Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 315 The dust has not yet settled, let's wait and see!

Looking at the barrage, Zhang Di couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

These barrages are really weird, if you take a closer look, they still feel a little cute.

However, despite the continuous calls of tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room, the US moon landing rocket Saturn 6 still ignited successfully.

Amidst the huge roar, white smoke billowed from the rocket launch pad, dazzling flames spewed out from the tail of the rocket, and the huge thrust began to push the rocket and the Apollo 18 moon landing spacecraft on the top of the rocket to gradually leave the ground.

The huge body of the rocket appeared very stable, and began to climb straight towards the sky in a state of acceleration.

"The radar signal is normal..."

"The telemetry signal is normal..."

"The first-stage sub-rocket separated...separated successfully..."

The Saturn Six rocket began to rise rapidly, straight towards the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster...

The camera of the live broadcast of the US media kept moving up, keeping the rocket in the picture.

Zhang Di withdrew his gaze and glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, only to find that most of the people were using the same barrage.

"Fall off! Fall off!"

"Fall off! Fall off!"

"drop down……"


"The second-stage sub-rocket separated, and the third-stage sub-rocket ignited successfully..."

Voice commands and reports continued to come from the US ground control room.

The situation is obviously not as expected. So far, the US moon landing rocket launch has not encountered any problems.

It has been about five minutes since the launch of the Saturn 6 rocket, and the image of the rocket captured by the camera on the ground has been reduced to a small spot of light. Even though the camera keeps zooming in, the rocket in the picture is still shrinking.

Half of the live broadcast screen is also switched to the image of the rocket's own camera, but the image captured by the rocket's own camera is a bit dark, like a rainy day, and it is getting darker and darker.

Obviously, the US moon landing rocket is about to break through the earth's atmosphere.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the barrage and smiled, "It seems that the moon landing rocket from the United States will not fall."

"Hey, why didn't America's moon landing rocket fall off this time?"

"It's a pity, I hope he can be hit by a meteorite, or the landing fails."

"I put my hands together and prayed to God that the American rockets would fall, but I didn't know that God didn't care about it."

"You guys are so badass, but I like..."

Zhang Zhai looked at the barrage and shook his head: "Praying for accidental obstruction of America's moon landing rocket, this kind of thinking is too cowardly. When did I, Zhang Zhai, put the initiative in other people's hands?"

"It's still a long time, friends, just wait and see, the result is still unknown." Zhang Zhai smiled mysteriously.

However, at this time, the audience in the live broadcast room seemed to be in a low mood, even a little depressed.

"God Zhai, don't tease us. Unless the American rocket hits a meteorite, it won't be long before the American rocket will land on the moon."

"Hey...I guess the United States will announce the success of the moon landing in one or two hours, and start building a moon base. I feel so sad."


Zhang Zhai couldn't help laughing when he saw the barrage screened out by A1.

Shaking his head, Zhang Zhai said with a smile: "How long will it take? An hour or two, it seems that you have no idea about the distance between the earth and the moon."

"Let me make an analogy. If you are sitting on the head of the bed in the bedroom, the satellites and the space station are usually at the end of the bed. Where do you think the moon should be?"

"At the bedroom door?"

"I guess it's the moon on the computer desk past the end of the bed."


"Living room? Kitchen?"


Looking at these barrages, Zhang Zhai found that although many of the tens of millions of people knew the answers, most of them had no concept of this kind of common sense.

Zhang Zhai shook his head and said, "Perhaps you think that the space station is between the moon and the earth, at most it is a little bit closer to the earth.

But in fact, this is a mistake of consciousness. If the earth is next to your bed in your bedroom, and the satellite space is next to your bed, where is the moon? The door of the bedroom, the study next door, the bathroom, or even the door of the living room?

Neither! "

"The moon should be at the gate of the community, or even the next street." Zhang Zhai said quietly.

As soon as Zhang Di's words came out, many viewers who usually don't pay much attention to such things were dumbfounded.

"Hold the grass! Hold the grass! God Zhai, return my worldview!"

"Why do I always feel that the distance between the satellite and the earth is only one-tenth of the distance between the moon and the earth? Do you want to exaggerate what you said, God Zhai?"

"I...Although I usually know that the moon is far away from the earth, this intuitive concept is too far from what I thought, right?"


Zhang Zhai has an evil smile on his face: "Take Tiangong as an example, it is about 370 kilometers away from the earth, and the moon is about 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, which is about 1000 times the distance between Tiangong and the earth.

If the distance between the moon and the earth is divided into one thousand, the earth is at zero, the Tiangong is at one, and the moon... is at one thousand. "

"So, according to my calculations, it will take three days for the US rocket to land on the moon from the earth orbit to the moon orbit, and the entire moon landing process will take five days."

"Five days, isn't it really going to be long?" Zhang Di said with a smile.

"God Zhai, stop talking, my world view is a bit chaotic now!"

"Ahh! God Zhai, you are such a fool!"


"Young man, read more books if you have nothing to do. Usually, your subconscious sense is right, but it may not be right." Zhang Zhai said with a smile, looking back at the picture of the rocket landing on the moon in the United States.

At this moment, the moon landing rocket of the United States has broken through the earth's atmosphere and began to fly one and a half times around the earth's orbit.

"A1, cut off the live broadcast of the US moon landing rocket launch."

As soon as Zhang Zhai finished speaking, the live broadcast of the US moon landing rocket disappeared from the screen of the live broadcast room, and was replaced by Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai looked at the 20 million viewers in the live broadcast room, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he became serious: "Everyone, at this moment, this live broadcast will be temporarily suspended, but it doesn't matter, I will restart the live broadcast in two days , take everyone to appreciate the style of the Houyi, and let everyone see what a real spaceship is!"

As soon as Zhang Zhai finished speaking, the audience, who were still immersed in the launch of the US moon landing rocket, suddenly came back to their senses.

The news of the sudden wake-up caused the barrage in the entire live broadcast room to explode, and everyone was excited.

"Hold the grass! God Zhai, what are you talking about! The Houyi will be launched in two days? Am I blind?"

"God Zhai, why couldn't you be two days earlier! Just two days! Despair!"

"Ahh! Has the Houyi ship finally been built?"

"What does the Houyi look like! God Zhai, show us!"

"Two days, suffering, God Zhai, why are you doing this to me!"

Zhang Zhai smiled mysteriously: "What does it matter if it is two days late? Don't forget, there are still five days to go, and everything is still not settled. Maybe the first one to land on the moon is Houyi Woolen cloth?"

"The first one to land on the moon? Damn it! Damn it! God Zhai, what do you mean..."

"God Zhai, what you said seems to have an overtone, it's not what I think it is!"

"Di god, Di god!"

The audience in the live broadcast room frantically refreshed the barrage, which seemed very excited. Many people thought of a possibility, but they were not sure, so they frantically swiped the barrage, wanting Zhang Zhai to confirm.

"I don't have any other meaning." Zhang Zhai smiled, "Everything will be known in two days."

"This live broadcast is over, everyone, see you in two days."

Speaking, Zhang Zhai did not answer the questions of tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room to satisfy their crazy curiosity, but directly signaled A1 to turn off the live broadcast room.

I recommend a book by a friend, "Doing Things as King", written by an old author, the writing and plot are good, if you like it, you can read it, it is quite interesting.

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