Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 812: Go up and hit the dead

Wang Hao in the Yanhuang Base looked dumbfounded at the player riot, which made him stunned. Fang Bing took a large group of players out, but the clones controlled by the Fang Bing were the spirit level, and the clones of those players. , Too much tough.

Not only is it a little bit powerful, but only Shi Wei, Shi Qiang, and Xiao Tian, ​​who controls the clone, can keep up.

A large group of players found out that they were completely pitted after leaving the Yanhuang Base ... Because they were not wearing mechas, their flying speeds were much different from those of these players.

"Don't go back and wear mecha ..."

The player glanced at each other, scolded, and found that his speed could not keep up with these people. So many players, without hesitation, turned back to the Yanhuang base and put on their mechas.

Fang Bing, who came out of Yanhuang Base, took a group of clones with top-level spiritual strength and moved towards Ling Yan.

"Misunderstanding ... Misunderstanding ... We are not in the same group as Nord."

McCann faced Ling Yan's offensive, cold sweats came out of his forehead, but he had to defend, because Ling Yan's strength is not worse than its promise.

If they do not defend, it is estimated that Ling Yan will be seriously injured in an instant.

However, McCann had his own troubles. He found that the Yanhuang Mecha Warrior in front of him seemed to be unable to understand their words, which made him a little sad.

Wang Hao was on the island of Haohan. He saw this kind of situation. He thought about it, sitting in the central control center of Haohan Island, typing on a virtual keyboard, as if writing a program.

"Okay, Xiaolong, update this program to the center of the game."

Wang Hao looked at the desperate Ling Yan and McCann, who had been explaining, which made him realize the BUG of a game, that is, players could not communicate with people on the planet of the last days.

So he wrote a speech translation program, and even put Interstellar into the program.

"We are not in the same group as Nord ..."

Suddenly, Ling Yan, who was about to give up her dead hand, faced the man in black walking with McCann, her hand moved slightly, she suddenly understood what McCann said.

"Then go away ..."

After Ling Yan understood it, she didn't care about anything else, but said a word directly, but after it was spoken, the words became another taste, not Chinese.

Knowing the operating mechanism of the end-game, she immediately understood that it may be that the teacher updated the central control background to communicate with local people.

"Okay ... Okay ..."

After McCann heard Ling Yan's cold words, he looked stunned. It wasn't Lengshen's icy coldness, but suddenly, they established contact with the other side, making him a little uncomfortable.

In the face of the powerful Ling Yan, he rushed towards Nord once again. He could not help but sigh of relief, but in his heart he already scolded Nord and died a half ...

I just led people to solve the zombie king of Tiannuo City, who was this recruiting, who irritated ... Suddenly, I encountered such a killer of the Yanhuang people, especially the terrible personal strength ...

And at this moment, the voice that appeared in the distance suddenly made them cry out.

"Ling Yan, we are here to help you ..."

Suddenly, a few figures flying in the sky appeared, and McCann knew at a glance that they were all spirit-level. Although these people were not wearing mechas, who knew how many people were behind.

Nord also heard this voice, his face dimmed, his eyes suddenly became very dignified, and he instantly thought of McCann's concerns.

At first glance, these people are the spirit level, and Nuode has long known that the mechs of the Yanhuang people can improve their own strength. Who knows how scary the strength will be after these people wear them.

Maybe after wearing the mech, everyone has the same strength as the woman in front of him. Such a situation makes him not to escape ...

"It's ... how perverted are the Yanhuangs ..."

Nord had a slight jump in his heart after Ling Yan could understand what McCann had been saying, and no longer dared to stay, but turned around, muttered in his heart, and ran away ...

What surprised him a bit was that among the crowd of support, after seeing several black men in McCann, he made a violent voice, and even one of the spiritual levels didn't even think about it, and killed him directly.

"Old Xiao, Ling Yan said that these people are not in the same group as Nord ...

Fang Bing was also stupefied. After hearing Ling Yan's internal voice, he looked at Red Eyes, rushed towards Xiao Tian of McCann's dozens of people, and couldn't help discouraging.

"The person who hurt me was inside ..."

Xiao Tian looked at one of them and gritted his teeth, saying that his eyes were terrible, as if his eyes were to kill people.

"Fuck, go up .. Don't let Lao Xiao lose, grandma's, fight to death ..."

Fang Bing was stunned. He had heard Xiao Tian's story before. After hearing Xiao Tian's words, he followed without hesitation. He was afraid that Xiao Tian would lose money. Even if this is a clone, but the production of these clones The cost is still very high.

In particular, he took the lead without wearing a mech and went out, causing his strength to not reach his limit. Fang Bing knew that Wang Hao was deeply disgusted by such a battle loss. He did not want to be targeted by Hao Ge ...

Think about the last time when the Yunwu base was pitted ~ ~ A large group of Wuyou were sold and still helping Wang Hao to count money. As soon as they thought about it, Fang Bing was a little shudder.

Fang Bing also knows that Ling Yan's combat talent is not comparable to them, especially Ling Yan is wearing a mecha, even if the strength is Nord, it can't hurt Ling Yan.

After all, I watched it for so long in the background of the vast island.

"Misunderstanding ..."

McCann's face was bitter, and he had just made a goddess of death. As a result, there was a group of neuropathy of the Yanhuang people's spirit level. Even if they were powerful, they were a lot tougher, but in the face of the spirit of the Yanhuang people, They don't want to offend.

"There was no misunderstanding ... five years ago, when you intercepted me, there was no misunderstanding ..."

Xiao Tian ’s words were very cold, as if he had returned to the dark age of that time. Not only was his injury very serious, causing disability, but also because of his injury, the life situation that had just improved had been completely mourned. His wife in this world also died at that time due to lack of medication.

It can be said that it was his darkest period. If it was n’t for Yin Yin ’s insistence on his will, or if Liao Zhicai and Zhang Huaxin resisted the pressure, he slowly changed his mindset. It is estimated that above this world, there would be no Xiao Tian is a man.

"Intercept? ... withdraw ..."

McCann looked at Xiao Tian's hatred and murderous eyes, and his heart shivered slightly. If he had only seen the terrible battle of the Yan and Huang clan before, then he now saw the true and terrible Yan and Huang clan.

The other party ’s terrifying eyes and the terrible killing intention inside made him dare not stare at him. He looked at the other party ’s murderous gaze, especially a lot of silver-white mechas appeared in the distance. He knew that he must If you leave, you will have to confess your life here.

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