Wang Hao, who returned to the research center of Haohan Island, once again devoted himself to the study without a break. This time he is no longer studying the system of cultivation, the realm of cultivation.

It is a vast flagship, because he had given Yang Lu a research plan before. At this time, Yang Lu was not idle, carrying twenty research assistants, working day and night.

These research assistants, after certain observations by Wang Hao and the analysis of brain wave data, did not find that the person with spy thinking actually surprised him a bit, but of course, after all, his recruitment plan was abrupt and time Very compact.

However, he did not take it lightly, but continued to maintain high-intensity observation. While observing, with the vast flagship research that Wang Hao joined, he entered a new stage in an instant, and the research speed was much faster.

The design of the flagship has also been perfected, and some parts have been put into production.

The time flickered for two months. During these two months, Wang Hao did not stop for a moment, but focused on the flagship.

"How to get assembled?"

Wang Hao glanced at the sky, and there was a hint of excitement on his face. The research of Haohan ’s flagship has slowly come to an end, and some of the parts that have been researched in the early days have been assembled, but now he is facing a The problem is the overall assembly of the flagship.

Thinking of this assembly problem, his face was a bit sad. This is not the assembly of an ordinary vast warship. Although the ordinary vast warship is bulky, it can still be barely completed in the assembly center in the sea of ​​the vast island.

But the Haohan flagship does not work. The Haohan flagship is at least five times larger than the ordinary Haohan warship. Such a volume can no longer be put in the assembly center for assembly, which makes Wang Hao also have some headaches.

"Our existing assembly center is still too small to accommodate flagship assembly at all."

There was a pity of regret on Chen Tang ’s face. The vast flagship, they spent two months in the early days, and after Wang Hao joined, it took another two months. Now the research is researched, but the assembly has become a new one. problem.

"Too small? The big place? ... There is a way, right ... the sky."

Wang Hao heard some distressed words from Chen Tang. His eyes flashed a flash of light. He thought of a solution, that is, using the sky to assemble.

The assembly base under the sea is too small, so he will make an assembly center in the sky, even if he thinks farther, if it is bigger, if it is bigger in the future, he can make an assembly center in outer space.

It can perfectly solve the problem of large warship assembly.

"Boss, did you think of a way?"

When Chen Tang heard Wang Hao's excitement, his face was instantly hot, and there were many ways for his boss.

"Thinking of it, we used the sky to assemble."

A smile appeared on Wang Hao's face, the method of assembly was solved, and then the next thing was to assemble.

"Sky ... how does this happen?"

Yang Lu's face was also stunned. He knew the volume of the vast flagship, precisely because he knew that he thought about a lot of ways, but he didn't think of it.

"First assemble the propulsion device separately, then lift the propulsion device into the sky, assemble the frame in the sky, and then assemble the whole assembly, then I will get a suspended assembly robot to assemble other parts, so that it can be completed Now. "

Wang Haoyue said that he was more and more excited. The size of this vast flagship is definitely beyond human imagination. Even if it is the vast island, it is estimated that it is not much larger than the flagship. This large area is imaginable.

Among the vast flagships, Wang Hao used many novel technologies, such as virtual neural control, such as the latest space fighter armor, and the laser weapons previously researched were also amplified on the flagship.

The powerful laser main gun on the flagship made Wang Hao believe that even if he encountered a more advanced source beast, he could also hit through. After the laser weapon was amplified, when Wang Hao and Wei Hongzhuang communicated with the laser weapon, they found another one. The way to enhance the power, combined with the compression principle generated in the body in the study of the end of the planet, Noode breaks through the sky and the sky, optimized the laser main gun, that is, the maximum compression energy of the laser main gun.

Before launching, the energy is compressed to a terrible level. As the gun is fired out, because the energy is extremely compressed, the energy structure is very unstable. Once it encounters an object, it will produce an extremely strong explosion.

It can be said that today's laser weapons completely meet the standards of Wang Hao's belief that a new generation of laser weapons not only enhances the strong penetration of the previous laser weapons themselves, but now also increases the scope of killing. After touching an object, the energy wrapped in the laser will cause a strong explosion.

Of course, the flagship is naturally not just this change. Another thing that has to be mentioned is the energy hood. This Wang Hao has always wanted to study, but the unreasonable research has also been successfully broken by Wang Hao and placed on the flagship. Although the energy hood is not very stable, its defensive ability is still extremely domineering.

The emergence of the energy cover, which also contributed to Wei Hongzhuang, is Wei Hongzhuang's many ideas about energy, coupled with Wang Hao's powerful hands-on research capabilities, Wang Hao finally made a usable protective cover, and his defense ability reached him. The desired level, but the only drawback is estimated to be extremely large energy consumption.

The speed of energy consumption is impossible to open the shield for a long time. It can only be used as a fierce battle ~ ~ or in the universe war, when the flagship is set on fire, open the shield.

"Yang Lu, Chen Tang, you led the team to start assembling the flagship propulsion device. I will first get the sky assembly robot out."

After making the decision, Wang Hao immediately began to make arrangements. His idea was to use the propulsion devices that his flagship would assemble. After assembling these propulsion devices, each propulsion device was lifted into the sky, and then the sky robot was used. Assemble the flagship.

In the next few days, whatever Wang Hao's idea took shape, an extremely spectacular scene appeared in the sky around the vast island, that is, around the vast island, many large squares were raised and suspended above the vast island.

Naturally, there is no way to hide such changes from various countries, but what they think of them is like reliefs. It is precisely because of the appearance of these reliefs that they completely embellish the already magnificent scenery of the vast island.

If the scenery of the vast island before was picturesque, then the scenery of the vast island now is like a city of science fiction, beautiful environment, and these objects like reliefs, as if the entire vast island is lit up .

"It seems that Wang Hao has to do big things again."

A look of emotion on Ye Lao's face, looking at the situation of the vast island, he looked up and said.

"Indeed, Wang Hao cannot be purely for the sake of the scenery, the vast island, and it is not a tourist area. This approach is even more inconsistent with Wang Hao's character."

Tao Hongguo also showed a hint of recognition on his face. Judging from his understanding of Wang Hao, Wang Hao was not the one who wasted his time creating the landscape of the vast island.

"Leadership, the latest situation."

It was here that a person suddenly walked into the conference room, holding a document, and Tao Hongguo glanced at him, his face showing a sudden color, with a strong emotion.

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