Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 333 Moon Palace

The surface of the moon is barren and lonely, and the moon without any breath of life looks extremely monotonous. The gray lunar soil and gray rocks seem to be full of death.

The location where Houyi landed is a plain near the north pole of the moon. It is characterized by high sunlight rate and flat ground, which is more suitable for spacecraft landing and is very suitable for building a lunar base.

In front of the Houyi, a matrix of 1,000 Terminator stands tall and majestic.

The appearance of 1,000 Terminator broke the ancient silence of this lunar plain, and brought a little civilization to this barren land.


Following an order from Zhang Zhai in the ground command room, the 1,000 Terminator planes that had been lined up as a matrix suddenly started to move, or rushed into the Houyi spacecraft, began to move materials and equipment, or began to quickly clean up the site.

The movements of the 1000 Terminator were very fast, and they walked like flying on the surface of the moon. They were very weakly affected by the high temperature and microgravity. It seemed that there was not much difference from when they were on the earth.


At the Zhaicheng Aviation Center, Zhang Zhai nodded in satisfaction as he watched the 1,000 Terminator planes move neatly and work in perfect harmony.

"Now, I declare that the Houyi moon landing operation is temporarily over." Zhang Zhai smiled, picked up the communicator, and said loudly.

The entire command room fell silent at first, then...

"Papa... slap..."

Thousands of people clapped their hands with the greatest force, expressing their respect to Zhang Zhai with applause.

Immediately, thunderous applause was deafening, resounding continuously in the entire command room.


"Crack, blah, blah! Call God Zhai!"

"Is the moon landing finally over?"

"It's not easy to get to this point. After watching it for more than 30 hours, I was sweating!"

"Rush out of the earth, God Zhai, come on!"

"God Zhai really went to heaven, excited!"

"Damn it, I was so excited just now that I smashed the computer, what the hell!"


In the command room, the applause lasted for more than a minute, and many people did not stop until their palms were numb.

Zhang Zhai pressed his hand, and the applause finally subsided.

After two minutes, the applause stopped, and there was a silence in the command room.

"Everyone, except those who are on shift, go to rest." Zhang Zhai said to the communicator.

The sound spread to the entire command room through the loudspeaker, but none of the tens of thousands of people present moved. They were all silent and looked at Zhang Zhai silently.

Zhang Zhai felt amused and said, "What? Is it because I am so handsome that you can't look away?"

"Go back and rest, all of you, look at you, you all look like ghosts."

Zhang Di's voice echoed in the command room, but the thousands of people still did not move, but continued to look at Zhang Di with silent eyes, and no one spoke.

The quiet atmosphere was a bit weird, Zhang Zhai shook his head, "What's the matter, do you want to be carried back by the Terminator?"

Finally, someone in the quiet crowd spoke.

The person behind the crowd mustered up his courage and shouted, "God Zhai, can you say something?"

"That's right, God Zhai, what can you say?"

"The Houyi moon landing is over. If you don't say something, you always feel that something is almost there."

There was a lot of noise, someone took the lead, and all the people immediately talked at once.

Looking at these earnest gazes, Zhang Zhai whispered to himself, "Say something..."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Zhai smiled again, "Okay, let's say something."

As soon as Zhang Di's words fell, the audience fell silent.

Zhang Zhai's eyes looked one by one from the left end, all the way to the right end, and then moved back from the far right end, and finally said in a deep voice: "First of all!

Guys, we did it! "

"Beginning 34.8 hours ago, the Houyi was successfully launched, and now, after 34.8 hours, the Houyi successfully landed on the surface of the moon. The entire moon landing process was perfectly completed!

Since a few months ago, we have come together for the same ideal pursuit.

During this period, everyone was sweating and burning with wisdom, working hard day and night, tirelessly and desperately.

Today, a few months later, we have successfully taken the first step, stepping out of the earth and stepping on the moon.

But... this is only the first step.

What is our ideal?

It is to completely open the door to the era of great exploration of the universe, and it is to completely imprint the footprints of human beings on the entire starry sky!

Look up at the sky, we are still far behind.

So guys, keep up the good work! For... the stars and the sea! " Zhang Zhai said at the end, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"For... the stars and the sea!"

Unanimously, everyone in the command room shouted with all their might.

Even the media reporters staying in the command room were emotionally infected and shouted out loudly.

Although the words were in the second grade, no one could feel them at this time, only the blood was boiling.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the live broadcast room, and the bullet screens in the live broadcast room were also chattering at this time.

"My blood boils after hearing this, ah, my face is flushed, and I feel like I'm on top! For the stars and the sea!"

"For the stars and the sea! Break out of the earth and conquer the universe!"

"The journey is far from over, ahhh!"


Zhang Zhai smiled, and then picked up the communicator, "Now, let me go and rest."

In the command room, even though they were reluctant to part with each other, the group of people were still taken to rest by Zhang Zhai.

After a burst of noise, the command room regained its calm.

Zhang Zhai sat on the seat and pulled his clothes on the back, which was already soaked.

"Academician Gan, go and rest too." Zhang Zhai let out a long breath.

Academician Gan Xiaohua nodded and said, "Okay, my old man's spirit is indeed not as good as that of a young man like you, so I should take a good rest."

"However, Mr. Zhang, now that the moon landing plan has been settled, there will be no further changes. You should go and rest too."

Zhang Zhai shook his head, then pointed to the holographic screen next to him and said: "I have rested for five hours, and I am not too sleepy now, and the construction of the Moon Palace will end in about three hours, and I will go to rest in three hours. "


In the command room, Zhang Zhai leaned on the seat and turned his attention to the live broadcast room and the screen of the live broadcast room.

On the screen of the live broadcast room, the internal image of Houyi has been cancelled, only the image captured by the external camera equipment of Houyi and the small window of Zhang Zhai remain.

The external camera equipment is now facing the front of Houyi.

On the front side of the Houyi, 1,000 Terminator planes are building the lunar base - Moon Palace at extreme speed.

The lunar palace is fan-shaped as a whole, which seems to be a fraction of a hemisphere.

The Moon Palace covers a very large area, but it still cannot withstand the efficiency brought by the extreme speed and tacit understanding of 1,000 Terminator planes.

The 1,000 Terminator T1000s are like a whole, they fit together perfectly, infinitely increasing the efficiency.

The lunar palace takes shape rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that the estimated three hours is still negative."

Zhang Di smiled and shook his head, then looked at the number of people online in the live broadcast room.

Even after the moon landing, the number of people online in the live broadcast did not drop much, and remained at around 100 million people.

"Fuck, why is this Terminator moving so violently?"

"Why didn't the Terminator float up? According to logic, shouldn't it just fly up when it makes such a big move on the moon?"

"Why is the moon sky so dark, the moon is at night now? Why can't I see stars at night?"


"That's your illusion. The Terminator T1000 is specially made for landing on the moon. On the moon, his movement power will always be controlled within a certain range to ensure that he will not leave the surface of the moon and affect his efficiency." Zhang Zhai smiled, simply Explained.

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