Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 351: During the Experiment

In the hinterland of the desert five kilometers away from the Zhaicheng Space Center, five hundred Terminator planes are busy at the red dot and the green dot at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye.

The yellow sand and dust within ten meters around the red dot have been emptied, replaced by a solid ground made of liquid sand.

On the black ground made of liquid sand, hundreds of terminators completed the devices they needed to build with extremely high speed and super high efficiency brought about by perfect coordination.

On the pure black ground, the huge device has begun to outline.

Countless precision parts are put together quickly, complex structures, complicated circuits, tens of thousands of small components make people dazzled.

The complex parts gradually came together neatly, and pieced together into a shape similar to an arch with a base.

Under the shape of the arch is a base with a radius of 5 meters. The height of the base is more than one meter. Its huge space is filled with various parts, large or small, and the complexity is hopeless.

Time passed.

Half an hour, an hour, two hours...

When the scorching sun gradually deviates from the right and empty position, finally, this huge and complicated device is about to be completed!

"Bang! Bang!"

Many terminators jumped off the erected arched structure, temporarily breaking away from this huge and complicated device.

At this moment, the complex internal structure of this device is still directly exposed to the air.

The next moment! The terminators who had just fallen, carrying black metal plates, were doing the final finishing touches - installing the shell.

Ten minutes later!

All exposed wires are encased in a black metal shell, and this massive installation is completely finished.

Seen from a distance, this device looks like two vertical columns supporting a horizontal column, forming a rectangular arch, standing in this desert basin.

The black metal plates on the surface of the horizontal and vertical columns make the whole device shine with metallic luster in the sunlight.

The rectangular arch is about 8 meters high, and the base is more than 1 meter high. Its overall height is more than three floors, and its vertical columns are also very thick, requiring two people to surround it.

It's a behemoth-like gigantic device, dwarfed by most electronic instruments in its sheer size.

The moment the metal arch at the red dot was completed, the arch at the green dot was also completed at the same time, and its appearance was basically the same as the metal arch at the red dot.

"Da da da……"

The sound of orderly footsteps sounded, and five hundred Terminators who had completed their tasks quickly separated from the two devices and gathered in front of Zhang Zhai.

"The 20 Terminator planes in the front row will stay, and all the other Terminator planes will return to the Zhai City Space Center." Zhang Zhai looked at the Terminator that formed the matrix and said loudly.

As soon as Zhang Di's voice fell, in an instant, except for the 20 Terminator in the first row, 480 Terminator started to move at the same time. They moved towards the direction of Zhai City, taking the entire phalanx as a unit, sweeping the rolling yellow sand and rushing. and go.


When the dust flying all over the sky settled down, Zhang Di stepped towards the red dot at a distance of 50 meters.

"Dacha... Dacha..."

One foot deep and one foot shallow, it took a minute to really get close to the huge arched device standing at the red dot.

Zhang Zhai stretched out his hand and touched the base of the arch at waist level.

It was icy cold, and the scorching sun overhead had not had time to heat the metal shell.

Zhang Zhai raised his head and looked up at the huge metal arch installation.

The metal arch is very huge, standing in front of it, Zhang Zhai looks very small.

Zhang Zhai smiled, and whispered to himself: "Transmission device, I hope it can be successful."

The metal arches with red dots and green dots work together to form a complete short-distance space transmission device.

The red dot is the transmitting end, and the green dot is the receiving end.

Zhang Zhai looked at the transmission device, then glanced at the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was a little crazy at this time.

"This looks like an arch with a base, but the complex structure inside tells me that the truth is not that simple. God Zhai, tell me quickly, what is it!"

"Fuck, the metal arch and the complicated circuit structure inside it I saw just now made my scalp tingle!"

"Damn it, God Zhai, you said that the small experiment was done with such a huge instrument?"

"It feels like such a huge device must be expensive to build. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford it in my life!"

"Damn it, God Zhai, this isn't your new black technology, is it? Judging by its size, it seems to be on the same level as an anti-gravity spaceship."

"According to the internal connection between appearance and consciousness and the principle of appearance transfer mentioned in psychology, the function of Di Shen's arch-shaped device must be related to the door... Well, I'm kidding."

Seeing this gigantic device with mysterious functions, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately became overwhelmed.

The barrage was refreshed crazily, and everyone was venting their inner excitement and doubts.

Zhang Zhai looked at the overwhelming barrage and the barrage randomly selected by A1, smiled, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Whether this is a new technology and what its function is, you can guess freely. As for The mystery of the answer... Pay attention to the experiment later, and there will naturally be an answer."

After Zhang Zhai finished speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room became more intense.

"God Zhai, I won't take you to be so tricky!"

"God Zhai, I hate you..."


Zhang Zhai glanced at the barrage, but did not pay attention to the live broadcast room for the time being.

Zhang Zhai touched the base of the transmission device, looked at the entire huge transmission device, then turned his head, and quickly walked to the position where he was standing before—50 meters away from the red dot.

The 20 Terminator still stood in place, motionless.

"Terminator! 10 are on standby at the red dot, and the other 10 are on standby at the green dot!" Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice.

"Da da da……"

In an instant, the 20 Terminator planes split into two, heading towards the red dot and the green dot!

When the 20 Terminator arrived at the red dot and the green dot respectively, Zhang Zhai's eyes were firmly locked on the transmission device of the red dot.

"A1, order the Terminator, connect the power supplies of the red dot and green dot transmission terminals respectively!"

"Okay, father."

In an instant, the Terminator at the two o'clock positions stepped out of one at the same time, and walked to the back of the base of the metal arch, where the power switch was located.


A dull sound sounded, and the power switch was activated.

The transmission device has not changed in any way, and the black metal arch is still standing.

"Everyone, pay attention, the experiment is about to start." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice, his eyes firmly locked on the transmission device, on the huge metal arch.

"A1! Command Terminator, activate the transmission device!"

"Okay, Father!"

In the next moment, at two points of red and green, two Terminator planes came out respectively, and walked to the front of the two metal arches. There was a button on the base of the front.

"Da... da... bang!"

The two Terminator quickly arrived at the designated position, and in an instant, they suddenly pressed the start switch, and with the sound of a button, the transmission device began to start.

Zhang Zhai didn't blink his eyes, and with a sour feeling, he stared at the transmission device, paying attention to any changes in it at any time!

"Buzz... buzz..."

A burst of sharp roars swept over like waves.

Ultra-high-frequency sounds close to the limit of the human ear continuously poured into Zhang Zhai's ears, tearing his fragile eardrums.

Zhang Zhai gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his ears, his eyes were still fixed on the transmission device, the position in the middle of the metal arch.


The sound of electric currents sounded, and at the same time, a faint blue light kept flashing in the middle of the metal arch, which was originally empty.

The blue light is azure, flickering non-stop, like a faint blue light curtain, which keeps unfolding and disappearing. With the non-stop flickering, the range of its expansion continues to expand, but it is still difficult to cover the entire metal arch.

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