Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 103 Cannon fodder that resists beating

The ninth division team building.

On the training ground, the situation was tense.

A burly man and a bald man were fighting in close combat. As the figures intertwined, there was a constant sound of metal and iron colliding, accompanied from time to time by gorgeous scenes of flesh and blood being torn and blood splattering.

"Ki Toumaru, come and try my move, Nine-Headed Dragon Flash!"

The corner of Madarame let out a cheerful roar, and the whole person looked like a madman, holding a Zanpakutō and stabbing forward suddenly.

Red spiritual pressure lingered throughout his body, bursting into bright light and shadow.

Coupled with the indomitable Shunpo technique, Madarame Ikkaku was in front of the red-haired man in an instant.

"Idiot, don't forget, I can also do the moves you know!"

The red-haired burly man held the newly released Kitomaru spear in both hands and slashed downwards with a ferocious expression, looking like an evil ghost.

The position where Oni Toumaru's spear fell happened to be Madarame's point of exhaustion.

If this blow hits, the outcome of the battle will be announced immediately.

"Ha!" Wild laughter echoed on the training ground. Madarame stepped forward, flipped his wrist, and forced another wave of strength, "You underestimate me too much."

"Past experience no longer works for me!"

Under the shocked expression of the red-haired man, Madarame couldn't help but withstand the power of Kitomaru's blow, and even raised it with his backhand, slashing vertically across his chest with a swift force!


A hideous wound spread from the lower abdomen to the right shoulder. The skin and flesh were opened, and a large amount of blood splashed out like a fountain.


The red-haired brawny man murmured, enduring the injury, as if he was about to decide the winner with Madarame Ikkaku even if he waved the Oni Toumaru in his hand again.

But before he could make the next move, a figure suddenly flashed outside the training ground, and a majestic force fell on the red-haired man's head.

The next moment, the two-meter-tall figure was suddenly volleyed out like a football.


The whole person fell on the mountain of the training ground, causing a collapse immediately, gravel rolling down, and dust filling the sky.

"Ahem, what happened!?"

Before Madarame Ikkaku could recover from the battle, the opponent in front of him simply disappeared.

"Madarame's three seats."

Sufeng stood there and shook the dust off his feet with an indifferent expression, "This is a disaster that will affect the Soul Society. To enjoy the battle, you must know the right time."

The corner of Madarame's mouth twitched, and his gaze was extremely complicated.

The scene just now made him instinctively recall the battle with Sufeng at the beginning.

The same degree of crushing, a terrifying gesture that makes one's heart chill.

This way of fighting looks very much like someone.

"What are you still doing, go dig out the ghost lamp pills."

Su Feng found that the corner of Madarame had been an instructor for a period of time, and his mind seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

"Oh well."

After the dusty red-haired man was dug out from the gravel, he had completely lost consciousness.

The wound on the burly body was hideous, the head was tilted, the corners of the mouth were crooked, and it looked like it had been kicked badly.

Looking at this face from a corner of Madarame, he fell into deep doubt for a moment.

After such a kick, can the ghost lamp pills still be used?

Su Feng volleyed vigorously, which can be said to be tough.

Condensed nearly half of the spiritual pressure, coupled with superb white fighting skills and rapid Shunpo speed.

Not to mention the ghost ball, even the corner of Madarame, who has reconquered the Zanpakuto and performed the initial release, cannot resist.

The gap is too big to be comparable.

"Is this the materialized ghost lamp pill?"

Matsumoto Rangiku came late and looked at it curiously, "It's really ugly."

"It doesn't fit Yijiao's image at all!"

One corner of Madara's eyes is ferocious, with a fierce light suddenly appearing, and the veins on the bright forehead are bulging, the whole image of an evil ghost.

"Don't judge other people's looks without authorization, damn it!"

Gui Dengwan lay down on the ground, feeling as if his thick neck had been kicked off, and the severe pain devastated his nerves.

There was a sound like a fly in his ears, buzzing non-stop.

The joys and sorrows of the Shinigami and Zanpakutō were not the same. He only felt that these two guys were very noisy.

It turned out that by chance, he heard the bewitchment of a strange voice, which induced the dark side in his heart to continue to expand, and a strange power acted on his soul.

When Kitomaru came back from his trance, he found that he was completely free.

The first thing he did after materializing was to teach Madarame Ikkaku a lesson and let him know who was the boss.

But things went counterproductive.

Not only was he defeated in a head-on battle, but he was almost kicked to pieces.

The outside world is really too scary!

Oni Toumaru now misses his Zanpakutō space. Although it is a bit boring, at least it is too safe.

Just when he was feeling miserable, an extremely terrifying spiritual pressure enveloped his body.

"I'll ask you an answer."

That heart-chilling voice sounded above his head, and Kitomaru opened his eyes tremblingly, looking extremely weak.

"Who woke you up?"

"have no idea."

"What does the other party look like?"

"have no idea."


The interrogation session was instantly stuck and could no longer proceed.

Sufeng rubbed his brows with a slight headache. He finally caught a materialized Zanpakuto, but it turned out to be unwanted cannon fodder.

A guy like this who knows nothing about anything is probably just trying to cause chaos in Soul Society.

"Something of little value."

Sufeng waved his hand and said, "Kill him. Keeping it is a waste of spirit."

Kitomaru's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Madarame Ikkaku in astonishment.

Is this going too fast?

"Ahem, Captain Sufeng." Madarame begged, "Although Kitomaru is a little ugly, a little less powerful, and a little grumpy, he is not useless at all."

Oni Toumaru closed his eyes tightly, his face showed pain, and he remained silent.

Although the words were a bit unpleasant, they were still for his own good after all.

"At least he..."

Madarame thought for a long time, hammered the palm of his hand, and suddenly said: "Thick skin can withstand beatings!"

"Restore your spiritual pressure and let's go on patrol together."

Sufeng sighed, "If you encounter other rebellious Zanpakutos, be sure to capture them as soon as possible."

"Even if you can't beat it, you still have to delay it."

"This is a turmoil that affects the entire Soul Society. Don't be careless."

Hearing this, Madarame's expression suddenly became serious.

Someone as strong as Sufeng would find it troublesome, but someone with his strength might be treated as cannon fodder.

But then I thought about it, where there is turmoil there is fighting.

Madarame's eyes gradually lit up, and an emotion called excitement was brewing inside.

Suddenly I feel like my blood is boiling!

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