Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 316 Cloud Gathering in Zhai City: Assembling Hou Yi

Zhang Zhai threw out suspense, but didn't directly point out the answer, leaving tens of millions of curious viewers in the live broadcast room.

"What does the Houyi look like? Is there any insider? Tell me, I can buy it for money!"

"By the way, God Zhai's hint, what exactly is going on?"

"God Zhai, you are so irresponsible, you are heartless!"

Countless questions are flooding everyone's minds, making people feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable! To resolve this kind of discomfort is to make others feel uncomfortable too, so that the mind is balanced and comfortable.

As soon as Zhang Zhai's live broadcast ended, in an instant! Twenty million viewers poured out of the live broadcast room, carrying the questions and suspense left by Zhang Zhai, scattered to every corner of the Internet.

"God Zhai is broadcasting live today, have you watched it?"

"God Zhai made a live broadcast? Has the time of the moon landing been announced? Is it in front of the country of the United States? Damn it, it's already eleven o'clock in the evening, and the launch of the rocket to the moon in the country of the United States has passed! Did the Hou Yi also launch, Hou Yi What does it look like!"

"Di Shen did announce the time, but it's not today, but two days later."

"Isn't that won by the United States?"

"No, no, God Zhai said that although the United States is the first to launch a rocket, it may not be the first to land on the moon. Maybe the first to land on the moon is Hou Yi."

"What do you mean by that?"

"How do I know, Di Shen said, two days later, we will wait and see."

"Damn it! Peat, you cheated on me!"

Tens of millions of viewers spread the news everywhere like a sermon.

And many media also reported it in the first time.

"He watched the launch of the US moon landing rocket, but he said this..."

"Two days from now, wait and see - what will be the result?"


Under the vigorous promotion of the audience and the media in the live broadcast room, the suspense left by Zhang Zhai was like a virus, crazily infecting countless people, making people crazy with curiosity.

"Ahhh, I'm about to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, what exactly does God Zhai mean?"

"I can't even see it, isn't it just the last come first come?"

"Bullshit, how come the last one comes first? Is it possible that the American rocket may fall, or is it that the Houyi can catch up with the American rocket?"

"It's not important at all! Who can guess these things, but what I want is not guessing, it's Zhai Shen who gave the correct answer, ahhh..."

"I'm looking forward to the appearance of the Houyi... Don't you look forward to it?"


"Zhang Zhai", "Houyi's first moon landing", "Win from start to finish", "Houyi", "Anti-gravity spaceship!"

This series of keywords directly occupied Weibo's hot searches, Baidu's hot searches, and Google's hot searches, becoming the most popular words in various social software, and directly occupied the top spot at the speed of airborne.

Zhang Zhai watched the news of the launch of the American rocket to the moon in a live broadcast, and it spread quickly from the country of Hua, and began to spread to the world.

Countless people began to look forward to two days later.

I want to see what Zhang Di said, the style of the spaceship.

I want to see the first anti-gravity spacecraft in human history.

I want to see if Hou Yi can win this moon landing race.

I want to see if Zhang Zhai can lead mankind to step out of the earth?

Countless tourists flock to Zhai City, and countless media flock to Zhai City.

At this moment, Zhaicheng is being watched by the whole world because of the space center.


Zhaicheng Space Center, lounge on the top floor.

Zhang Zhai, who had turned off the live broadcast room, was lying on the window, quietly looking at the picture outside the window.

The evening wind was blowing, and the already messy hair was blown by the wind, and it still had a messy artistic sense.

"It's windy..." Zhang Zhai smiled meaningfully, looking up at the night sky that was originally clear but suddenly changed.


Time passed quickly, and two days were just a snap of the fingers.

In the past two days, many tourists gathered in Zhai City. Although most of them came to Zhai City, many of them did not leave even though Zhai City Space Center could not be approached.

In Zhai City, media reporters are everywhere, gossip tabloids, mainstream media, and official media can be seen everywhere.

But helplessly, even up to now, Zhang Zhai has not invited any media to enter the Zhai City Space Center.

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, manufacturing area on the 12th floor, Zhang Zhai, Gan Xiaohua, Professor Hu, Professor Yang, and Chen Zhenguo are all present.

Except for Zhang Zhai whose face was still relatively indifferent, the other four were very excited.

Five people stood under the completed No. 01 Houyi part. Academician Gan Xiaohua excitedly touched the cold core skeleton of No. 01 part with slightly trembling hands, "After so many years, it is finally time to realize the dream It's time."

Professor Hu also gently stroked the No. 01 component with his hand, his eyes were fascinated, just like the painter saw the painting of the painting saint, and the musician heard the sound of Xianle.

Chen Zhenguo also stared at the huge No. 01 part, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was sigh and emotion in his eyes, "It's finally finished... Fortunately, it's not a disgrace."

Professor Yang trembled all over, "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to participate in such a magnificent project."

Zhang Zhai looked at the four people, and then at the completed 01 parts, "Don't be so excited, everything has just begun, and we will be happy when all of us have landed on the moon, set foot on Mars, and conquered the entire solar system." Not too late."

The smile on Zhang Zhai's face was bright, and he couldn't hold back the smile that came from his heart.

"I'm old, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until then. In this life, it's worth it to be able to participate in the production of Houyi." Gan Xiaohua shook his head feeling deeply.

"Don't worry, Academician Gan, you can definitely wait until then." Zhang Zhai said solemnly with a smile.

"I don't worry, why don't I worry, you evildoer won't let me die, I'm afraid the King of Hades won't be able to take me away." Gan Xiaohua joked with a smile.

After the joke, Zhang Zhai looked at the 01 part again.

Part 01 is half of the lower part of the entire Houyi spacecraft. The bottom surface has a certain range, but tends to be flat. The overall appearance is mainly silvery white, and the other three parts are similar. Part 02 is the lower half of the Houyi spacecraft. , Parts 03 and 04 are the upper part of the spacecraft. The overall width of the top is much larger than that of the bottom. The entire Houyi spacecraft will be close to a dish shape, but not completely.

"Mr. Chen, the other three parts have also been completed."

"It has been completely completed. All the workers and technicians have gone back to rest. The next assembly work needs to be completed by the Terminator." Although Chen Zhenguo's eyes are bloodshot, he is very energetic.

Zhang Zhai nodded, "A1, send a thousand terminators to each floor, break through the non-load-bearing walls on the side of each floor, and then move the components of Houyi to the launch area and start assembly."

Each component of the Houyi occupies at least half of the entire floor, and it would be impossible to move out without breaking through all the non-load-bearing walls on the side.

"Okay, father."

Zhang Zhai looked around, "Academician Gan, let's step back a bit."

The four nodded and followed Zhang Zhai to the elevator.

In a few tens of seconds, thousands of terminators climbed up directly from the outer wall, and terminators poured out from the windows and elevators.

The whole process was extremely fast, in about thirty seconds, in front of Zhang Zhai, in front of the non-load-bearing wall on the right side of the entire twelfth floor, there were two rows of terminators.

"Let's do it."

"Bang-boom-boom! Boom-boom!"

Like the sound of an explosion, like the sound of thunder, suddenly, a burst of sand and dust filled the air.

A minute later, the dust had settled, and a thousand terminators had begun moving 01 components.

As for the entire non-load-bearing wall on the right side of Zhang Zhai... it has disappeared.

The corner of Zhang Di's mouth twitched, "The faster you repair, the faster you dismantle."

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