Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 261 Make trouble! Make a big deal!

The entrance examination of Zhaicheng University came to an end, and more than 700,000 candidates from all over the country left one after another, either with joy and excitement, or with frustration and disappointment.

Xihe Science and Technology Park, the second floor of the Zhang Zhai Laboratory Building.

When Zhang Zhai returned to the laboratory, he lay directly on the bed.

In Zhang Zhai's line of sight, there was an unfolded holographic screen, which displayed the test papers of the 300 students who passed the admissions test.

Zhang Zhai looked at these papers, glanced at them, and couldn't help laughing: "Anyway, he is also the candidate who ranks first in all subjects. This result is really... I can't bear to look at it directly."

"Advanced mathematics, the highest score is 42 points, astrophysics, the highest score is 37 points, aerodynamics, the highest score is 32 points..."

"It's a bit disappointing that none of them passed the exam..." Zhang Zhai shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Father, although the talents of these people are not as outstanding as yours, they are already outstanding enough to absorb and apply so much knowledge in a short period of time. After being trained by educational robots and related experts, there is a high probability that they will become senior Scientist." A1 explained.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai shook his head and smiled, then continued to look through the exam papers of these students.

These three test papers are all A1, the difficulty is moderate, but there are no multiple choice questions.

Zhang Zhai browsed at a very fast speed. There were more than 300 test papers in total, and it only took him about ten minutes to flip through them roughly.

"A1, send the last elimination system I told you to my mother, and let her consider using it." Zhang Di pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said to A1.

"Okay, father."


Zhaicheng University, President's Office.

Zhang Muzheng, Teacher Kong and Teacher Meng are discussing the subject setting of various majors in the Department of Aeronautics and Space.

"School Zhuang, in theory, the Department of Aeronautics should teach basic science and engineering knowledge, as well as professional knowledge in aerospace."

"I agree with Mr. Meng's point of view. Science should be the backbone, and engineering should be the meat. It should not be limited to engineering or science. It must offer mathematics, physics, mechanics and other subjects, and at the same time, it must offer aerospace courses."

"That's fine, the two teachers will draw up a list of subjects for each major as soon as possible according to your point of view." Mother Zhang nodded and said.

"Okay, Principal Zhuang!" Teacher Kong and Teacher Meng said in unison.

Mother Zhang looked at the two educational robots with a smile on her face. She couldn't be more satisfied with the profound professional knowledge of the educational robots.

Just as Teacher Kong and Teacher Meng left the office one after another, Mother Zhang also got up to go back to rest.

"Ms. Zhuang, you have an email waiting to be read!"

Phantom-1's smart assistant makes a beep.

"Open the mail."


Zhang's mother received the email and read it, "The elimination system for the last place: in order to improve students' sense of competition, don't waste time.

Each major conducts examinations every month, and students who rank lower in each major will be punished.

1. Those who rank last in the monthly examination of this grade for two consecutive months will not be able to obtain graduation qualifications. After the completion of the university, they will only be able to obtain a certificate of completion.

At the same time, you will no longer participate in the final elimination ranking, you can still take the monthly exam and stay in school to study, while the rest of the benefits remain unchanged.

2. The last three in the monthly examination of this major and this grade for three consecutive times will not be able to obtain the graduation qualification...

3. If a student is eliminated due to the above reasons, if the score in the monthly examination exceeds the top one for three consecutive months, he can regain his graduation qualification.


Mother Zhang frowned and murmured in a low voice: "Xiao Zhai... Although your system can stimulate students to compete with each other, it's not too cruel..."

"However, it would be a good way to revise it again."


In the lounge next to the lab.

After Zhang Zhai sent his mother the suggestion of the last elimination system, he turned off the holographic device.

Then the body slowly went down from leaning against the head of the bed to lying flat on the bed.

The lounge was very quiet. Compared to the hustle and bustle of the outside world, this undisturbed place was like a paradise.

Zhang Zhai stretched out his hands and put them under his head, resting his head on his hands, feeling relatively relaxed.


Zhang Zhai stared at the ceiling in front of him, calling silently in his heart.

In an instant, without a sound, the system interface appeared in Zhang Zhai's line of sight.

"Host: Zhang Di

Wisdom: 200 (220)

Notability: 68, 238, 543

Unlockable Technology: None

The technology that can be unlocked in the next stage: short-distance space transmission technology.

Technology mastered: interactive holographic images. , artificial intelligence, new energy storage, three new materials, anti-gravity box, quantum computer. "

Zhang Zhai's eyes were immediately locked on the popularity.

"More than 60 million... It seems that there is still a long way to go." Zhang Di murmured in a low voice.

With the news of Zhang Zhai's behavior in Zhaicheng University, his popularity has increased a lot, and his popularity has approached 70 million at this moment.

But...for Zhang Zhai, it was still far from enough.

Zhang Zhai temporarily shifted his attention away from popularity, moved down slowly, and then stayed on the next technology to be unlocked.

Looking at it, Zhang Zhai was a little excited, his eyes seemed to see his lover, a little obsessed, more excited!

Zhang Zhai stretched out his hand to touch the name on the system interface.

"Short-distance space transmission... I don't know what principle is used? Based on quantum entanglement theory. Quantum teleportation technology? Space jump technology based on string theory? Or... other unknown theories." Zhang Zhai stared at these few Words, my heart is a little hot.

"Hopefully it's not quantum teleportation based on the principle of quantum entanglement.

Because that... means that there is no way to transmit people. Zhang Zhai thought, his thoughts diverged,

"Because even I myself can't accept: at this node, I will be destroyed into countless atoms, and then the physical information of each atom will be recorded, and only the physical information will be transmitted, and then at the next node, a machine will be used to reconstruct another 'Zhang Zhai' whose physical information is completely consistent." Zhang Zhai shook his head,

"Although that me is exactly the same as me at the physical level, to the society, he is me. But to me, I have been destroyed before the teleportation." Zhang Zhai shook his head again.

"This way of space transmission obviously violates moral concepts. Although people are changing every moment, it can be said that the me at this moment and the me at the previous moment are already two people.

Although the moral code is always changing with the progress of science and society, it is clear that space transmission based on the theory of quantum entanglement is now unacceptable. "

Zhang Zhai whispered to himself, and while talking, Zhang Zhai couldn't help smiling.

"The short-distance space technology has not been unlocked yet, so what to do with so many considerations."

"Now, the most important thing is... to think about how, how to accumulate enough popularity."

Zhang Zhai's eyes moved up again, focusing on his popularity and wisdom.


After a while.

"Intelligence value +1... Popularity-"

"Intelligence value +1... Popularity-

"Intelligence value +1... Popularity-"


Six times in a row, nearly 70 million popularity, directly consumed.

"It's still 14 points away from wisdom...according to the current trend, the popularity required must exceed the 100 million level. With so much popularity, it's a headache..."

"It seems... we have to continue to make troubles! Make big things!"

"Life is endless, and troubles continue!"

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