Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 346: Chang'e launches

lunar surface.

Williams, Smith, and Jones stared blankly at the Terminator swaggering past them.

The Terminator's footsteps are silent, but the footprints are clearly visible.

When the Terminator turned over a crater and disappeared from their sight, they were still able to clearly understand the facts through their footprints.

"Bang... bang!"

Williams, the somewhat irritable but extremely strong astronaut, couldn't help but patted himself on the chest in the bulky space suit

"Too bullying..."

"Calm down, Williams! Calm down!"


A little farther away from here, the Moon Palace base in the center of this plain is still brightly lit, as bright as a pearl on the surface of the moon.

Inside the Moon Palace Base, all laboratories and parts are still operating in an orderly manner.

The Terminator in the laboratory was still busy. They stood in front of the experimental equipment, completing the tasks that the ground personnel asked the Terminator to continue to complete before they rested.

In the warehouse of the Moon Palace base, the terminators who ran out of power stood in the warehouse, in a standby state, and replenished their power through wireless charging piles.

On the top of the Moon Palace base, the nanowire solar cells covered on the surface are constantly absorbing solar energy and converting it into electrical energy.

Outside the Moon Palace base, terminators emerge from the Moon Palace base from time to time, heading in different directions to conduct geological surveys and explore the lunar environment.

The Moon Palace Base was facing not far away, and the Houyi was still parked quietly. At this time, the Houyi was already in a state of silence, but his huge body still could not be ignored.

The Moon Palace Base is constantly performing its duties, making preparations in advance for the second step of the moon landing plan, the expansion of the Moon Palace Base.

Zhaicheng Space Center, lounge on the top floor.

Even though it was approaching late at night, Zhang Zhai was still immersed in the design of the transmission device.


Sweat dripped on the manuscript paper, and in this quiet night, the sound of touching was very clear.

Zhang Di looked at the drop of sweat, smiled, paused writing, took out a piece of paper at random, wiped it on his forehead, and the pen started to move again.

"It's not easy to translate theory into practice."



The sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper, the sound of the manuscript paper being crumpled, and the sound of the manuscript paper being torn apart, sounded in the lounge from time to time, until late at night, until the early morning...


Time was passing by, and Zhang Zhai, who was in a drowsy sleep, was awakened by A1's calling.

"Father, Chief Xie requests access to the holographic phone, whether to access it."

Zhang Di shook his head and sat up from the bed.

"Come in."

When Zhang Zhai's voice fell, Chief Xie's holographic projection slowly appeared.

"Xiao Zhai, Chang'e-6 is about to take off today, are you interested in coming over to have a look?" Chief Xie said straight to the point,

"After all, Chang'e 6 has a deep connection with you."

"Chang'e 6..." Zhang Di thought for a while after hearing the sound, then nodded. "Okay, I'll be there later."

Zhang Zhai glanced at the time, it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning.

After finishing the call, Zhang Zhai simply tidied up his clothes, then took an anti-gravity vehicle to the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

The launch center is located in Shudu Province of China, and it is not the most powerful satellite launch center in China.

However, the Chang'e 3 lunar exploration satellite was launched here, and the launch of the Chang'e 6 lunar landing spacecraft here now complements each other.

It took less than ten minutes to travel by anti-gravity vehicle from Zhaicheng Space Center and arrived at Xichang Satellite Launch Center.


When Zhang Zhai stepped out of the car door, he found that Chief Xie was already waiting for him.

"Mr. Xie, I'm a little flattered that you greeted me personally."

"Why are you flattered? With your current status, what standard of greeting can't bear it?" Chief Xie said angrily, then dragged Zhang Zhai away,

"Or, do you think that I, an old man, are not qualified to stand here alone, and I have to set up a guard of honor for you, lay out the red carpet, and play music?"

"If that's the case, it would be great." Zhang Di said with a smile.

Chief Xie gave Zhang Zhai an angry look, and then dragged Zhang Zhai into the comprehensive command room on the ground of Chang'e 6.

"Chief! Clap!"

After the guards saluted, Zhang Zhai and Chief Xie walked into the ground command room.

Because Chief Xie appeared, many people looked sideways or turned their heads to focus on this direction.

When Zhang Zhai's face appeared in the sight of everyone in the general command room, suddenly there was some commotion in the whole general command room.

"God Di! Live God! He has come to our satellite launch center!"

"It's Zhang Di. Is he coming to our comprehensive command room to be in charge of the launch of Chang'e 6?"

"With God Zhai here, this launch must be stable."


Zhang Zhai has a deep relationship with Chang'e-6. If it weren't for his anti-gravity box, Chang'e-6 would not exist at all.

All the people in this comprehensive command room are very familiar with Zhang Zhai, and most of them have a strong feeling of admiration for Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai heard the noise in the command room suddenly increase several times. Seeing people looking sideways from time to time, they glanced at Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Di shook his head:

"Thank you, chief, give me a microphone or a speaker."

"You boy, you are almost as popular as a superstar." Looking at the commotion in the command room, Gan Xiaohua scolded with a smile, but still held a microphone for Zhang Zhai as promised.

"Everyone, I'm Zhang Zhai." Zhang Zhai held the microphone, and as soon as he spoke, his voice came out from the radio in the command room.

Immediately, the movement in the command room became more obvious.

"I'm just here to watch Chang'e 6 lift off smoothly, if I'm here to have a bad influence on you, I will leave immediately.

I hope that the take-off and landing of Chang'e-6 will be completed smoothly. "

Zhang Zhai said a few words, and the scene returned to silence. All the experts and scholars present were more serious than before.


Zhang Zhai and Chief Xie pulled out a stool at random, and sat by the window in the command room. Not far from the window, in the launch site, Chang'e 6, which had already been assembled, was parked at this moment.

The volume of Chang'e 6 is only one-sixth of the size of Houyi. It is also dish-shaped, but the edge is not round but angular and octagonal. It carries 180 Chiyou war robots and moon base zero part.

"On the control system of Chang'e 6, we used the prophet's subroutine to assist in the operation..." Chief Xie said, pointing to Chang'e 6 outside.

"As long as there is no problem with the control program, the fault tolerance of the anti-gravity spacecraft is still very high." Zhang Zhai said with a smile.


Zhang Zhai chatted with Chief Xie, chatting about Zhai City and Chang'e-6 from time to time, until...

Chief Xie became serious again, lowered his voice, and said closer, "Xiao Zhai, after a long and solemn discussion, the higher-ups have decided to adopt your previous suggestion."

"About intelligent robots replacing complicated labor?" Zhang Di also lowered his voice.

"Yes, this matter has basically reached a conclusion, and it has entered the stage of considering details." Chief Xie said.

A faint smile appeared on Zhang Zhai's face, and he nodded.

"However, Xiao Zhai, don't be too happy too early. It is difficult to fully and thoroughly implement such a hugely influential matter without ten years."

"I know, but as long as there is a trend." Zhang Zhai smiled.

Chief Xie was about to say something more, when suddenly, a voice choked back his words.

And Zhang Di also turned his head and became serious.

"The one-minute countdown to launch is ready!"

"30 seconds countdown!"

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