Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 259 Learning Ability

When the preliminary examination of Zhaicheng University's admissions examination ended, many candidates uploaded the preliminary examination process to the Internet, which attracted widespread attention.

Xihe Technology Forum.

"More than 700,000 people were eliminated in the first round of preliminary tests. Isn't that too arbitrary?"

"Otherwise, the total enrollment of Zhaicheng University this year is only 500 people. At least some places must be reserved for the unified admissions of the college entrance examination. This time, 300 people are considered good. So is it strange to eliminate so many people at once? ?”

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's even harder than the college entrance examination, with a pass rate of one in a thousand! It's terrifying!"

"Am I the only one who thinks the selection method of Zhaicheng University is very interesting?"

"The selection rules are very ingenious. The psychological quality and knowledge reserve are assessed at the same time, and a special path is reserved for those with outstanding IQ—the last logic problem!"

"The most important thing is not to save time? According to the normal exam, when will the 700,000 people take the exam?"

"Let me sum it up for you. The exam rules are set by Di Shen. In one word: Di Shen is cheating!"

Discussions on the Xihe Forum were raging, as were other places on the Internet.

Because of the entrance examination of Zhaicheng University, many people are paying attention to this very young school.

Ziguang Pavilion.

The elder just finished processing the documents in his hand and called the secretary.

"Is Zhaicheng University conducting an admissions exam today?"

"Yes, elder."

"How is the situation now?"

"At the beginning, more than 700,000 candidates gathered at Zhaicheng University, but after passing the first round of assessment, now only about 3,000 candidates are left to enter the second round of assessment."

The elder was stunned when he heard the words, "So many people were eliminated in the first round of exams?"

"Yes, Elder, Mr. Zhang Zhai used...

So it only took two hours to eliminate 700,000 reference candidates. "The secretary explained in detail.

The elder smiled and shook his head, "This method is only dared to be used by Zhang Zhai, and anyone else who uses it will be scolded."

When the secretary heard this, he also smiled heartily.


Zhaicheng University, on the outdoor standard football field, 3145 candidates who passed the first round of assessment gathered here.

Zhang Zhai was standing on the rostrum next to the football field, facing the remaining 3,000 candidates.

Zhang Zhai looked at the more than 3,000 examinees quietly. The more than 3,000 candidates formed a rectangular formation and stood in front of Zhang Di.

What they looked at Zhang Zhai most was excitement and excitement!

Those who can take the entrance examination of Zhaicheng University, except those who have extremely poor grades and come to try their luck, most of them are fans of Zhang Zhai or have a good impression of Zhang Zhai, so they come to this start-up university.

"I am Zhang Zhai, the principal of Zhaicheng University. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on successfully passing the first round of exams!" Zhang Zhai said loudly to everyone present, holding a microphone.

"You can stand here and become the winners who passed the first round of exams. It can be said that each of you is one in a thousand, and each of you is very good!"

Zhang Zhai's words made many examinees happy. For their age, Zhang Zhai is an idol, a big man who can't be expected. How can they be unhappy when such people praise them?

The corners of many people's mouths almost reached behind their ears, and their smiles were very bright.

"However, I hope you don't get too excited too early, because...there is a second exam!"

"The first test is just to eliminate candidates who are not suitable for Zhaicheng University, and the second test will directly select candidates who pass the entrance test."

"That is to say, as long as you pass the next exam, you will get the admission letter of Zhaicheng University and become a member of Zhaicheng University."

Zhang Zhai's words made all the smiles on the faces of the candidates restrained, and the tension spread around all the candidates, and the atmosphere became a little depressing.

Looking at the 3,000 candidates who became serious, Zhang Zhai smiled and continued: "I can tell you directly that there are only 300 candidates who have passed this entrance examination. Nine out of ten will be eliminated."

"The next exam will be very painful. If you are not sure of passing the exam, I suggest you give up now." Zhang Zhai glanced at the candidates present and said lightly.

"If anyone is willing to give up, they can go straight out and leave with the Terminator."

Zhang Zhai's will echo across the football field, but no one will give up voluntarily.

How could the proud sons of heaven who were selected from thousands of miles give up so easily.

"Is there no one?" Zhang Zhai repeated, "If there is no one, then I will start announcing the rules for the second exam."

Still no one came out, Zhang Zhai smiled, "Okay, I'll start announcing the rules for the second exam.

Now, please take out your mobile phones or holographic devices and open the official website of Zhaicheng University. "

"After you open it, you will find a text message on the site. The content of the text message only has three keywords: advanced mathematics, astrophysics, and aerodynamics."

"You can choose any subject you like, click on the subject, and a classroom number will pop up."

When Zhang Zhai said this, he paused, with a smile on his face.

After a while, all the candidates did as Zhang Di said, they raised their heads to look at Zhang Di, waiting for Zhang Di's next words.

"Then you can go to the corresponding classroom according to the classroom number, where your teacher Kong or Meng is already waiting for you.

You will have four hours to study the subject you just selected. After the study is over, you will take the subject test. The top 100 in each subject will pass the test, and the rest will be eliminated.

If you feel that four hours is too long, you can also ask for an exam at any time within the four hours. "Zhang Di said with a smile.

After listening to Zhang Zhai's words, all the candidates started crying and howling!

"Damn it! God Zhai, you're such a fool! My motherfucker actually chose aerodynamics, and I don't even have a foundation in wool. If I had known, I would have chosen mathematics. At least I have some basics!"

"I chose astrophysics, my God, I have never heard of this subject."

"God Di, you told us to learn this after you made us choose on purpose! I don't agree! God Di! It's not fair!"


Zhang Zhai looked at these crying and howling students, smiled, picked up the microphone and said, "Don't complain about the major you chose. Even your opponents don't have it. You have a foundation in learning mathematics, and so do your opponents.

So this test is absolutely fair, this test only tests learning ability.

The knowledge you have learned before has not lost its meaning at the university level. "

"By the way, I would like to remind you that three minutes have passed, and you still have 3 hours and 57 minutes left."

As soon as Zhang Zhai finished speaking, all the candidates came to their senses, raised their legs and quickly ran towards the teaching building outside the football field, shouting while running:

"Holy shit...God Zhai, I hate you!"

"Zhang Di, you're a big scumbag!"

Looking at the more than 3,000 examinees who had dispersed in an instant, Zhang Zhai shook his head with a smile.

"At this time last year, I was also a student, but at this time this year, I became the principal. Interesting..."

Zhang Zhai was talking to himself, and couldn't help but laugh.

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