Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 105 Witness the truth of the history of Soul Society

White light emerged, and the power of the Zanpakuto returned to Satoya's body.

Just when he was about to help Yanagawa Mu deal with the ferrets, a familiar voice sounded in his ears again.

"Broken Path 4: White Thunder!"

He turned around and looked sideways, only to see Sufeng standing there, raising his right hand, tapping his fingertips, and a bright white line with a sizzling sound flew straight through the air and landed on the ferrets.

boom! !

There was another familiar sound, and the blazing firelight drowned the ferrets that were emitting high temperatures.

Yanagawa looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment. The Zanpakutō, which had put him in danger several times, just lay on the ground, unable to resist anymore.

"Hurry up and regain your own Zanpakuto."

Sufeng said calmly, "Then go and support the others. The Seireitei has now completely fallen into the flames of war."

Satoya and Yanagawamu looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Before they could ask, Sufeng took the instant step and wandered to another battlefield.

As the current highest combat power of Division 9, we should resolve the turmoil here as soon as possible so that we can find the real culprit that caused all this.

Although a sinless world does not exist at all, Sufeng boasts that he can still minimize the evil that appears in front of him.

For such a despicable behavior as Kuchiki Xianghe's, a trip to Shuangshou Hill would seem trivial.

Although it is not clear who is behind all this, but based on the existing clues, we can only guess that there are still a few people.

The demon sword Muramasa who is dedicated to savior, Hibiki Kuchiki who broke the seal, Sosuke Aizen who doesn't mind watching the fun, the unscrupulous profiteer Urahara Kisuke who is black from head to toe, the masked military force who measures the combat power...

Although the possibility of the latter is very small, the suspicion cannot be ruled out.

Who knows if a few of them have embarked on an extreme path and completely become prisoners of the power of the void.

And if Urahara Kisuke's antidote research is not timely enough, there is a high probability that some of them will suffer from morbid changes in their mentality.

The power of this world is a bit too idealistic.

"Broken Path No. 4: White Thunder."

Another bolt of thunder streaked across the sky and fell on the battlefield ahead with great ferocity.

Rukawa Fuji, who was newly promoted to the ninth seat, looked at the Zanpakutō that instantly turned into charcoal, feeling a little excited and uneasy.

He had been fighting his Zanpakutō for nearly half an hour.

However, he has been unable to take it down, and as time goes by and the spiritual pressure continues to be consumed, Rukawafuji gradually shows his decline, and may lose at any time.

And just then.

Thunder fell from the sky, as if punished by God.

The powerful rebel was defeated with a bang, and it couldn't even hold on for a breath.


Rukawafuji looked excited, as if he had transformed into a fanatical believer.

As a witness to Sufeng's strong rise after becoming captain, Rukawafuji's level of loyalty seems to be full.

"Subjugate the Zanpakutō and then go support other battlefields."

Sufeng waved his hand, not wanting to communicate with Rukawa Teng, and rushed to the next battlefield as soon as possible.

Ever since Lan Yin discovered the power of thunder and lightning, he has discovered all the ghost ways of thunder, such as the No. 4 broken path white thunder, the No. 11 broken path with thunder and lightning, the No. 63 broken path thunder roar cannon, the No. 88 broken path with thunder and lightning, etc. The power of Dao Feilong's thieves-attacking thunder cannon has increased to varying degrees.

The blessing of thunder and lightning works in all aspects.

Even the No. 4 Podo White Thunder after the Po Abandon chant is no less powerful than the No. 31 Po Dao Red Cannon fully chanted by others.

For Sufeng, the current Bai Lei is not only amazingly powerful, but also extremely fast, and can already afford one of the conventional attack methods.

With the continuous addition of new troops, the battle situation of the ninth division has gradually stabilized.

The pressure on the other team members is constantly easing.

Things are looking great.


At this time, in the Fifth Division team building, two figures stood on the roof as if no one else was around, their eyes calmly watching the increasingly strong fire below.

"Captain Aizen is really cruel."

Ichimaru Gin said with a smile, "Just watching my team members die tragically in mourning, I didn't feel any emotion at all."

"It's just a necessary sacrifice on the way forward."

Aizen held his hands in his arms, the blazing firelight reflected on his flat lenses, and the depths of his eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Death is not the end for them."

"Oh, what a cruel words." Ichimaru Gin spread his hands, a look of helplessness on his expression, "There are still some parts of the information about Kuchiki Kyouga that Captain Aizen needs to pay attention to."

"After the four-gun blood seal was broken, Kuchiki Xianghe's condition was somewhat abnormal."

Ichimaru Gin pretended to think, "His mood is extremely unstable. Even when his own Zanpakuto Muramasa appeared, he stabbed the opponent without hesitation."

"Although they later reconciled, there still seems to be a gap."

"And Muramasa's perception is very strong. Even with the hidden light, I was still discovered by the other party."

Aizen pushed up his plain glasses and said gently: "Did the sharpshooter be induced to rebel at this time as well?"

"That's right!" Ichimaru Gin's expression became increasingly helpless, "The sharpshooter is really ruthless."

"At the first moment of the rebellion, he launched Shijie and attacked my heart."

"If I hadn't dodged in time enough, I might not have seen you, Captain Aizen."

Aizen nodded and said in a comforting tone:

"Thank you for your hard work, Silver."

"Now please come with me and witness the truth of Soul Society's history."

Facing the invitation, Ichimaru Gin readily agreed, but his slightly narrowed eyes still concealed his emotions, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


In less than half a day, the turmoil in Division 9 was calmed down.

Among them, in addition to Sufeng, Matsumoto Rangiku and Ise Nanao, Satoya and Yanagawa Mu also made great contributions.

After the two conquered the Zanpakutō again, their control over the Zanpakutō improved significantly.

The strength of Shijie, which was already very good, has skyrocketed.

With their confidence soaring, the two men directly transformed into new forces and went around to quell the fighting, greatly speeding up the quelling of the turmoil.

And Rukawa Fuji immediately turned into an intelligence collector, dragged his wounded body, and roughly counted the financial losses of the Ninth Division as quickly as possible, and made a document and handed it to Sufeng.

"Hmm, is that all?"

Sufeng said dissatisfied, "Even if it is doubled ten times, it still looks down on the Kuchiki family's financial resources!"

Because the battle ended too quickly, a few buildings were burned down, and several streets collapsed, and there were no casualties.

"On the basis of ten times, increase it ten times again."

Hearing this, Satoya suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Just as he was about to grease his feet and run away, he saw Sufeng shouting without raising his head:

"Satoya, you should be familiar with the process."

"Remember to go to Kuchiki's house then..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes.

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