Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 813: Xiao Tian's hatred

"Fibin, what the **** is going on, how did you get him, do you know who the person next to that person is? That's the commander-in-chief of the Yan and Huang clan ..."

McCann gritted his teeth and said, looking at the backs of the several Yan Huang Ling-level, after a large group of silver-colored mechas appeared, his face was white.

What made him look so dullest was that he saw the spirit level, that is, the commander-in-chief of the commander who demolished the cloud base. He has not forgotten that commander-in-chief's indifference so far. Shivering, this is a high-ranking Yan people.

Without hesitation, McCann ran away with a large group of people, and it didn't work, the silver army appeared.

In the face of the McCann group who was running, Xiao Tian could only helplessly watch, even if he wanted to chase, but he controlled a pure clone, although his strength reached the spirit, but with these old-style spirits There is still a big gap.

After pulling away the distance, McCann looked behind him with a look of horror. As the gap widened ... McCann could not stop the doubts in his mind while taking advantage of the gap.

"Fibin, what the **** happened between you?"

McCann knew that there must be something that he didn't know, and according to the Yanhuang warrior, his terrible eyes were all focused on Fibbin. The look of Fibbin was completely different.


When Fibbin heard McCann ’s words, he could n’t help but showed a complex face. At first, he did n’t think who this person was, but after watching it for a while, he found that this person became more familiar, especially The other person looked at his own eyes, making him creepy, as if he was being targeted by a terrible demon.

The other party's terrible eyes reminded him of someone inexplicably, that is, the person who was judged to be mortal by him three years ago. People.

The terrible look made him inexplicably correspond to the face three years ago, and he shivered involuntarily in his heart. He did not expect that the man three years ago did not die, but recovered his body.

The other party stared at his own eyes to let him know that the other party had recognized himself.

Thinking of the horror of the Yan and Huang clan, I thought that this person might be among the Yan and Huang clan, I am afraid that he has a large position, otherwise he will not stand next to the commander in chief

This caused him to sink involuntarily.


McCann glanced at Fibbin's expression, and he immediately knew that Fibbin must know something.

"That ... three years ago, because of the war with other bases, I was staying in Tiannuo City as a supervisor, monitoring the found zombie king. This person was encountered at that time, and there was a little friction in the middle ... "

Fibbin glanced back and saw that behind him, there were several spirit-levels, chasing them with a large group of silver-white mechas, making him pale.

"Fortunately, just a little friction ..."

For Fibin's words, a few people in black put on a lot of sweat. In their view, a little friction can still be solved, and the big deal is to compensate and solve the problem.

But McCann didn't think so, because he had looked at the person with his eyes. The hatred in his eyes was definitely not a word that could be described by friction. enemy.

"Tell me the truth ... if there is a little friction, the other party will show that kind of hatred? Don't blame me for not telling the truth ..."

McCann stared slightly, and said with a slight threat that the other party had known him as the captain of the zombie king who monitored Tiannuo City three years ago.

After all, their base was at war with other bases at the time, and the battle involved a very large scale, which made them have no time to take care of the zombies in Tiannuo City. It is now the ruins of Tiannuo.

He didn't believe Fibon at all, knowing that there must be something hidden in Fibon, otherwise the other party couldn't show such terrifying eyes.

"That ... A team of people came from Yunwu Base. I killed all of them ..." After Feibin heard McCann's words, the flying body couldn't help but tremble a little, he knew the threat of the other party, maybe It will become reality in the next second.

Thinking about falling into the hands of the Yan and Huang clan, he jumped in his heart as if he thought of the torture he was about to suffer.

"Also .. say it all .. really think I dare not do it?"

McCann looked at the other party and wanted to hide, with a chill in his eyes, as if he would shoot at any time.

"Also ..... I think one of them has a rare skin color, so I let that person go, and then chased after that person. Five kilometers away from the cloud base, I stopped the other person. With two feet and one hand, there is no more control ... "

There was a bit of viciousness in Fibin's eyes, but the hidden depth was not found by McCann, but with a trace of regret, he said what he had concealed.

"The one behind him?"

This made McCann uncomfortable. Although he didn't mention the name, he knew who the other party might be, that is, the person behind him.

Only those who have experienced despair in person will have such terrible eyes, and it is no wonder that people have such hatred. If they are replaced by him, they may hate Philippine even more.


Fei Bin didn't dare to look at other people. He knew that he was a little indifferent ~ ~ He killed when killed, but actually killed, but there was no problem in killing.

The biggest problem now is that the man who was tortured by him and defined as a mortal man survived the miracle ship ... especially in combination with the strength of the Yanhuang people, then this problem is big ...

Under the combination of the two, horrible things have already happened. The person who was abused by him has entered the level of Hualing, and is standing next to the commander-in-chief of the Yanhuang Clan. His status is obvious.

This made his heart unable to settle down anymore. He knew this kind of hatred, and he could not resolve it without trying to resolve it.

"Run quickly, go back and talk."

McCann glanced at Fibbing. At this time, he never thought of killing the zombie king in the ruins of Tiannuo, but wanted to return to the base as soon as possible. The problem with the base.

After he finished speaking, he no longer spoke, but speeded up again, running away at a faster speed.

"Brother McCann, why are you in such a hurry ..."

Wu You glanced at McCann with some curiosity. They were on the way back to the base of the alliance and met McCann and others, which caused them to stop.

The Yunwu base is completely unsuitable for living and defending. Under no way, Wu You can only come to the alliance base.

"There was news from the base that something was wrong, and we are in a hurry to go back ..."

McCann tried to calm his face as much as possible. He did n’t stop after speaking, but left directly ... He hoped that the other party would drag down the people behind him. In the end-time environment, his life was called, others Life, that is someone else ’s.

When he could use other people's lives to protect his own life, McCann didn't hesitate to pit up. Now he just wants to leave and get out of the sight of the Yanhuang people.

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