Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 624 Waiting for a Rain

"Terminator feedback, the last batch of creatures have been awakened and released."

In the temporary command room, the sound of feedback fell.

Then, soft cheers sounded in the temporary command room.

With the release and awakening of the last batch of organisms in the training cabin, the construction plan of the 'ecological cycle' was basically completed, and the construction plan of Taiyin City was also basically completed.

Listening to the cheers from the temporary command room, Zhang Zhai watched the real-time images in Taiyin City with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the screen is switched to the bird's-eye view captured by the dome camera equipment.

Overlooking the entire Taiyin City from this angle, the Taiyin City is divided into two sides by a wide and meandering river. On one side is a rainforest with dense vegetation, overgrown with trees and flowers, growing around a lake, and on the other side is a forest with future technology. A sense of city, row upon row of buildings either suspended in the air, or standing on the ground, staggered, the highest point in the center of the city, impressively suspended the rocket tower of the Taiyin Branch.

The city and nature are clearly separated, and the lakes and rocket towers at the center of each correspond far and wide.

Viewed from the ground, the city side and the natural side seem to be separated, but viewed from the entire space, the two sides blend with each other.

The picture on the holographic screen changed with Zhang Zhai's gaze.

Looking down at the current scene of the entire city, Zhang Zhai looked at the area on the side of the 'ecological cycle'.

The screen also zoomed in and switched.

In the rainforest that shades the sky and blocks the sun, all things live and multiply.

In a subtle place, a beetle is crawling on a green leaf, sucking the dew, and a bird is carefully stepping on a branch, approaching the green leaf,

Under the tree, a 'dragon python' opened its cold eyes, vomited a letter, and coiled its body slowly upwards.

In an instant, the bird flapped its wings, and the tip of its beak precisely pecked at the green leaf, swallowing the beetle with the green leaf,

The 'dragon python' entwined with the branches also jumped forward suddenly, opened its mouth as big as a tear, and swallowed the bird directly...

The 'Peng Bird' soaring above the dome patrols the rainforest with keen eyesight,

Beside the lake, a kirin dog with a size not inferior to a tiger approached the lake, startling the cranes resting on the lake for a while, scaring off the herbivores drinking water.

inside the rainforest,

All things live and multiply,

Birds and animals, reptiles and fish, and thousands of plants constitute a complete nature, making the entire ecological area suddenly alive and full of vitality.


In the temporary command room, Zhang Di looked at the ecological nature and the animals in it from the first perspective of the Terminator through the dense tree shade.

Among them, the earlier batches of animals released into the rainforest had greatly grown in size, and many animals seemed to grow from juveniles to adults within a week.

It's not because of the influence of the nutrient solution, but Zhang Zhai has made some manipulations in the genes of the new creatures he created in order to speed up the formation of the ecological cycle.

According to the plan, the first generation of new organisms currently active in the rainforest will enter adulthood in a very short period of time, which also means that the first generation of organisms will die sooner.

The genes that accelerate the growth rate will gradually decrease and disappear as these creatures reproduce from generation to generation, until they reach the life span limit of each species set by Zhang Zhai when he created each species.

Gazing at the dense rainforest and its vegetation, as well as the whole area,

Zhang Zhai smiled slightly.

"...Mr. Zhang, is the ecological cycle in Taiyin City complete?" Academician Gan got up and walked to Zhang Zhai beside him, asking in a hoarse voice,

"It's basically finished." Zhang Zhai turned around and nodded back.

"Basic?" Academician Gan caught the key word.

"Yes, it's basically done." Zhang Zhai glanced at the picture on the holographic screen and replied, "To be precise, we have finished everything we can do, and we have formed an ecological circle. Next, we will leave it to time." .”

"Let time allow the ecological area, Taiyin City to gradually change, and finally realize the ecological cycle and natural reincarnation."

Hearing this, Academician Gan nodded thoughtfully.

Animals and plants need to grow and reproduce, the water flowing in the river needs to gradually soak into the soil, and the water vapor above the dome needs to gradually accumulate...

Even though Zhang Zhai has shortened the whole process, it still needs a process after all.

"It takes time for a gust of wind to blow from the lake to the interstellar port, not to mention the ecological nature."

"The next month is the key, order the ground personnel to continue to monitor the data in Taiyin City." Zhang Di withdrew his gaze from the holographic screen, turned his head to look at Academician Gan and said.

Hearing this, Academician Gan nodded.

time flies,

The soft cheers in the command room gradually subsided, and Zhang Zhai walked towards the temporary command room after exchanging a few words with Academician Gan.

The ecological cycle has been basically formed, and all that is needed next is time, and Zhang Zhai does not need to be in charge all the time.

Skimming half of the command room, when passing by the back of the command room where a group of media reporters are located,

Excited, a group of media reporters tried to rush towards Zhang Zhai, but just as they moved, they were directly blocked by the iron wall formed by the Terminator, and it was difficult to pass half a step.

"Mr. Zhang...God Zhai, can I ask you a few questions?"

Several reporters boldly shouted at Zhang Zhai.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Di stamped his feet slightly, turned around, looked at the excited reporters and smiled slightly,

"Okay, old rules, three questions."

As soon as the words fell, all the reporters raised their hands in an instant.

Looking at the actions of the crowd of reporters, Zhang Zhai couldn't help showing a smile on his face again,

"It's quite self-conscious, okay, just this reporter from the news channel."

Zhang Zhai glanced around and chose a reporter at random.

The reporter of the news channel blushed instantly when he heard the words, and couldn't help but move two steps forward.

Taking two deep breaths, he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"God Zhai...Mr. Zhang, thank you for the opportunity to ask questions. My question is, in Taiyin City, in the other half of the area except the city, what is the role of areas like rain forests or virgin forests? Or in the construction plan of Taiyin City, How is it different from other interstellar cities?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai smiled slightly, "This question is a bit broad, but since Zhaicheng Aerospace and Xihe's official website will make a detailed announcement later, I will briefly talk about it here."

"In the construction plan of Taiyin City, the biggest difference from other interstellar cities is the 'ecological cycle system', and the rainforest area is the key to building the 'ecological cycle' in Taiyin City.

As for the ecological cycle, it can be understood as "man-made nature". Once formed, a stable ecological cycle with a high fault tolerance rate will appear in Taiyin City, a natural cycle.

In other words, even if Taiyin City is completely separated from the earth and the external environment at this moment, it can still be self-sufficient and exist for a long time, because it itself is a 'small earth'"

Hearing this, the reporters became even more excited.

After Zhang Zhai answered briefly, he picked a reporter again.

"...Mr. Zhang, has the construction of the 'ecological cycle' in Taiyin City been completed?" the reporter who was drawn asked excitedly.

"We have to wait." Zhang Zhai replied with a smile.

"Wait?" The reporter couldn't help but ask subconsciously with some doubts.

"Yes, wait, wait for the rain." Zhang Zhai replied, then smiled, and continued,

"The three questions have been answered, everyone, goodbye."

After speaking, Zhang Zhai didn't stay any longer, and went straight to the command room on the ground.

A group of reporters were immersed in the shock of Zhang Zhai's leaked information.


In the already busy live broadcast room of various media, after a brief interview with Zhang Zhai, it was like a pot exploded in an instant!

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