Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 350 Desert Basin - Transmission Device

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is located in the southeast corner of Zhaicheng, in the hinterland of the Gobi Desert, and there is only one road on the ground connecting Zhaicheng City.

Outside the area of ​​Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is the ground that has been cleared out and paved with liquid sand. Beyond this area is a vast desert. In the real hinterland of the desert, it is difficult to see even a single weed.

Five kilometers southeast of Zhaicheng Space Center, near the red dot.


Zhang Zhai got off the anti-gravity car and walked on the sandy ground with one foot deep and the other shallow.

The ground has no slope and is relatively flat, but it is still full of yellow sand. One foot sinks in, and then pulls out, bringing up a burst of yellow sand.


Zhang Zhai stopped and scanned the vast desert.

Dust and sand are the main theme here. The scorching sun above the head illuminates the sand under the feet, and the continuously heating yellow sand scorches the soles of Zhang Zhai's shoes.

Looking around Zhang Zhai, the surrounding desert has ups and downs, but this area is like a sunken basin. Although the ground is also covered by thick sand and dust, it is very flat.

Zhang Zhai nodded, moved his eyes to the holographic screen, and said in a deep voice:

"A1, the place where I am standing now, confirm the position of the red dot again, and at the same time correct the error of the previously specified position."

"Okay, father, the error in the previous command has been corrected, and the position of the red dot has been confirmed." A1 directly displayed the answer on the holographic screen.

Zhang Zhai withdrew his gaze and continued to look at this natural experimental field.

Zhang Zhai looked around, "A1, confirm that the position 300 meters ahead of me is the green dot, and order the 500 Terminators to place the receiving end at the green dot position, and move the cables there."

"Okay, father, your order has been conveyed."

Zhang Zhai nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room was raging.

"Damn it! From Zhai City Space Center to the desert, I feel like I have traveled through time."

"If I hadn't seen this scene, I would have forgotten that Zhai City is on the edge of the desert."

"Long desert style, seeing this scene, I just want to chant a poem: ah~"

"I'm more concerned about what God Zhai is doing in this desert?"

"Aren't you going to do an experiment? What are you doing in the desert?"


Zhang Zhai glanced at the barrage and said with a smile: "Of course the experiment will be done, but it's not in the laboratory, but here, where I'm standing now. As for the reason..."

Zhang Zhai paused and did not continue for a long time.

The audience was in a hurry, and the bullet screen was rattling.

"Damn it, God Zhai, you are talking about the key points, why are you are talking!"

"Don't be a fool! Ah hello!"


Zhang Zhai glanced at the violent barrage, then turned his gaze to the surrounding desert, and said calmly, "The reason is that there are no buildings, very few animals and plants, and most importantly... few people."

"In this way, if something goes wrong with the experiment, it will be safer..."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhai turned his head and glanced quietly at the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, God Zhai, what do you mean by that!"

"Shen Zhai's words, coupled with his tone, especially the last glance, I always have a bit of an ominous premonition."

"Safety... Zhai God, these reasons of yours make me feel very unsafe, I'm getting goosebumps!"

"My hairs are standing on end, God Zhai, do a little experiment, why do you want to find this kind of place where the birds don't shit!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were frightened by Zhang Zhai's words, and they couldn't help thinking about it, and even kept opening their minds.

"God Zhai, do you want nuclear weapons?"

"Atomic bomb, God Zhai, you definitely want to build an atomic bomb, right! The atomic bomb was built on the Gobi Desert in the first place!"


Zhang Zhai looked at these brain-opening bullet screens, laughed dumbfounded, and shook his head: "Everyone, how can you be so exaggerated, it's just that there is a certain probability that there will be problems in this experiment, and even if there are problems, there is a limit to the damage that can be caused. Not too big."

After Zhang Zhai finished speaking, he looked away from the live broadcast room and looked forward.

"Dacha... Dacha..."

Zhang Zhai walked towards the green dot with one deep foot and one shallow foot, and the spider and the wild wolf followed behind Zhang Di firmly.


It took eight minutes, walked 300 meters, and arrived at the green point.

Zhang Zhai stood at the green dot and looked forward. This place is already close to the edge of this desert basin, and about 100 meters away is the common desert dune.

Zhang Zhai turned his head and looked at the red dot. At this time, some terminators had already appeared at the red dot.

"Da... da... thorn..."

Dozens of Terminator robots rushed forward with vigorous steps, stepping on the dusty ground, splashing yellow sand all over the sky. Billowing yellow smoke engulfed dozens of Terminator planes. From Zhang Zhai's position, it was still a bit hazy.

A dozen or so of them galloped towards the green dot.

The moment the Terminator arrived at Zhang Zhai's position!

"Father, the Terminator feedback, the task of erecting the cable is complete." A1 displayed the words on the holographic screen.

"Let them go back." Zhang Zhai nodded and said.

Zhang Zhai gave an order, and the terminators wrapped in yellow smoke and dust quickly rushed towards the position of Zhaicheng Space Center, wrapped in billowing yellow sand, and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

"Da...da..." Zhang Zhai stepped on the ground, nodded, and then walked back towards the red dot.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the hot sand and dust were below. Even though the round trip was less than 600 meters, Zhang Zhai and the three were sweating profusely under the double heat.

When Zhang Zhai reappeared next to the red dot, other terminators began to appear gradually.

The first batch of terminators, either driving a special truck or rushing on foot, rolled up the yellow sand in the sky, majestic and covering the sky.

About 300 of the first batch of Terminator, carrying most of the required materials, appeared at the designated location.

Zhang Zhai watched the hundreds of Terminator planes appear in front of him, waved his hand, and said forcefully, "Terminator, start to move!"

Following Zhang Zhai's order, hundreds of terminators were divided into two, starting to move at the green dot and the red dot respectively.

Hundreds of terminators quickly started to move. Zhang Zhai took the spider and the wild wolf away from the red dot for a while, and retreated about 30 meters away.

"Boom... da da... bang! Stab~"

Various sounds came from the red and green positions, and the outline of something began to appear at the two positions.

Zhang Zhai stood fifty meters away from the red dot, quietly watching the red dot, which was rapidly taking shape.

As time passed, the devices at the positions of the red and green dots seemed to have begun to appear.

Zhang Di withdrew his gaze and glanced at the live broadcast room. The live broadcast room was very lively at the moment.

As time passed, 30 million viewers had poured into the live broadcast room, and countless people were scrolling through the barrage, creating an extremely lively atmosphere.

"God Zhai said that this is a small experiment, I don't believe it, whoever believes is a fool!"

"With so many Terminators, is there going to be some big move?"

"Fuck, what are all the things made by so many Terminator?"

"Zin Zan Zan... It looks like a metal pillar lying on the ground, but there seems to be a lot of things inside."


Looking at the barrage, Zhang Zhai shook his head and said, "The metal pillar lying on the ground is only a part of the experimental equipment."


As time passed, the subsequent Terminator with other materials gradually arrived. When 500 Terminator arrived, the red dot and green dot device really began to take shape.

"Fuck, is this a door?"

"No, this is actually a door frame, right? A huge door frame."

"Hey, there seems to be something behind the door frame..."

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