"Look at it, Wang Hao is going to do big things again."

Tao Hongguo gave this piece of information to Ye Lao after glancing at it, and Ye Lao gave it to another person after glancing at it.

However, the same reaction is that all the people who have read the information show a right expression.

"What kind of killer did Wang Hao want to make, wouldn't it be made to go to the Meiwen Alliance?"

Ye Lao expressed emotion on his face. He felt that such Wang Hao was the correct way to open it. It was impossible to embellish the scenery of the vast island. There is only one possibility, that is, another purpose.

Now Wang Hao's purpose has gradually surfaced. These large suspended blocks are now being connected by a robot, and he feels a huge frame.

"This may be the carrier in the interstellar, it seems that when we go to the Mayvin Alliance, it is also on the agenda."

Tao Hongguo said with certainty on his face that they had already discussed with Wang Hao about the time to go to the Meiwen Alliance, and Wang Hao did not refuse.

However, with the strength of the pure Yanhuang Alliance, it is certainly not possible to go to the Meiwen Alliance for communication and cooperation. However, among the Yanhuang Alliance, there is a special existence, that is the vast research center.

The vast research center's role in the Yanhuang Alliance is the most special, not only the technical supporter, but also its strong independence.

For example, this time, Wang Hao was originally planning to arrange the battleship to the Meiwen Alliance, but the Yanhuang Alliance had a proposal to let them go out and take a look at the interstellar world.

I wanted to arrange for five warships to go together. After Wang Hao thought about this proposal, he agreed. The Yanhuang Alliance went to the outside world to take a look, at least to better understand the outside world.

Wang Hao has his own arrangements for the Yanhuang Alliance. As he said before, he hopes that the Yanhuang Alliance headed by China will truly develop.

After all, there is no conflict between him and the country. At the beginning, his core should be in the Ganzhou research center, and the focus of the subsequent research slowly moved to the vast island.

But now it is different. Wang Hao is already preparing to move the focus of the research into the end-time planet and build his own power with the end-planet as the core.

And this development focuses on the relationship between the end of the planet and the earth star because of the geographical relationship. Wang Hao has not yet found the accurate coordinates of the end of the planet in the interstellar. Naturally, there is not much connection with the Yanhuang Alliance in development. conflict.

"Indeed, we have to make arrangements."

There was also a hint of approval on Ye Lao's face. In the history of China, it can be said that disasters were more difficult, the dynasty changed, and the invasion of foreign enemies had already let them know a way of survival.

Purely independent development is unrealistic. Even before Wang Hao ’s rise, China ’s status in the world has increased dramatically with Japan, and its influence once threatened M country greatly. This is China ’s own As a result of the development philosophy, Hua Guo has always insisted that peaceful development and coordinated cooperation have created Hua Guo's unprecedented influence in the world.

This is even more true now. If you are guarding your one-acre three-point land purely on the earth star, it may happen that something happened in the history of China.

"OK, then discuss it and arrange as soon as possible."

Tao Hongguo must have in mind, after confirming the idea.

However, the deliberations in the conference room did not have much to do with the fierceness on the Internet. Relief appeared on the vast island. It can be said that it was also known to ordinary people soon after the country knew it.

After all, there are many tourist islands around the vast island. With the naked eye, you can see the huge floating squares appearing in the distance.

In Australia, on a desolate island, there are hundreds of people who are busy, and these people are holding cameras, surrounding this beautiful scenery, before they come, it seems that there is no human island on the island. The shooting of a movie.

"A miracle ... oh my god, a miracle ..."

A videographer, while shooting against the cliff on the seashore, suddenly had a shocking expression on his face. Looking at the distance, his eyes were dull, as if he could see something impossible.

"what is that..."

Others followed the cameraman's gaze and looked at the distant sea, and suddenly dozens of huge blocks appeared suddenly, suspended directly above the sky.

"I go..."

Chen Chi also showed a shocking color on his face. After all, this picture is really shocking. The huge squares are like a myth in ancient times, forming a strange and beautiful sky relief, even if it is They are very far apart, and appear faintly above sea level.

"That seems to be the direction of the vast island ..."

As the director of this drama Huang Quan, he is not only a director, but also a leading actor. The film he has prepared for several years is similar to the eschatological theme, telling that a ship that has been observed at sea because of the fall of the meteorite Involved in huge waves, deserted islands, everyone thinks the world is destroyed, the story of survival on desert islands.

In order to make the effect of his debut film better and more real, Huang Quan chose not to choose an island with better living conditions and people to live, but chose a very difficult condition, a deserted island that is really not populated.

Before he came, he did a lot of work, invited a lot of professional staff, as a guiding expert, came to this desert island.

And the geographical location of this deserted island is actually very close to the vast island, even if you look far away, you can see a black spot on the sea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In his spare time, he will even From time to time, he looked at this vast island with a permanent mirror. This has become his fun. Although he can't see anything, it may be very famous, and he can't help attracting his attention.

"It is true, it seems that Haoge is going to make a big deal again." Chen Chi is also the protagonist of this part. Looking at the distant place, the huge square suddenly appeared, and his face also showed a touch of emotion. The scene is really beautiful, just like a fairyland.

But he had just finished speaking, the sun in the sky slowly entered the clouds, so Chen Chi could not help but looked up, the sky slowly appeared dark clouds, the rapid conversion, let his face show helplessness.

The conditions of this deserted island are very difficult. This is not what made Chen Chi the most helpless. What made him the most helpless is that because of the geographical location, the weather changes very fast. The first second is still the sky is clear, the next second is like Now it was like that, the clouds were overcast.

"Uncle's, it's going to rain again."

Huang Quan looked up at the sky, and there was also a strong helplessness on his face. In fact, this desert island actually met the requirements of his heart. It can be said that before he came, he considered very comprehensively.

Not only the wild survival experts but also the professional jungle survivors were invited to **** the entire crew, but the only thing I did n’t expect was that the climate of this deserted island is really changeable.

"Clean up things, stop shooting, avoid rain, NND, really experienced a desert island here to survive."

There was a sense of helplessness on Huang Quan's face. This scene could not be filmed. The scenery could not be seen in a place with good visibility outside, and he could only hide in a temporary settlement.

When other people heard the director's words, there was also a look of helplessness on the face. The weather, the people on this deserted island, were really fed up, too weird and changeable.

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