Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 496: The Suiren is born!

Space Center Moon Palace Branch.

A large conference room on the third floor is temporarily designated as the command and monitoring room for the assembly of the Suiren.

At the front of the meeting room, Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan, and Chief Engineer Yu looked at the holographic screen in front of them.

In the holographic screen, what is presented is the screen of the assembly area outside the Moon Palace.

In the assembly area, 40,000 Terminator T1000s were either covering the surface of the Suiren or scattered inside the Suiren, quickly performing their respective tasks.

The 40,000 Terminators do not interfere with each other, but they fit perfectly.

The design plan and construction plan distributed to each Terminator after dismantling are all related to completely different parts of the Suiren.

Re-integrating the design schemes owned by the 40,000 Terminator is a complete scheme.

Based on the design plan, the 40,000 Terminator seemed to be combined into a complete whole, and the Suiren was quickly assembled with extreme tacit understanding and precise operation.

No matter from the subtle point or the macro point of view, this is a shocking and spectacular scene.

"Mr. Zhang, the overall assembly progress of the Suiren has reached 90%. According to the assembly efficiency of the Terminator, it is estimated that the overall assembly work will be completed within six hours." Chief Engineer Yu's face flushed, and his expression was a little excited.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded and looked at Mr. Yu, "Mr. Yu, you have worked hard."

"The Suiren was successfully manufactured, and the sub-manufacturing area has made great contributions. This is your achievement. The space center will never forget it, and neither will I."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Mr. Yu became even more excited.

Not only because the Suiren is about to be assembled, but also because of Zhang Zhai's approval.

Zhang Zhai smiled and patted Chief Engineer Yu on the shoulder.

Without saying anything more, Zhang Zhai looked at the holographic screen again.

In the screen, in the assembly area.

Thirty times larger than the Houyi and other anti-gravity spacecraft, the Suiren looks like a creeping mountain range, containing majestic energy.

Even compared to the Moon Palace City next to the assembly area, it is not too small.

The Suiren is covered with a large number of terminators, especially at the joints, where dense terminators are gathered.

They operate quickly, advancing the assembly progress at extreme speed.

The connection of the various parts of the Suiren is not the assembly of the surface, but the overall link of the various systems of the spacecraft from the inside to the outside, from the subtle to the macro.

The energy system, the anti-gravity system, the quantum communication system, the intelligent control system, the emergency system, and other related subsidiary systems, each super-large component, each system is gradually linked.

Externally, the joints of the Suiren are also gradually approaching, and the spacecraft is constantly approaching a complete whole.

Time passed slowly, and the interior and exterior of the Suiren continued to change. As time continued to approach the scheduled time, the entire Suiren was also approaching the appearance in the design plan.

In the entire meeting room, the people in charge became more and more excited.

Everyone knows that the Zhaicheng Space Center's largest spacecraft is about to be built successfully.


The internal systems are completely linked, and each system forms a whole in the entire spaceship.

On the outside, with the quick and precise operation of the Terminator covering it, the joints of the entire spaceship were completed, and the traces of the joints disappeared completely.

The entire spaceship is completely integrated from the inside to the outside.

in an instant.

Forty thousand Terminators stopped moving at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a group of terminators either rushed out of the spaceship, or jumped from under the spaceship.

All the Terminator quickly left the assembly area and regrouped outside the assembly area.

In the assembly area, the complete Suiren appeared in front of everyone.


Cheers erupted instantly in the conference room, and all the staff in the manufacturing area couldn't help crying with joy.

For the sweat that has been put in for such a long time, and the honor brought by the successful construction of the Suiren.

Zhang Zhai looked at the cheering crowd, turned his head and looked at Academician Gan and Chief Engineer Yu, showing a knowing smile.


"Suiren! Suiren."

A group of production staff hugged and celebrated each other, or shook hands and applauded each other, and everyone was immersed in joy.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Zhai watched the scene quietly without interrupting the cheers of the crowd.

He was willing to wait a little longer for this.

Academician Gan also looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

Chief Engineer Yu stared at the Suiren on the holographic screen, and wiped his red eyes from time to time.

"Mr. Zhang, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!" Mr. Yu's voice was a little hoarse, but he still said sonorously.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai didn't speak, but patted him on the shoulder solemnly for the second time.

Immediately, Mr. Yu's already red eyes became moist.

He quickly stretched out his hand to rub it, but did not let the tears flow.

After a long time, the cheers in the meeting room gradually subsided.

Everyone's mood calmed down a little.

Zhang Zhai's eyes turned to the holographic screen.

In the picture, the overall silver-white Suiren is parked in the assembly area. Its huge volume is like a crawling mountain or a huge interstellar fortress, giving people a strong visual impact.

Glancing at the huge Suiren, Zhang Zhai picked up the communicator and said in a deep voice:

"The Suiren has been built successfully, and the trial launch experiment has begun."

"All departments are starting to prepare, and the ground command room pays attention to cooperation,"

After the words fell, the entire conference room fell silent, only two feedback sounds sounded one after another.

"The ground command room understands."

"The Moon Palace Branch understands."

On the other side of the holographic screen, a picture of the command room on the ground appeared.

"Order the Terminator to evacuate, and at the same time begin the trial activation immediately."

Another command sounded, and outside the assembly area, 40,000 Terminator quickly began to execute the command.

They evacuated towards Moon Palace City at an extremely fast pace at exactly the same pace.

The main gate of Moon Palace City opened, and 40,000 Terminator re-entered Moon Palace City at an extremely fast speed.

"The trial launch of the Suiren has begun. Try to wake up the intelligent control system."

"The intelligent control system Suirenshi was successfully awakened, and the ground command room was successfully connected to the spacecraft."

"The Moon Palace Branch has successfully connected successfully."

"Activate the spacecraft energy system."

Another command sounded, and a total of 24 small controllable fusion devices inside the Suiren were simultaneously activated.

After a very short time, majestic energy was born, and the entire spaceship began to glow with vitality.


Inside and outside the spaceship, all the lighting systems were activated, and the entire Suiren suddenly lit up.

"Start testing the communication system."

"The communication system has been tested and is operating normally."

"Attention all departments, prepare to activate the spacecraft's anti-gravity system."

The command sounded,

Suddenly, the Moon Palace branch and the ground command room became tense.

All relevant personnel involved in the manufacture of the Suiren clearly understand that the foundation of the construction of such a huge Suiren is the stability of the anti-gravity box.

Among the 24 super-large components that make up the Suiren, each has a small fusion device and the same number of anti-gravity boxes with a similar layout to avoid the problem of material limitations.

Once the stability of the anti-gravity box is insufficient, or the layout is not ideal enough to cause a difference in the start-up time of the anti-gravity box, the spaceship that has formed a whole will disintegrate instantly.

"Activate the spacecraft's anti-gravity system!" Zhang Zhai picked up the communicator and issued the command himself.


Inside the Suiren, dozens of anti-gravity boxes were instantly activated in 24 areas, and the activation times of dozens of anti-gravity boxes were completely consistent.

"The anti-gravity system has been activated." The feedback from the Suiren intelligent control system came.

"Order the Suiren to leave the ground." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice, looking at the picture of the assembly area.

Dozens of anti-gravity boxes began to show their mighty power, and the mammoth Suiren left the ground in an instant and floated steadily in the air.


Boiling cheers resounded in the Moon Palace and the ground again.

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