Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 260 School Motto

The second and final exam of Zhaicheng University's admissions exam officially started after Zhang Zhai announced the rules.

On the football field, more than 3,000 students who originally gathered had followed the Terminator's guidance and came to each classroom to study intensely.

A total of 3145 candidates are divided into 315 classrooms, each classroom has ten students and one educational robot.

At this time, in a certain advanced mathematics classroom, the thin-faced Teacher Kong was facing ten students.

Among the ten students, there were exactly five men and five women.

"Hello students, my surname is Kong, and I will teach you calculus in advanced mathematics within the next four hours." Teacher Kong is elegant and polite, quite old-fashioned.

"Mr. Kong, time is running out, why don't you just start teaching us calculus?" the boy in the front row urged a little restlessly.

"No hurry, no hurry..." Teacher Kong shook his head and said, "Before I start teaching, I want to ask you a question. What do you think mathematics is?"

The ten students were a little impatient because of the time limit, and they wished they could master calculus right away, and then flex their muscles!

But Teacher Kong took his time and asked them such a nonsense question. Isn't this a waste of time?

"Mr. Kong, can we discuss this issue another time? Time is running out! We are in a hurry! Teacher Kong, do you understand?" A girl couldn't sit still, she stood up and said anxiously.

"No hurry." Teacher Kong smiled, "However, since you have already stood up, why don't you answer?"

"Mathematics is a subject that studies concepts such as quantity, structure, change, space, and information!" The girl looked at Teacher Kong's unhurried appearance, a little angry, and replied angrily.

"Mr. Kong, I have already answered, can we start the lecture?"

"The concept is good, but it's not the answer I want." Teacher Kong shook his head and said,

"Sit down first."

"Starting from this classmate, each classmate will answer."

"Mathematics is the "free creation of the human understanding""

"Mathematics is the language God uses to write the universe.

"Mathematical theorems are ingenious designs that have been arranged in the dark, and they are the realistic feedback of the truth of the universe."

"Mathematics is the reflection of the quantitative relationship and spatial form of the objective world in the human mind."

"Mathematics is a way of thinking that clears up confusion. It is a language that allows us to translate the chaos of the world into manageable ways."


When Teacher Kong heard these answers, he just kept shaking his head, "I don't want to hear famous quotes, I just want to hear your real thoughts."

"Mathematics is not a natural science, it does not exist in the material world, but it is the foundation of all material sciences.

He is the most basic law of the world, the most accurate scientific language..."

Following Teacher Kong's words, the ten impatient students gradually quieted down, and Teacher Kong also started to give lectures in due course.

The same thing happened in the other classrooms. The two educational robots, Mr. Kong and Mr. Meng, did not use blunt methods, but cultivated scientific concepts for these students in a silent way.

Zhang Zhai walked outside the windows of each classroom, stopping from time to time to listen to Teacher Kong or Teacher Meng's lectures.

Educational robots have a lot of knowledge, and they are still connected to the Internet.

Therefore, when talking about the lectures, citing classics, citing extensively, and all kinds of allusions, you can come at your fingertips, and you can also explain the profound things in a simple way, full of wit and wit.

Tell a formula, he can tell the story behind the formula, completely attracting the students' attention to him.

Zhang Zhai walked around without much surprise, but Zhang's mother, who was following Zhang Zhai, whispered secretly.

"Xiao Zhai, the teaching ability of this educational robot is too strong, right?"

"The intelligence level of educational robots can only be regarded as elementary intelligence. Compared with human teachers, they can only be regarded as having their own merits." Zhang Zhai smiled and shook his head.


The four-hour period ended soon, and many candidates were still a little bit unsatisfied with the interesting lectures given by educational robots.

But according to the rules, the lecture should end.

"Students, this four-hour class is over. Although we may not have the opportunity to be teachers and students in the future, I still hope that you can learn something from this class." Teacher Kong still smiled in the classroom said,

"Then, let's start the exam now! The exam time is half an hour, I hope all students can answer seriously!"

The students in the classroom are a little bit reluctant, but there is no way, the exam still has to be tested.


Another half hour later, in the auditorium of Zhaicheng University, three hundred students who passed the exam were discussing with each other excitedly.

"Finally passed! The experience of this day has made me almost exhausted!"

"I've never been so tired. I listened to the class for four hours in a row. Although the class is good, it's really tiring!"

"Damn it! I didn't even think that I could pass the entrance exam of Zhaicheng University! My last mock exam was only over 200 points!"

"That's amazing bro, I got a score of 680 in the mock exam last time, and I almost failed this time!"

"Don't talk about it, it has little to do with academic performance, it is to examine psychological quality and learning ability."

"Damn it! God Zhai is here!"


Zhang Zhai stepped into the auditorium and saw these students discussing excitedly in groups of three or four.

However, when Zhang Di appeared, the audience fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes focused on Zhang Di.

Zhang Zhai smiled at these students, then strode towards the rostrum of the auditorium.

"Students, congratulations on passing the entrance examination of Zhaicheng University. You will become the first batch of students of Zhaicheng University. On behalf of Zhaicheng University, I welcome you to join Zhaicheng University and become a member of Zhaicheng University!"

"Papapa... clatter..." There was thunderous applause, and everyone present applauded excitedly, expressing the excitement in their hearts with their applause.

Listening to the applause, Zhang Zhai waited quietly with a faint smile on his face.

After a while, the applause gradually subsided, "You can stand here and pass the entrance examination of Zhaicheng University without exception. You can all be said to be geniuses. You can proudly say to yourself that you are excellent, genius, and Wanli Pick one!

Dear students, you can applaud yourself again! "

The applause was even more enthusiastic, and the deafening applause echoed in the auditorium, which lasted for a long time.

"Now I invite Teacher Kong and Teacher Meng to issue the admission letter of Zhaicheng University to the students!"

At the backstage of the auditorium, 300 educational robots walked out. They each held an admission notice in their hands and walked towards the corresponding students.

The 300 students present were extremely excited, and most of them couldn't help shaking their hands when they received their own admission notices from the educational robot.

"Congratulations again to all the students. Finally, I will conclude with the school motto of Zhaicheng University."

"As a student of Zhai University:

Need to constantly go beyond, go beyond yourself! Beyond the times!

Be a pioneer! Be a pioneer! Be a martyr for the truth! "

Zhang Zhai burst into an impassioned voice and said loudly.

The 300 students in the audience only felt their blood boiling.

"Be a martyr for the truth!"

Zhang Zhai looked at the flushed students and smiled slightly,

"Goodbye, everyone, I hope to see you again at the opening ceremony!"

After speaking, Zhang Di turned around and left.

Zhang Di: I am a running dog of truth!

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