had to drag Lao Weitou into the water. Lao Weitou is a very ungrateful person. He is obviously very stubborn, but he just doesn't come to help you. Maybe he will come forward when you are really desperate.

Although he said he didn't want to cause trouble, Li Site didn't believe that if one day he was beaten into a fool by Daolinger, why wouldn't you come out to help the situation after so many years of relationship?

Lao Weitou always has a kind appearance, with white hair tied into a ponytail. Although he is old, his clear blue eyes are not cloudy and he smiles.

"Let me think about it."

Old Weitou works here, and he also wants to find something to do to entertain himself in his old age. If it is in the castle, not only winemaking, but also gardening and fishing can be run.

They are all purely hobbies for the elderly. The reason why he wanted to build a fishing ground was because he was once invited to the castle by Dollinger and knew that there were several artificial lakes, which were quite good.


Li Site didn't expect that he would actually make a move after asking casually. That's it! Everything is stable!

"What are you still doing here?"

Li Site picked his ears and prepared to send Delea away and take your harem group back. To be honest, Gloria, Meredith, and Mo Yutong were all ruined by the two of them, weren't they? It still feels a little awkward to meet them all together at a special time.

"You want to kick me out?"

"No, in this company, it's not good for others to see you."

Li Site came up with such a sentence that was quite typical of Mr. Li.

"If there is any bad influence, I will be the majority shareholder of Black Sail Trading Company from now on."

"What did you say?"

Li Site couldn't believe it and suspected that he had heard wrongly.

Delea repeated it again.

"What? Can't I buy shares?"

"No... why are you getting involved? We will all invest four thousand to five thousand later. The right to exercise the property after the investment belongs to the company. You can't smuggle it into someone else's books. You can't even take out a copper coin. You can only It is used for personnel salary distribution, organizational structure, procurement and other matters.”

"It's almost the same. I'm going to spend all my wealth. Although it's not the golden dragon, it's Pedan's crystal coins. Plus some of my treasures, it may be a little more than that."

Delaya whispered to Li Site and scratched Mo Yutong's chin with her fingers. From now on, she would be the one to take care of all the debts. Mo Yutong felt a little shy.

Everyone in Lisi was dumbfounded and quickly pulled Delaya aside.

How come you, a crazy woman, are so rich? Why don't you know? But if you do this, you are not a tiger. If you invest money in it, it will be in vain, and it will not increase your influence.

Although it may seem that the shares are almost equally divided and the power is equal, in fact, the decision-making power is still up to oneself. Needless to say, Michael Shady will definitely stand with him as long as it is not a vote about women. , Heywood also stood completely on his own side. It was hard to say that General Fen would be on the same side in the future. At present, he was definitely on the same side as him. Swann would do whatever he did.

In addition, shares are shares, and they are just a way of distributing money. Regarding power, another set of rules must be determined.

These days, Li Site has also figured out that Black Sail started out as a pirate after all, and if the backbone system is suddenly broken, that will definitely not work.

The method is also very simple.

Money is money, power is power.

The twelve backbones on the black sailboat will be able to join the life-long board of directors as long as they hand over four thousand gold dragons later, and they will inherit the backbone system.

If an outsider joins the company and wants to have decision-making power, he or she must go through a vote by the board of directors to determine the number of votes based on the share invested. Otherwise, they will only participate in the profits.

It is equivalent to saying that it only adds ways for outsiders to profit based on the original rules to achieve the effect of rapid expansion.

This is the best method Li Site can think of.

"Aren't I worried about you..."

Delaya was in a mood, and she was also worried about Li Site's failure, and felt a little unhappy being lectured by him.

"Don't worry about it."

Li Site asked the waitress for a drink. He was in high spirits today.

"I'll go to bed later when I get back from work. I won't see you before 2 o' know the consequences."

Delaya glanced at Li Site with resentment and left with the harem group except Mo Yutong.

And the backbone of Black Sail are discussing how to kill Dollinger.

"In my opinion, it's easy. Swann can just touch it and poison him directly. It will kill him."

Lane thought this was a brilliant plan.

"It's useless. A full-scale battle will still break out. His force will also elect temporary representatives. The divisions are famous. If after defeating us, a new brother is chosen, war will inevitably begin. Besides, others may eat Xiao Zao, there is no chance at all to blow up the sea monster with his fists. Although it is embellished, maybe he is not afraid of his physical condition at all."

Wollman thought Wren's idea was the worst one.

"Do you know that kind of necromancy? One bite from a zombie can immediately infect a living person and turn him into a zombie, ghoul or something like that, and then there will be a zombie crisis."

Morrison asked Fin.

Fin was speechless. Morrison was obsessed with playing that board game.

Just when everyone was chatting happily.

Swann is back with a miniature leprechaun in his pocket.

The finishing touches have also been completed.

This battle was a great victory.

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