Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 345 At this moment, a Terminator just passed by!


Looking at the slowly rotating moon on the holographic screen, Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice, "I think it's very feasible."

Gan Xiaohua was still immersed in Zhang Zhai's bold vision, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Basic steps, you only need to build a transfer station on the ground, and then use multiple anti-gravity as the power source to deliver the transfer station to the predetermined location and start to revolve around the earth. The transfer station plan is basically successful." Zhang Zhai took it easy. narrating.

"Mr. Zhang... your idea is really unconstrained and realistic." Academician Gan Xiaohua shook his head with emotion,

"If this method is followed, the transfer station plan is indeed highly feasible, but the most critical transmission device of the transmission plan..."

"I will complete the design and production of the transmission device as soon as possible." Zhang Zhai said with a smile,

"And experiments will be carried out in advance. If the transmission device is not feasible or reliable, I will stop the transfer station plan in time."

"However... I think the possibility of failure is extremely low!"

"If that's the case, I'm completely relieved." Gan Xiaohua laughed. "As long as you have confidence, Mr. Zhang, I, an old man, will also have confidence.

I am waiting for the day when the distance between the earth and the moon will be zero. "

"By that time, the time for the second and third steps of the moon landing plan will definitely be greatly shortened! Maybe, I, who is half buried in the earth, can still go for a stroll around the moon."

Zhang Zhai smiled when he heard the sound, "If the Earth-Moon transmission plan is completed, we can even take the fourth step to completely transform the moon and make the moon another livable planet. Don't just go for a stroll, you want to live for a long time. It's all right."

"I just don't know if I can live until then!" Academician Gan Xiaohua said with a smile, his eyes showing excitement.


As time passed, Zhang Zhai and Gan Xiaohua had a brief discussion on the issue of the space transfer station.

"From now on, I hope to transfer some researchers from the Zhaicheng Space Center to enrich the detailed plan of the space transfer station and ensure that there will be no problems." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice.

When Gan Xiaohua heard this, Zheng nodded and said seriously: "Mr. Zhang, I will take charge of this matter personally and make sure to give a detailed plan in time."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, Academician Gan." Zhang Zhai nodded, and after a few more detailed conversations with Gan Xiaohua, he left the command room.

In the command room, Academician Gan Xiaohua looked at the back of Zhang Zhai and shook his head with emotion: "This is really the best of times, but also the worst of times. The material transmission device is a subversive technology, and it is not You know how Zhang Zhai's brain is so easy to use!"

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, conference room on the 10th floor.

"Transmission plan, the supplementary part of transmission technology: the space transfer station plan?"

"This is too divorced from reality. What's the point of discussing this kind of thing?"

"Damn it, the instant transmission of matter, is this really technology, not metaphysics?"


In the meeting room, there was a lot of noise. Dozens of experts lined up on both sides of the meeting table, staring at the holographic screen in front of them, discussing a lot.

"Academician Gan, did you call us here to discuss this kind of topic?" Professor Yang stood up and asked.

"That's right." Academician Gan nodded.

"Is this kind of transmission device a product of this era? What's the point of discussing this kind of plan!" Professor Yang said a little angrily.

"The transmission device, the full name is the short-distance space transmission device, has been successfully developed by Mr. Zhang Zhai, and is now in the process of manufacturing." Academician Gan said.

"Mr. Zhang..." Professor Yang opened his mouth, and then sat back decisively.

"Well, I didn't say it... Zhai God is a monster in the first place. Even if the transmission device is out of date, it is definitely not beyond the scope of Di Shen's ability." Professor Yang whispered to himself.

Discussions in the meeting room also stopped instantly, and dozens of experts began to discuss seriously.

"Although the transfer station plan is unconstrained, judging from the situation provided by Zhai Shen, the transfer station plan is the only way to solve the problem."

"The space transfer station plan and the earth-moon transmission plan are really grand plans, but according to the current conditions, the feasibility is still very high."

"I basically have no objection to the general steps of the transfer station plan, but I think there are still some details that need to be paid attention to..."


In the command room, there was a lot of discussion, but in the lounge on the top floor of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, it was extremely quiet.

Dabai pinched Zhang Zhai's shoulders and rubbed his back, while Zhang Zhai leaned over the desk, holding a piece of paper and a pen, drawing an extremely complicated blueprint.

At the top of the manuscript paper, Zhang Zhai wrote, "Short-distance space transmission technology design drawings"

At this moment, the manuscript paper is covered with all kinds of handwriting.


A piece of manuscript paper was used up, and there was almost no time to stop, so Zhang Zhai quickly pulled out another piece of paper and continued the previous action.


Zhang Zhai glanced at the drawing on the second page, then tore it up, threw it into the trash can, and then continued to repeat the design work.

Time passed slowly, the night was getting closer to the night, and the moon in the night sky became clearer and brighter.

Huaguo Space Administration, a large conference room, hundreds of experts gathered together.

The chief engineer of the space agency stood at the forefront, facing a group of experts with a serious and solemn expression.

"According to the scheduled time, our Chang'e-6 will be officially launched at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, headed for the moon, and will enter the landing procedure after sailing for about 40 hours, and land on the moon."

"I hope that all of you can be serious and serious, rigorous and rigorous.

So, today, let all experts gather together, and let us watch again in the form of 3D holographic projection images, the process of Zhaicheng Houyi's take-off and landing on the moon, so that everyone can feel this atmosphere and accumulate some experience. experience.

After all, Houyi and Chang'e 6 are also anti-gravity spacecraft, and as a pioneer and pioneer, Houyi's experience can be followed..."

When the chief engineer waved his hand, a 3D holographic image covering the entire conference room appeared, making everyone present feel as if they were in the scene when Houyi was launched.

In the conference room, two old experts leaned together, communicating in a low voice.

"Looking at this scene, I am really heartbroken."

"That's right, the Houyi is like a mountain, a colossal monster, and it's only when I look at him that I feel how small I am."

"With the advancement of technology and the development of science, in the past, how could it be possible to see this kind of spacecraft, and even landed on the moon."

"I have to feel Zhang Zhai's courage and wisdom."

"Yeah, I admire him. I hope he can always take the lead. Otherwise, aerospace technology will not develop so fast."


In the night sky, the surface of the moon is more than 300,000 kilometers away from the earth.

The edge of the corner of the lunar plain where the Moon Palace base is located.

Three American astronauts in heavy spacesuits are manipulating some machines and building a moon base belonging to the United States.

The moon base in the United States is close to a capsule in overall shape and consists of multiple columnar cabins, similar to the shape of a space station. The interior area is nearly 50 square meters, which is considered an ideal moon base.

Most of its cabins are assembled on the earth, but due to various reasons, the efficiency is seriously affected, and some parts of the US moon base have not been completed.

Williams slowly and carefully touched the surface of the moon base, walked slowly on the surface of the moon, and cast his gaze at the light source in the distance from time to time.

"Hey, compared with the Zhaicheng Moon Palace base, our moon base is like an indigenous tent." Williams complained to the radio communicator.

"Williams, be careful! Don't be distracted!" Smith scolded.

Before Williams was startled, he subconsciously grabbed the protruding part outside the moon base.

Just at this time, a Terminator T1000 swaggered past the three of them.

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