Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 492 Perfection

Zhaicheng Space Center.

Comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor.

With the sound of discussions one after another, the progress of the ground fire node transmission line construction plan is gradually moving forward.

After Zhang Zhai stepped into the conference room again, some issues that were put on hold and serious differences were quickly resolved and passed.

"According to the current progress and trends, the detailed construction plan will be completed within three days."

In the conference room, only Zhang Zhai and Professor Hu were left.

"Thank you, Professor Hu." Zhang Zhai nodded and said.

"Not to mention hard work, I feel very honored to be able to participate in this grand plan. And what we can solve are only trivial and complicated problems. It is Mr. Zhang who really makes the node transmission system come true." Professor Hu said with some emotion,

"Some technological issues, if Mr. Zhang is not personally involved, may hinder us for a long time, and even cause the entire plan to be shelved."

Zhang Zhai smiled when he heard the words, and didn't refute or answer.

"I just don't know, will I have the opportunity to witness the day when the node transmission system of the galaxy network is completely completed." Professor Hu said with some emotion.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance." Zhang Zhai said with a smile,

"Although it is estimated that it will take twenty years to fully construct, considering the advancement of future technology and the large-scale explosive growth of resources, we may be able to cover the entire solar system with a node transmission system in less than five years."

Professor Hu nodded at first when he heard the words, and then deliberately said: "Mr. Zhang, why do I feel that the more I hear your words, the more strange they become. You mean that I can't live for twenty years?"

"I didn't say that."

After speaking, the two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.


the next day.

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, manufacturing area on the 12th floor.

Zhang Zhai and Chief Engineer Chen stood outside the manufacturing area.

"Mr. Zhang, various manufacturing tasks are currently progressing in an orderly manner. The reserves of small fusion devices have risen to 121..." Mr. Chen reported standing next to Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai nodded from time to time, "Mr. Chen, you should also know. The preliminary plan of the node transmission network construction plan is about to start. According to the plan, a total of nearly 300 transmission devices are needed.

At the same time, a small fusion device will be used as the energy source for the transmission device. This ensures that the transmission device at the location of each node can maintain stable operation for a long time. "

"Therefore, the small fusion devices in reserve at this stage are still not enough, so let's continue to produce them."

As the general manager of the manufacturing area, Chen Zhenguo naturally also participated in the previous research and discussion meetings.

He deeply understands the importance of node transmission system construction for Zhaicheng Space Center.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang." Chen Zhenguo nodded solemnly.

Zhang Zhai looked at the busy figure in the manufacturing area, was silent for a moment, and said lightly,

"...I plan to hand over the task of manufacturing the transmission device required for this plan to the manufacturing area." Turning his head, Zhang Zhai showed a little smile on his face,

"I said before that the manufacturing area can't be idle, so I didn't perfuse you."

When Chen Zhenguo heard the words, he became excited instantly, his face flushed a little, and he replied forcefully: "Mr. Zhang, as long as the task is handed over to the manufacturing area, the manufacturing area will definitely be completed within the plan!"

Zhang Zhai nodded and didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhai didn't stay any longer, and left the manufacturing area directly.


The moon, inside the moon palace city.

The manufacturing area of ​​the Moon Palace Division of the Space Center.

Academician Gan and chief engineer Yu, the head of the manufacturing area of ​​the branch, are in the manufacturing area.

In the manufacturing area, more than 2,000 manufacturing personnel and 40,000 Terminators cooperated tacitly to quickly manufacture and build various components.

The sub-manufacturing area at this moment has been divided into 24 areas, and super-large components numbered 1 to 24 are being constructed at the same time.

Various huge equipment devices and components are manufactured, and then quickly connected and assembled into the main frame of large components,

24 large-scale components are slowly taking shape, showing a rough outline, and constantly getting closer to the conceptual drawing in the design plan.

"During this period, the new two batches of immigrant spaceships have brought certain manufacturing personnel, further increasing the work efficiency of the manufacturing area. Judging from the current situation, the time to complete 24 large-scale components will be much more optimistic than we expected. "Chief engineer Yu coordinated the planning of each manufacturing area, and even did it himself, maintaining the stable operation of each area of ​​the branch manufacturing area, and keeping the manufacturing progress uninterrupted.

"Indeed." Academician Gan wiped off his sweat and continued, "Based on the current trend, it must be completed before the scheduled time."

Hearing this, Chief Engineer Yu shook his head, "The manufacturing area is never satisfied to be completed before the scheduled time, but to be completed as soon as possible while ensuring the quality.

Just like Mr. Chen said before. The completion of the design plan and construction plan is the achievement of the researchers, and it is the honor of our manufacturing area to complete the manufacturing task as soon as possible without delaying the execution of the plan without delaying the plan while ensuring the quality. "

Academician Gan smiled when he heard this, and reached out to pat Chief Engineer Yu's shoulder, who was decades younger than him.

"you're right."

"Old Gan, Academician Gan, you are taking advantage of me. In the space center, we are at the same level."



Time passed, days passed.

Various plans of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center and Moon Palace Branch are advancing steadily.

The Moon Palace Immigration Program The immigration program is still going on, and the construction progress of the Suiren is also advancing rapidly.

The manufacturing area of ​​the space center is also busy, continuing to manufacture small fusion devices while performing other manufacturing tasks.

In the comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor, the completion of the construction plan for the ground fire node transmission line is finally about to be completed.

"The solution to issue No. 01326, start voting. Those who agree with Plan No. 78 please raise your fist, and those who agree with Plan No. 102 please raise your palm." The holographic image of Academician Gan stood up and said.

"swipe swipe"

Hundreds of leaders voted with a show of hands, and more than a third of them did not raise their hands, indicating that they would choose neither.

Zhang Zhai, who was sitting in the front, glanced around.

One-third agreed with Plan No. 78, one-third agreed with Plan No. 102, and the same was true for the rest of the plans.

This issue is one that has been repeatedly shelved before.

That is, the overall layout of the transmission line involves multiple aspects such as the total number of nodes, transmission lines, and future impact on the entire node transmission system.

At the beginning, people who agreed with Plan 78 and Plan 102 were divided evenly.

The more discussions and studies go to the end, the more scattered the opinions of nearly a thousand responsible persons.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhai didn't let the people in charge continue the discussion.

"Plan 103 is basically compatible with the advantages of Plan 78 and Plan 102, but the cost is increased again. Let's take a look."

After a while, Plan No. 103 was declared approved.

The entire conference room fell silent in an instant.

This is the last topic!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then gradually became excited.

All the people in charge focused their attention on Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai glanced around, feeling the gazes of the crowd, smiled and stood up.

"I announce that the construction plan of the ground fire node transmission line has been completed."

Zhang Zhai's tone was flat, but the whole meeting room was boiling.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of boiling began to spread outward.

The entire Zhai City Space Center cheered.

The improvement of the ground fire node transmission construction plan has never been just the result of discussion and research in the comprehensive conference room.

Instead, all the researchers of Zhaicheng Space Center worked together to complete it!


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