Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 102 Broken Bee’s Resentment

"Hundreds of years ago, there was a genius Shinigami in Division 6 who I had high hopes for."

Kuchiki Ginling cleared his throat and said calmly, "He has outstanding talent and excellent character. Later, under the recommendation of my husband, he became a member of the Kuchiki family."

Su Feng curled his lips in disdain. On the surface, this old guy looked like a human being, but in fact, his heart was black after being cut open.

Otherwise, he would not have given his grandson to him.

As if aware of Sufeng's gaze, Kuchiki Ginling paused for a moment, clenched his fist and coughed lightly:

"Because he was involved in a factional dispute at that time, this god of death was framed by others and suffered unfair treatment. He was later imprisoned in the prison of the first team."

"On impulse, he chose to kill the three gods of death who were guarding him, thus embarking on a path of no return."

"In order to avoid causing a greater disaster, I and the captain took action together to seal it in the present world."

"And not long ago, the seal of the present world was broken, and he disappeared."

"This person's name is Kuchiki Kyoukawa. His Zanpakutō ability is to communicate with other people's Zanpakutō, induce and amplify the desires in the Zanpakutō's heart, and then make him betray his master."

At this point, Kuchiki Ginling sighed deeply, with a hint of helplessness on his old face:

"Now, he has escaped from the seal and caused catastrophe again."

"If the Zanpakutō are not conquered again as soon as possible, the entire Soul Society will be destroyed."

Although somewhat alarmist, this scenario is not impossible.

The thirteen captains, except for Aizen, Sufeng, and Zaraki Kenpachi, the rest were wiped out, including Kuchiki Ginling.

It was curious to say that Sufeng had never seen Kuchiki Ginling use his Zanpakutō, and there was even very little information about his Zanpakutō.

As an old man who is about to retire as captain, Kuchiki Ginling needs to turn in his Zanpakutō when he retires from the team.


Whether being a noble has privileges is not something that outsiders can understand.

"It's really scary."

Kyōraku Shunsui was as dishonest as ever, with a hint of hangover laziness on his stubble-covered face, "But now that we don't have any information about the other party, where should we start?"

"The only thing that is certain is that two-thirds of the captain and deputy captain's Zanpakutō have rebelled."

"The chief executive has not yet counted, so it is not a small number."

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryuzai spoke slowly, and an old and majestic voice sounded in the conference room:

"The captains dispersed their actions and led the Shinigami under his command to inspect Seireitei. After checking out suspicious areas, they immediately searched Ruhun Street."

"Three Seats of Nirvana!"

"Do you have any orders, Commander-in-Chief?" Nirvana Mayuri grinned, her golden teeth shining brightly under the light.

The twelfth squad can't find a suitable candidate to serve as the acting captain for the time being, and all affairs are still in charge of by Nyomi Yuri.

Especially after Shabuchi submitted his observation report on Mayuri Nirvana, his captain Haori is already in production.

"Turn on the global spiritual pressure monitoring of the Lingbo Measurement Division, and immediately notify the captains of each team with a magical machine if there is a similar spiritual pressure."

Yamamoto Genryasai took the most conservative approach to the coming crisis.

The Messenger Machine is a necessary communication tool for the God of Death to travel to the real world. It is usually used to detect the movements of the virtual world, and can communicate with the God of Death in other cities over long distances in the real world.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. Once there is a large fluctuation in the spiritual pressure of oneself or the spiritual pressure of the environment, it will affect the effect of communication.

In the present world, the concentration of spiritual particles is low, and the magical machine of transmission can work perfectly.

However, in an area with a high concentration of spiritual particles like the world of corpses and souls, the function of the messenger god machine seems a bit tasteless.

But Tiantingkongluo has even greater restrictions, and ordinary gods of death can't grasp it at all, so hell butterflies are usually used to make contact.

If necessary, the Liting team, the fifth unit of the second team, will also be used.

As the ordering force, the Liting team is composed of Reapers who are good at Shunpo, and they can accurately convey orders to the target.

Nirvana Mayori raised her finger and tapped her temple vigorously, making a bang bang sound.

"The detection capabilities of the Lingbo Surveying Division are limited, my lord."

"If the Zanpakuto deliberately hide the Reiatsu, the equipment will not be able to scan it."

Yamamoto Motoyanagi replied in a deep voice: "It's okay, this is just a backup plan."

"It mainly depends on the patrol inspection of the team members and the spiritual pressure perception of the captains."

The captains were silent or communicating with their eyes.

Judging from the video frequency, Jingle Shunsui and Ukitake Shishiro talked the most.

From the beginning of the meeting, the two have not stopped looking at each other.

All I can say is that he is indeed a good brother.

"Leading the team on patrol..."

Sufeng suddenly remembered that it had been a while since he had handed over the members of the ninth squad to Madarame, and he didn't know the results of the training.

"Without further delay, let's set off immediately!"

Yamamoto Genryusai opened his eyes wide, and with blazing anger, he directly issued the final order: "The sinners who disturbed the stability of Soul Society must be found, whether alive or dead!"

The captains dispersed in a rush and walked out of the door of the conference room.

"Yo, captain, here!"

Matsumoto Rangiku had been waiting outside the door for a long time. Without Zanpakuto, she felt very insecure now.

Only by Su Feng's side can people feel at ease.

"Have you discussed the countermeasures?" Matsumoto Rangiku's big eyes flashed, "I can no longer sense Haimao's spiritual pressure at all."

"No, there is only the stupidest way. Lead the team to patrol and search the Seireitei first."

Sufeng sighed, "After all, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. We don't know the opponent's purpose yet, and we have no way of knowing where they can hide."

Hearing this, Matsumoto Rangiku crossed his arms, squeezed out of the deep canyon-like ravine, and said dissatisfied:

"It's really a headache!"

"Are you going to be very busy in the next time?"

At just the right time, Zhifeng walked by and glanced at Matsumoto Rangiku out of the corner of his eye. A trace of unconcealable envy suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes.

She looked down at herself, haha, it was endless flatness as far as the eye could see.

Although this was not the first time I saw Rangiku Matsumoto, every time I met, I felt an instinctive sadness.

So sad.

Thinking of this, Broken Bee quickened his pace, making sure to be the first to find the rebellious Sparrow Bee.

This misery should not be borne by her alone.

Looking at his retreating figure, Su Feng felt a little strange. It seemed that there was almost visible resentment on Sui Feng's body just now.

Did the Zanpakuto's defection remind her of Yoruichi Shihoin who also left without saying goodbye...

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