Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 231 The Third Plan

The barrage in the live broadcast room is very lively, and the refresh rate is also high, but the laboratory is just the opposite, very quiet.

After reading the analysis report and simulated data provided by A1, Zhang Zhai did not show any disappointed expression on his face, but bowed his head and pondered.

He lowered his head on the spot, stood for about a minute, raised his head to look at the barrage, and then sat back in front of the workbench.

Zhang Zhai pulled out a stack of manuscript paper, held the pen, and wrote some numbers, formulas, or simple two letters or words in any blank space of the manuscript paper in an extremely messy manner.

Zhang Zhai wrote like this for ten minutes. Seeing that this piece of paper was written densely, with many numbers and handwriting overlapping, it looked extremely messy, just like a child's graffiti.

Zhang Zhai took the paper, looked at it blankly, and then sighed.

"Directly interfering with the human brain nerves, allowing the brain nerves to receive accurate signals, and allowing the brain to deceive the brain, the degree of truth that can be achieved must be the highest, but in this way, it is necessary to implant Insert the chip." Zhang Zhai said, looking at the lower right corner of the manuscript paper, there were a few words written there.

"Neural interference chip in the brain.

To achieve the effect of virtual reality, two main parts need to be completed, feedback and control.

Feedback: Through the neural interference chip in the brain, link various nerves in the brain, and directly transmit various signals to the nerves to generate multi-sensory feelings, so as to build a real "virtual world" for users

Manipulation: By receiving signals from brain nerves, users can manipulate characters in the virtual world just like manipulating their own bodies.

The combination of feedback and control can create a perfect second world! Zhang Zhai murmured in a low voice, his eyes showing regret.

"Unfortunately, implanting a chip in the brain is bound to violate ethics, and even violate the moral code, which is beyond the bottom line of most people's acceptance." Zhang Zhai said, crumpling up the manuscript paper, and then tearing him to pieces .

During the whole process, Zhang Zhai kept a calm expression on his face, looked at the scattered scraps of paper, and said to himself in a low voice: "Science does not need morality, ethics, these will only imprison the development of science, but scientists Need it.

More importantly, even if this kind of thing is manufactured, what's the point? This kind of disadvantage makes him a semi-finished product for self-entertainment, with no practical significance. "

Zhang Zhai didn't want to discuss or consider such philosophical issues as whether science is a tool to assist the development of civilization or the ultimate goal, so he quickly turned his thinking in another direction.

"The second solution is equivalent to an enhanced version of the current VR devices. It is mainly aimed at the four aspects of vision, hearing, touch, and smell. It looks good, but it is really a bit of a headache. It feels like this is purely a stupid way." Zhang Zhai analyzed himself, couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

This scheme is mainly inspired by the virtual battlefield project.

For example, in terms of haptics, this solution may need to wrap the entire body of the user in order to generate appropriate tactile feedback.

However, the objects that wrap the whole body will produce a sense of touch, which will interfere with the feeling received by people and have a great impact on authenticity.

Then try to get rid of this sense of touch, which will create new problems, and then go on indefinitely.

The typical way of treating the head for a headache and treating the foot for a foot pain is very stupid and has great limitations.

After a few minutes of consideration, Zhang Zhai simply rejected both of these proposals.

"However, although neither of the two solutions will work, it is not completely useless."

"A1, help me find some information about virtual reality." Zhang Zhai typed this line on the holographic screen.

"Okay, Father!" A1 also displayed the answer on the holographic screen.

About a minute later, A1 displayed all the information she found on the holographic screen.

These are the latest research results of some research institutions in virtual reality technology, and A1 obtained them directly through violent means.

Zhang Zhai moved his gaze to the right side of the holographic screen and read these materials intently. He was so engrossed that he ignored the live broadcast room on the left side of the holographic screen and the bullet screen flying across it.

"God Zhai! You tear up the paper again, I want to report you for wasting state resources!"

"Husband Di Shen is so handsome!"

"Emma, ​​my heart is itching! What the hell is God trying to do!"

"God Zhai, don't frown, you're prone to wrinkles! Although God Zhai, you're all handsome! But you're definitely more handsome without wrinkles!"


At this moment, Zhang Zhai was flipping through the information provided by A1 page by page, and flipping through it faster and faster, basically just glanced at it, and then flipped through it.

At the same time, the eyebrows became more and more furrowed, until finally, Zhang Zhai finished flipping through more than two hundred pages of materials in a very short time.

Zhang Zhai sighed and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Most of them are stagnant at the current stage of VR equipment, and there is no reference significance at all."

"Especially in the past year, the development of VR technology has basically stagnated."

"Father, it's normal for virtual reality technology to stagnate this year."

"It's probably because of the holographic technology." Zhang Di had already guessed.

"Yes, because of the emergence of holographic technology, many research institutions that study virtual reality technology have given up their research. Even researchers who insist on doing research in this area have been infinitely reduced in research funding."

Zhang Zhai nodded, not surprised.

"Father, here is a piece of news, maybe you will be interested." A1 said suddenly.

Then a piece of news popped up on the right side of the holographic screen.

This is a piece of news from Xinhua News Agency. The time of the news is 2014, that is to say, a piece of news from four years ago.

Zhang Zhai scanned the entire news at an extremely fast speed, and understood the meaning of A1 in his heart.

The content of this news is roughly as follows.

A 29-year-old foreign youth whose spinal cord was damaged due to a car accident, paralyzed from the chest down, and who can only sit in a wheelchair for life, kicked off at the 2014 World Cup held in Brazil.

If that's all, he might be an inspirational story, but the point is, there's something special about the way he gets off the tee.

Through a machine called "brain-computer interface", he manipulated the machine through imagination and kicked off.

This "brain-computer interface" also has a name called an extra-brain neural linker.

Through imagination, manipulate the machine.

Using him in the virtual world is the key part of manipulation. People can manipulate people in the virtual world through imagination.

"Use this technology to solve the problem of manipulating virtual devices outside the brain?"

"Yes, father, although this technology is very immature, the manipulation is done by capturing and detecting changes in the motor areas of the brain.

The error rate is very high, the user needs special training, and there is no way to carry out refined control, even ordinary people can't do this kind of control at all. According to my analysis, if you want to rely on this technology to achieve realistic level Manipulation, the probability is less than one in ten million,

But I believe father, you will be able to solve these problems. "

"A1, you really have confidence in me, but... this idea is really good, so let's try it." Zhang Zhai shook his head, then said with a smile.

"As for the other part, the feedback part, it may be possible to use a similar method to design a neural interferometer outside the brain, even if it does not enter the brain, it can also build a 'real' virtual world."

As Zhang Zhai said, he wrote on a brand new piece of paper: Scheme 3, Virtual Helmet (Neural Feedback Control Outside the Brain)

This chapter refers to a lot of information. The main one is the episode of TED Talks: The Wonderful Nervous System.

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