Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 334: The Backside of the Moon?

"Secondly, the current position of Houyi is the daytime of the moon, and this daytime will last more than a dozen Earth days." Zhang Zhai glanced at the barrage and explained a few words casually with a smile.

"However, since the moon has no atmosphere, the stars can be seen even during the day, and they can be seen more clearly than on the earth."

"The reason why it's pitch black and you can't see the stars is because of a problem with the camera."

In the live broadcast room, the audience was extremely excited.

In a live broadcast room with 100 million people, there must be experts, but most of them are ordinary people.

"There are more than a dozen Earth days in the daytime."

"Fuck, does the moon grow so long in a day?"

"Why did the earth stay still on that day? Shouldn't it take off and land like watching the moon from the earth?"


Zhang Zhai looked at the barrage and didn't hesitate to explain.

"One revolution of the earth is a day and night, and one revolution of the moon is a day and night of the moon.

It takes about four weeks for the moon to rotate on its own axis, which translates to 27.32 Earth days, which is one month in the lunar calendar.

Therefore, a daytime on the moon is about a dozen Earth days."

Zhang Zhai leaned on the seat, half-closed his eyes, and talked about this kind of basic common sense at his fingertips.

"The reason why the earth in the sky has not moved.

The reason is that the moon's rotation period is equal to the revolution period around the earth.

It is equivalent to the time it takes for the moon to rotate one circle and the time it takes to revolve.

This means that the side of the moon facing the earth will never change, so if you don’t change the position, the earth will always hang in that position.

This is why one side of the moon always faces the earth and the other side always faces away from the earth. That is the origin of "the back of the moon". "

When Zhang Zhai mentioned the key word on the back of the moon, the audience in the live broadcast room became even more excited.

"666, I have learned a lot, and I feel that it is quite different from the impression in my mind."

"Didn't you all learn it in junior high school? ... But, I forgot too!"

"Fuck, that's how it is... By the way, what does it mean?"

"The back of the moon, didn't Hawking say that there are aliens on the back of the moon? What do you think, God Zhai?"


Zhang Di looked at the barrage captured by A1 and smiled helplessly.

"Are you sure Hawking said this? Are there any aliens, didn't you see them just now?"

"After Houyi arrived at the moon, it orbited the moon and circled the moon for a full circle. You also saw the picture on the back of the moon. Are there aliens?"

"God Zhai, to be honest, I didn't see clearly!"

"It feels like it shouldn't be."

"...God Zhai, are you sure you don't have it? Hey, why do you feel a little inexplicably disappointed."


Zhang Zhai looked at these bullet screens, smiled, then sat up straight, and explained in detail: "Just now when the Houyi orbited the moon, it passed the back of the moon, and no alien creatures or aliens were found on the back of the moon. Like the front side of the moon, there is no sign of life."

"If you don't believe me, there's something to back it up.

You can go to see the detailed report on the Apollo 11 moon landing.

The report clearly pointed out that at 18:11 U.S. time on July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 flew past the back of the moon.

And during the subsequent landing of Armstrong on the surface of the moon, the Apollo 11 command module has been orbiting the moon and passed the back of the moon many times. If there were aliens, they would have been discovered long ago. "


"Damn it, God Zhai, you know a lot, and your memory ability is beyond heaven."

"God Zhai, kneel down!"

"God Zhai, there are many people who say that the previous Apollo program in America was fake, and they didn't land on the moon at all."

"Aren't the Apollo moon landings fake?"


Zhang Di looked at the barrage, smiled, and explained: "The six moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States are still debated, and many people think it is fake and forged."

"But I think it's true, or at least one of the six moon landings is true..."

Zhang Zhai chatted casually with the audience in the live broadcast room, observing the progress of the Moon Base and the Moon Palace from time to time.

Time passed, and with the super-high efficiency of 1,000 Terminator robots, the Moon Palace was being completed quickly.

Starting from the overall frame, the speed of 1000 Terminator builds seems to be faster!

Gradually, on this originally flat land, a moon base slowly appeared.

The moon base is very large, and it doesn't look obtrusive standing in this plain.

An hour later, the overall framework was completed, and the terminators began to fill the moon base along the framework.

All the design plans of the moon base were instilled into their system long before they set off, and now all the Terminator only need to complete what each of them needs to complete, and the moon base can be completely completed.

Two hours later, the outline of the moon base had begun to emerge. From the outside, it had basically taken shape. Most of the terminators began to enter the interior of the moon base and began to complete some of the sealed laboratories.

As time went by, Zhang Zhai casually chatted with the audience about some topics in the live broadcast room, popularizing aerospace knowledge, and the terminators continued to build the moon base.

Finally, when the time was close to three hours, the terminators who had entered the interior of the moon base and were busy, suddenly all came out, entered the Houyi, and began to move and install the last thing-nanowire solar panels.

All the terminators, like ants climbing a tree, swarmed and jumped to the top of the moon palace. Starting from the top of the moon palace, the final solar panels were laid, which was also the source of energy for the moon base for a long time.

The 1,000 Terminator planes were laid out at a very fast speed. To the naked eye, the speed seemed to be blooming ink plums on the paper, infecting the paper in an instant.

In less than a minute, all the terminators regrouped, formed a matrix and gathered in front of the moon base, motionless,

Zhang Zhai, who was chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, suddenly stopped talking, the smile on his face gradually faded, he picked up the communicator, and said seriously: "01, go to activate the moon base."

After 1.5 seconds, Zhang Zhai's order was transmitted to the moon, and Terminator No. 01 in the first row and first column of the Terminator immediately stepped out and rushed towards the moon base behind him.

The moon base is huge, and the Terminator robot seems very small compared to it. It seems a miracle that such a small Terminator can build such a huge moon base in such a short period of time.

The No. 01 Terminator moved a lot, and rushed into the moon base very quickly.

And the picture on the holographic screen also directly switched to the first perspective of Terminator No. 01.

When the No. 01 Terminator entered the moon base, in the live broadcast room, the audience who saw the interior of the moon base were shocked.

"Fuck, is it so exaggerated? How can it be so big?"

"Is this a moon base? It looks like an alien base."


"The lunar base includes an automated factory and multiple large laboratories, such as a geological research laboratory, a biological moon laboratory, an alien universe observation laboratory, and a biosphere construction laboratory..." Zhang Zhai explained briefly with a smile.

While Zhang Zhai was speaking, Terminator No. 01 had arrived at the main control room of the lunar base, where the power switch was controlled.

This is a slightly crude red button. When the Terminator came to it, he pressed it in an instant!

"Crack!" It seemed to hear a voice.

In an instant, the entire moon base was brightly lit!

In this entire lunar plain, the Moon Palace is like a shining pearl.

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