Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 497 Returning

Cheers broke out in the ground command room and the Moon Palace branch at the same time.

Looking at the Suiren floating in the air, Zhang Zhai heard the cheers in his ears, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I declare that the Suiren was built successfully and passed the start-up test." Zhang Zhai said with a smile, looking at the crowd.

Immediately, the cheers in the entire meeting room became stronger.

Next to Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan became more excited than before, his face flushed red.

If the Suiren was completed on time, it is the credit of the manufacturing area.

Then, it is the honor of all those who participated in the formulation of the design plan and construction plan that the spacecraft can be launched into space without disintegration.

In the conference room, the cheers this time were longer than the previous one.

Everyone vented their emotions excitedly, or cheered loudly, or shook hands and hugged people around to celebrate.


Time passed slowly.

Space Center Moon Palace Branch.

In the cafeteria, a celebration banquet for the Suiren was held.

Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan, and Chief Engineer Yu sat in the corner of the cafeteria, and no one came to disturb them.

"...I hope that the Suiren will set sail for the first time in forty days." Zhang Di picked up the tea in his cup and took a sip.

"Mr. Zhang, you mean to let Suiren participate in the implementation of the ground fire line construction plan?" Academician Gan asked Zhang Zhai.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded,

"If all goes well, the preparatory work for the construction plan of the ground fire line will be completed within 40 days. Once the preliminary preparations are completed, the construction of the ground fire line will begin. I hope that Suiren will participate in the construction plan of the ground fire line. After reaching Mars, we will start from Mars and set sail again to explore the more distant starry sky.”

Upon hearing this, Academician Gan pondered for a while, then nodded, agreeing with Zhang Zhai's opinion.

"Do you need to return the Suiren to Earth?"

"No, considering the objective conditions, it is more appropriate for the Suiren to set sail from the Moon Palace, and it will still be parked in the assembly area during this period."

"The matter of the Suiren will be temporarily troubled by the chief engineer." Zhang Zhai turned his head and said.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will conduct a few more detailed overall inspections on the Suiren to ensure that there will be no problems when the Suiren officially sets sail." Chief Engineer Yu replied firmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Di nodded.

After talking about the business, the topic of the three gradually became lighter.

Holding the tea, yogurt, and juice in their respective cups, chatting casually.

Although the three of them didn't touch alcohol, Academician Gan and Chief Engineer Yu were still a little drunk and hazy by the end of the celebration banquet.

After signaling A1 to call the service robot, and sending Academician Gan to rest, Zhang Zhai also quietly stepped out of the cafeteria.


Inside the lounge.

Zhang Zhai stood at the window, overlooking the entire Moon Palace City.

With the enhancement of the environmental simulation system, the night of the entire Moon Palace City is very beautiful.

The night sky is dotted with stars, and the street lights illuminate the vertical and horizontal roads.

The building is still hidden in the dark, only the indoor light is revealed from time to time.

Or with the help of holographic images, it shows a different posture.

The starry sky on the dome and the city under the starry sky reflect each other, and are unified by the darkness of night.

This is a beautiful and quiet picture scroll.

After a long time, Zhang Zhai looked away and sat back on the bed.

"A1, activate the skylight system." Zhang Zhai looked up at the roof of the lounge.

"Okay, father."

The moment the sound fell, the roof of the lounge opened up to both sides.

The entire top surface gradually becomes transparent, and a starry sky appears in front of you.

This starry sky is not as magnificent as the dome of the Moon Palace City, but it is real, and it is a real starry sky picture that can be seen on the moon.

In the entire Moon Palace City, only the Moon Palace branch building whose top is bordered by the Moon Palace dome, the lounge on the top floor, can realize this scene.

Before the Moon Palace City was established, this small piece of real starry sky troubled the entire space center.

But all the people in charge are extremely firm in their thinking that the real starry sky must be seen, no matter how difficult it is.

Even though the people in Moon Palace City are already on the moon, they cannot forget the real appearance of the starry sky.

In particular, the Moon Palace Branch is still a group of people looking up at the starry sky.

Looking at the starry sky, which is clearer than what the earth can see, a smile appeared on Zhang Zhai's face.

Under the starry sky, Zhang Zhai gradually fell asleep.


the next day.

Moon Palace City Interstellar Port.

Zhang Zhai shook Chief Engineer Yu's hand, "... Chief Engineer Yu, you will be in charge of the Suiren."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang." Mr. Yu replied solemnly.

Zhang Zhai shook Chief Engineer Yu's hand tightly, nodded, and said nothing more.

Beside him, Academician Gan stepped forward and said goodbye to Mr. Yu.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked towards the interstellar port.

Mr. Yu stopped at the spot and watched the two of them leave.

Seeing the figures of Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan completely disappear from sight, he turned and left.

In the interstellar port.

Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan stepped into the parking room of No. 01.

Compared with when they came, there were very few people returning.

Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan were the only ones aboard the Houyi.

Walk into the main cabin and take a seat wherever you like.

The hatch was closed, and the spacecraft started up, and began to lift off gradually, accelerating towards the earth.

Along the way, I exchanged various questions with Academician Gan, and time passed quietly.

Finally, after six hours,

The spacecraft re-lands on Earth.


Zhaicheng Space Center, launch area.

Zhang Zhai stepped out of Houyi first, followed by Academician Gan.

"Mr. Zhang..." Professor Hu greeted him.

"Professor Hu, how is the space center doing these days?" Zhang Zhai asked directly after shaking Professor Hu's hand without exchanging greetings.

"The construction plan of the ground fire node transmission system has already started preliminary preparations, and the manufacturing area has begun to produce the transmission devices required for the node. All plans are being advanced in an orderly manner, and there are no problems for the time being." Professor Hu looked a little tired and said with a smile ,

"However, if Mr. Zhang and Academician Gan don't come back, I might have a problem."

"Thank you, Professor Hu." Zhang Zhai said solemnly.

"It's hard work." Professor Hu shook his head first, "However, since Mr. Zhang and Academician Gan are back, you can't let me take care of all the tasks alone..."

"It seems that I can't be free, old man. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I have a job." Academician Gan said with a smile.

After speaking, the three of them laughed one after another.

Without staying any longer, the three chatted and walked towards the Rocket Tower.


"Mr. Zhang, according to the previous plan of the ground fire transmission system, the manufacturing area also undertakes the manufacturing task of building a new spaceship with a life support system. Is it necessary to transfer this manufacturing task to the Moon Palace Branch to complete the manufacturing area? Can more energy and manpower be invested in the ground fire transmission system?"

"The task of building the Suiren in the Moon Palace Branch has been completed, and we do have the energy to complete new tasks, but what about Mr. Chen's opinion?" Zhang Zhai paused slightly after hearing this, and then continued to walk forward.

"Chief engineer Chen's opinion is that the manufacturing area is capable of multitasking at the same time."

"Then let the manufacturing area continue to be responsible for the manufacturing of the new spacecraft." Zhang Zhai turned his head and said to Professor Hu and Academician Gan,

"Mr. Chen is the person in charge of the manufacturing area. He knows more about the situation in the manufacturing area than we do. Since he said yes, we should choose to believe him.

What's more, if half of the manufacturing tasks will be transferred to the branch for further execution, what will the manufacturing personnel in the manufacturing area think? "

"We have our insistence, and the manufacturing area also has their honor."

Hearing this, Academician Gan and Professor Hu nodded one after another.

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