Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 623 Biological Chain Construction

The turbulent river flows from the ground into the rivers and lakes of Taiyin City through the transmission device.


The river was turbulent, slapping and colliding with the river, splashing waves and making deafening roars

Rolling like a wild horse, the river roared across the meandering river, poured into the lake, and then gushed out from the river on the other side of the lake following the terrain.

The dry rivers and lakes are filled with water and surround the entire area. The river water that circles along the rivers and lakes also gradually slows down. When flowing through the downstream end, part of the river water flows into the side tributaries and flows into the transmission device for transmission. The device, through the transmission device across the earth and the moon, re-merges into the river in Zhaicheng Space Center.

So far, with the help of the transmission device, the end-to-end circulation of the river water has been realized in Taiyin City.


Temporary command room.

Zhang Zhai stared at the picture on the holographic screen.

Looking at the transmission device that is constantly gushing out the river water in the picture, watching the flowing water in the meandering river and the soil that is gradually being moistened by the river and lake.

Zhang Zhai's eyes slightly blurred.

The use of transmission devices to link the surface rivers with the rivers of Taiyin City has indeed made the supply of water resources much more convenient.

But to a certain extent, it also destroyed the independence and closure of Taiyin City's ecological cycle, destroyed the entire water resource cycle, and greatly increased the difficulty of building an 'ecological cycle system'.

Zhang Zhai had to consider the great impact it would bring.

Looking at the slowing down of the river in the picture and the real-time data on the holographic screen below the picture, Zhang Zhai smiled.

Although it was a bit troublesome, he finally solved the problem.

As long as the ecological cycle in Taiyin City is initially formed, even if the transmission system stops water input and output, it will not have much impact on the ecological cycle.

With the stability of the ecological cycle built, it can still exist for a long time without the outside world.

With a restrained smile, Zhang Di withdrew his gaze, picked up the communicator again, and said in a deep voice,

"Start releasing the first animals."

"The command room understands, and execution has begun."

Command sound and feedback sounded one after another.

The moment the command sound was received, another batch of large anti-gravity transport vehicles lowered their height.

The Terminator instantly poured into the cargo bays of anti-gravity transport vehicles, moving the creatures and training cabins carried by them to the entire rainforest.

Without the slightest pause, the creatures in the training cabins were awakened and released, distributed in various areas of the entire rainforest.

The original species on the earth are also released into various containers.

For various reasons, the organisms that built the entire Sun City biological chain will be released in batches multiple times to ensure the integrity and stability of the entire biological chain.

At this moment, the first batch of released new species of creatures and the original species of the earth are all small creatures, especially the original creatures of the earth, which are basically insects.


Temporary command room,

"The first batch of creatures has been released to the designated area, and the creatures in the cultivation cabin have been awakened."

"Start the rotation of personnel on the ground, and continue to monitor the changes in various data in Taiyin City."

Command and feedback sounds.

In Taiyin City, the terminators in the rainforest sprang out again and resumed their standby status.

In the temporary command room, the personnel in charge of monitoring and implementing the Taiyin City construction plan also rotated accordingly.

A group of ground personnel who had consumed a lot of energy were replaced by rotation, and another group of ground personnel completed the replacement without any gaps.

The front side of the temporary command room,

Zhang Zhai glanced at the ecological area on the holographic screen, exchanged a few words with Academician Gan, and then walked straight to the command room on the ground.

All plants have been transplanted, rivers and lakes have been created, and the first animals have been released.

The release and awakening of the next batch of animals will have to wait until the next day.

Zhang Zhai skimmed half of the command room, stepped straight out of the command room door, and walked quickly towards the lounge.


In Taiyin City,

The creatures that were released and awakened from the cultivation cabin began to follow their instincts after being confused for a moment.

A bird flew up the tree and pecked at some leaves.

A herbivore carefully nibbles at the vegetation on the ground.

Among the released native species on the ground, some insects drilled into the ground, softening part of the soil, and some beetle-like insects crawled on the branches and leaves of the plants.

The first released animals began to live and multiply in the rainforest area.


Temporary command room,

The ground personnel who have completed the rotation continue to monitor the data changes in Taiyin City, ensuring the smooth progress of the construction plan of the 'ecological cycle system'.

Behind the temporary command room,

A group of reporters continued to report excitedly,

"...After the construction of Taiyin City's urban area is completed, the construction of Taiyin City has not ended. The dense rainforest, the overgrown vegetation, the meandering rivers flowing with the river, and the lakes accumulating lake water can be predicted. The Taiyin City constructed is quite different from other interstellar cities, let us wait and see and witness the birth of a great interstellar city together.”

"...Here is the live broadcast of the construction of Taiyin City brought to you by the news channel. Just now, the first batch of animals were put into the rainforest area. According to the pictures sent back from the area, we can clearly see that some of the creatures are not Uncommon, never even seen on Earth, does that mean..."

"...The Taiyin City is divided into regions like Taiji, with rainforest on one side and city on the other, with a wide and meandering river in between. This scene..."

With the impassioned reports of a group of reporters, countless viewers who watched the live broadcast of the media became more excited and looked forward to it.

In the online live broadcast room of many media,

Countless viewers vented their excitement, and barrages continued to erupt in each live broadcast room.

"Damn it! Have you noticed, was that creature with two horns on its head a minute ago a creature from Earth?"

"The more I look at it, the more excited I become. The more I look at it, the more I feel that Taiyin City is unusual. The area now built must have a special function."

"Based on my visual estimation, the area of ​​Taiyin City is probably larger than that of Yuegong City and Yinghuo City combined, and the area on the side of the rainforest lake is probably larger than the entire Yinghuo City."

"Constructing such a large area of ​​rainforest in Taiyin City, doesn't it... always feels like a grand plan."


On the Internet, there is a lot of hustle and bustle, but in reality, they don't give in too much.

Countless people watched the live broadcast while exchanging excitedly.

Finally, in the anticipation and speculation of countless people, time passed quickly.

the next day,

The second batch of animals was released into the rainforest, and the species in the ecological area were further enriched.

Under the action of the soil infiltrated by the nutrient solution, the plants also changed significantly after only one day interval.

The entire rainforest appears denser.

On another day, the third batch of animals was released and awakened.

Birds, beasts and reptiles began to flood the rainforest, and the ecology of the entire area seemed to be more prosperous.

The third day...the fourth day...

Batches of new species cultivated and the animals of the original species on the earth are released and awakened over time, and the ecological area becomes more and more lively.


On the seventh day after the release of the first batch of biological awakening.

In the temporary command room, the command sounded again,

"Command, release and awaken the last batch of creatures."

The command sound was instantly transmitted to Taiyin City through the quantum communication equipment.

The moment the command was received, the last batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles lowered their altitude, and terminators poured into them, moving a training cabin to the inside of the rainforest.

A training cabin then opened in splits, and the creatures inside were instantly awakened and stepped out of the training cabin one after another.

With the splitting and opening of the cultivation cabin, the remaining nutrient solution slowly flowed out, and the last batch of organisms were released and awakened.

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