Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 232 Magic: Neural Connector Outside the Brain

Chapter 232: Magic Extra-brain Neural Connector

Virtual reality in an ideal state can simulate all human perception and build a "real" world for people.

The virtual reality that Zhang Zhai wants to achieve is obviously the virtual world that is closest to human fantasy in this ideal state.

You can feel the real world, you can smell the fragrance of flowers, you can hear the sound of gurgling water, you can see the clouds in the sky, the mountains in the distance, and you can feel the softness of cotton, the heat of fire, and the softness of ice. The coldness, the comfort of the spring rain falling on the skin, and finally, drinking a sip of tea, you can taste the bitterness of the tea and the sweetness of the aftertaste.

This involves countless disciplines and professions. In a sense, he is rebuilding a world. Although there is no one-gram mass in this world, he is real in the data.

Generally speaking, the second world is divided into two parts: software and hardware.

At this time, what Zhang Zhai is developing is undoubtedly the hardware part. It seems that the hardware part is difficult, but compared with the software part, the hardware part is relatively simple.

The software part is the real second world, and the hardware is just a bridge between people and the second world.

Thinking about how complicated the second world would be if it were to be as real as the real world, even a small example would make one's scalp tingle.

How many grains of sand are there?

If you want to grab a handful of sand from any pile of sand in the virtual world, hold it tightly and let the sand slide down a little bit.

How detailed does this virtual world need to be? How much calculation is required to process the data generated during the operation of a "real world".

Zhang Zhai understood this very well, so he started with the hardware first, and left the software part for the end.


In the laboratory, Zhang Zhai had a specific direction, and his brain immediately started to work quickly, and began to conceive in detail.

While Zhang Zhai was thinking, he was writing vigorously on the paper.

"A1, calculate this set of data for me!" Zhang Zhai said to A1 in a low voice while lowering his head while writing.

"Okay, Father!"

"The result of this set of data is..."

"A1, according to this parameter, this method conducts a simulation test, whether it can perform a more accurate scan."

"According to the parameters you provided, father, the theoretical accuracy is 50%!"

"Correct according to these parameters and re-check the calculation!" As soon as Zhang Zhai entered into concentrated thinking, various inspirations seemed to explode.

He doesn't need to carry out complex calculations. The assistance of A1 can help Zhang Zhai quickly complete complex calculations and verify Zhang Zhai's ideas.

In this case, it undoubtedly saves a lot of time, and the entire research progress is advancing rapidly.

A smile gradually appeared on Zhang Zhai's face. As time went by, the problem was gradually being resolved.

"The error rate problem is solved. In theory, the accuracy rate of motion information capture is as high as 99% or more."

"Refined problem solving, in theory, can accurately analyze any subtle actions that can be made in reality."

"From capturing motion conscious information to capturing motion subconscious information..."

The fundamental problems of the extra-brain connector have been solved, and the practicability has been continuously improved.

The smile on Zhang Zhai's face became brighter and brighter.

Finally, all ideas and parameters were gathered together to form the design blueprint of the extra-brain communicator or the intentional control device.

The whole design drawing is not thick, there are only a dozen pages, but it is densely packed, and the front and back of each page are covered with traces of pen and ink.

"A1, scan all the data, and then split it to the Terminator robot to make a sample."

"Okay, father."

After A1 finished scanning all the contents, Zhang Zhai let out a long sigh of relief, then picked up the dozen or so sheets of paper, and tore them to shreds.

I just split the drawings to the Terminator robot, and let the Terminator robot make it. There is still some time before the successful production of the intentional control equipment.

Zhang Zhai also got a moment of respite from his heavy thinking.

Zhang Zhai leaned on the chair, looked up to the outside of the laboratory, only to find that it was already dark outside.

He froze for a moment, his consciousness still remained in the morning, immersed in his research, completely unaware of the passage of time.

Looking back at the audience in the live broadcast room, he was surprised to find that compared to the number of people in the live broadcast room in the morning, the number of people online in the live broadcast room that he had left for a whole day actually increased instead of decreasing, staying at 40 million The terrifying number of people.

It's just that Zhang Zhai was a little embarrassed by the bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

"Paper tearing maniac: God Zhai, the most trash in this field: A4 paper!"

"I didn't expect Zhai Shen, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to waste so much paper!"

"I heard that single dogs cost paper, but I didn't expect you to spend so much paper... No, God Zhai, you are also single!"

"A4 paper: It's too scary! The paper tearing maniac is coming!"

"According to statistics, Zhai Shen will tear up 253 sheets of paper in one day of live broadcast, 365 days a year, that is more than 90,000 sheets. On average, a tree that has not yet grown up needs to be cut down every month! Think about the poor saplings, there is no business , there is no harm!"

"Xiu, you can just show off, you are all nine-year compulsory education, why are you so good?"

Looking at these jokers talking all kinds of swear words, Zhang Zhai couldn't help but smile because his heart was so heavy because of the research.

"I didn't expect everyone to be so long-lasting, and even after a day, they are still here."


"Oh my God! Di God, you finally spoke? Excited! Grandpa! Grandpa! Get out of the grave quickly, Di God has spoken!"

"That's right, God Zhai, I am such a persistent person."

I am Yan Kong: "Husband! No matter what you do, I am willing to watch it, because you are so handsome!"


"It seems that everyone is very active, but such a live broadcast is indeed a bit boring, so let's do it, how about I do a magic trick for everyone?" Zhang Zhai smiled mysteriously.

"Magic? I like magic best!"

"God Zhai, perform boldly, and I promise not to expose you—from a senior magic lover."

"God Zhai, come here, even if you reveal your secrets, we will pretend we didn't see it!"

"Speed, speed! Let's start! God Zhai!"


Of course, the reaction in the live broadcast room was very enthusiastic. Looking at the barrage, Zhang Zhai smiled and said: "Don't worry, I almost have something."

At the same time, a sentence from A1 was displayed on the holographic screen: "Father, the sample of the extra-brain neural linker has been completed."

"Bring it here." Zhang Zhai said so first, then turned his head, looked at the camera and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Everyone wait a moment, when something arrives, we will immediately start... the magic show."


"Looking at Zhai Shen's smile, it always feels like a routine!"


Two minutes later, the laboratory door opened and a Terminator walked in.

He was holding two things in his hands, one was a cylindrical solid black object, about 20cm high, about 5cm in diameter at the bottom, about the size of a teacup. The other is two patches, also pure black, round, about the size of a thumb.

"Here comes the magic show, let's start!"

Zhang Zhai smiled and took the two items from the Terminator.

Put the columnar object on the workbench, and then press the two black patches on the temples on both sides of the head, and press it lightly, and it will stick firmly.

"Next, we will draw a lucky audience."

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