Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 491 When the plan is perfected

"Next, the focus of Zhaicheng Aerospace will shift to the new plan, and all departments will come up with a detailed construction plan for the transmission line of the ground fire node as soon as possible."

After the boiling cheers in the meeting room subsided a bit, Zhang Zhai continued,

"At the same time, other plans of the space center cannot be left behind, and must continue to be advanced in an orderly manner. At the same time, other plans related to the node transmission network will be connected with the new plan."

The meeting room gradually fell silent, and then burst into ear-splitting applause again.


"I declare that the discussion and research on whether the construction plan of the galaxy network node transmission system will be implemented is over.

Immediately, we will start to improve the detailed construction plan of the ground fire node transmission line. "

The voice fell, and the meeting room was instantly quiet.

But just for a moment, more intense debates and discussions than before sounded out.

Research and discussion on the detailed construction plan of the ground fire line began,

The construction plan began to gradually improve...

Several days of feasibility discussions have been carried out before, and the network transmission system of the responsible nodes has been fully understood.

Now that the research and discussions have come to fruition, the people in charge are a little excited and burst out with countless ideas.

The sound of debate and discussion has not completely stopped since it started.

A large number of questions are raised and then resolved through research discussions.


Zhang Zhai sat in front of the conference table, listening to the heated discussion in the conference room, rarely interjecting.

I just communicated in a low voice with Academician Gan and Professor Hu beside me from time to time.

However, once Zhang Zhai interjected, it was basically the moment when an issue was finalized.


In just one day, a clear path and countless details about the construction of the ground fire line were revealed.

Including manufacturing preparation before construction, construction process, and maintenance after construction.

Underneath, countless details are separated, including technical issues in manufacturing, design issues, design issues of transmission devices, technical issues in construction, risk costs, and specific implementation processes...

The entire construction plan was created from scratch, and a construction outline was drawn up in one day.

Time passed slowly.

In the general meeting room.

Taking advantage of the gap after a debate in the conference room, Zhang Zhai stood up, looked at the night outside the window, and said:

"That's all for today. The construction plan cannot be completed in one day. Let's continue tomorrow."

After Zhang Zhai finished speaking, dozens of terminators poured in, helped some team leaders who had exhausted their energy to leave, and the rest of the leaders also got together in twos and walked out of the meeting room one after another.

The holographic image of the team leader of the Moon Palace branch also gradually disappeared.

"Professor Hu, you will be the host of the next research discussion meeting." Zhang Zhai turned to look at Professor Hu and said,

Professor Hu's face was a bit bitter. He had taken on too many responsibilities during this period of time.

Still, he nodded,

Zhang Zhai looked at Professor Hu's expression and couldn't help smiling, "Don't worry, I won't completely stop participating in the discussion and research. But you should understand that research and discussion can only solve design problems and other problems, but for technical problems, It cannot be resolved through short-term discussion and research. At most, certain ideas and conjectures can be put forward, and then relevant project teams can tackle key problems.”

"In the next period of time, I may participate in the research of a multi-project team to speed up the research of technical problems in the plan. At the same time, I will continue to try to conduct anti-gravity speed-up research. I have no skills at all. Therefore, Professor Hu can only be in charge. Presided over the perfection of the plan."

After hearing the first sentence, the bitter look on Professor Hu's face faded a lot, and he nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry."

After chatting casually for a few more words, Professor Hu also left the conference room.

In the conference room, only Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan were left.

Zhang Zhai turned around and looked at the holographic image of Academician Gan Xiaohua.

"Academician Gan, how is the construction of the Suiren?"

"It is progressing smoothly, and there are no problems for the time being. According to the construction plan, the current manufacturing progress has advanced to more than 75%, and it is estimated that it will take about ten days to complete the manufacture of all parts of the spacecraft." Academician Gan smiled. replied, and then asked,

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to use Suiren as a spaceship for carrying and deploying nodes?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai glanced at Academician Gan and nodded.

"That's right."

"However, the transmission device at the node itself has certain navigation capabilities, so the main responsibility of the Suiren is still longer-distance interstellar exploration."

Academician Gan nodded thoughtfully.

Zhang Di didn't say anything, and the meeting room fell silent instantly.

After a long time, Zhang Di made a sound to break the silence,

"Academician Gan, you have also participated in a day's research discussion, go to rest too."

Academician Gan didn't insist, and nodded, and the holographic image gradually disappeared.

After not staying in the meeting room for long, Zhang Zhai also stepped out of the meeting room.


Time passed, night turned to day, and day turned to night.

Three days passed quickly.

Large laboratory on the sixth floor.

A group of researchers are busy, either carefully conducting experiments, recording data, or calculating on paper or on a holographic screen, or borrowing quantum computers to establish theoretical models...

Zhang Zhai was sitting in the corner of the laboratory, leaning over the workbench, doing tentative research on the speed-up of the anti-gravity box.


The tip of the pen quickly slid across the manuscript paper, and Zhang Zhai continued to deduce.

"Pa-ta." With a slight pause, Zhang Zhai crumpled the manuscript paper and threw it into the trash can.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the manuscript paper in his hand, frowning slightly.

"Zhai Shen, there is a gap between the experimental data and the theoretical value we calculated. After repeated experiments and verification, the value was only in the normal range once. Can you..." A researcher in the laboratory came over.

"Let me take a look." Zhang Zhai calmed down his slightly irritated mood and said gently.

Hearing this, the researcher flicked on his holographic screen, and the experimental data and data related to the theoretical model appeared on the holographic screen that came with Zhang Zhai's workbench.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the complicated data, raised his hand, and drew on the holographic screen.

"There is a problem here, let's verify it again."

"Okay, thank you God Zhai." The researcher was a little excited, turned around and continued his research after speaking.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhai continued to lean over his own research.

But every once in a while, a few researchers come forward for advice.

Time passed slowly.

While Zhang Zhai is conducting research on speed-up of the anti-gravity box, he is assisting various research teams to tackle technical problems in the node transmission plan.


Finally, when Zhang Zhai was leaning over to carry out the research on speed-up of the anti-gravity box, the laboratory burst into cheers uncontrollably.

Another technical problem in the node transmission plan has been successfully overcome!

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai paused slightly, with a smile on his face, and then continued his research.


The comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor was still noisy and lively.

The discussions for several days in a row did not make all the responsible persons feel tired, but they became more and more excited as the plan progressed gradually.

Standing outside the door of the conference room, Zhang Zhai listened to the vague debates in the conference room, with a smile on his face.

"Fart! Margin! Margin! What is margin, now you tell me to add 50% anti-gravity boxes to the ground fire line, I think you are crazy, you have to drive us crazy, I don't agree with this plan agree!"

"Boom! I won't talk to you too much, just look at the data. In terms of the circuit layout of the anti-gravity box, is plan 56 better than plan 55!"

Listening to the voice in the conference room, Zhang Zhai pushed open the door of the conference room.

The conference room was suddenly quiet.

Zhang Zhai walked to the front of the meeting room and glanced at the data on the holographic screen at the front of the meeting room.

"Choose Plan 56."

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