Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 106 I love watching women fight the most

The war in Soul Society continues.

Compared with the clean and tidy of the ninth division, the other divisions are a bit uncomfortable.

The main reason is that their captain's Zanpakuto also defected together and disappeared.

After explaining the matter, Sufeng left the 9th division team building alone.

Although he has been exploited for a long time and is used to exploiting his own team members, it is somewhat dehumanizing to let the team members who have experienced a hard battle immediately join the patrol.

Think about it for a long time.

He decided to exploit other squad members.

However, on Seireitei Street not far from the 9th squad, a familiar figure came into view.

The petite figure is dressed in a white captain's haori, and he shuttles between the buildings at an extremely fast Shunpo speed.

The captain of the second division, Broken Bee.

In front of her, a ray of light like a golden star was moving back and forth, waiting in the air from time to time, as if playing with a broken bee.

"Damn it!" Broken Bee cursed in a low voice, and once again burst out with a stronger spiritual pressure, closing the distance between the two, "Don't even think about escaping, Sparrow Bee!"

"Hey, is this the only trick?"

A slightly sharp voice sounded in the light, "Since that woman defected and disappeared, your strength is not as good as before, my Master Broken Bee!"

The irony is almost substantive, almost overflowing.

"Without that woman, you have no fighting spirit!"

Taking advantage of the gap of its stay, Su Feng saw clearly the true appearance of that ray of light.

A girl with yellow and black patterns, like a girl with twin ponytails in enlarged version of a bee, but in a reduced form.

Its height is not even as big as Sufeng's hand.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

The broken bee was poked at a painful point, and the speed of the instant step under its feet suddenly accelerated, and it was directly driven away by the sparrow bee in mid-air.

Facing the figure that was attacking instantly, a smile of success appeared on Sparrow Bee's face, and she dodged it with lightning speed.

As a Zanpakutō from Zaihou, her speed is no less than its full power Shunpo.

At the moment of dodging, Sparrow Bee pounced downwards, passing by Broken Bee, and the small blade on its right arm directly touched Broken Bee's back.

A pattern like a butterfly spreading its wings appeared on the captain's feather fabric.

Death mark, bee pattern flower!

Once another attack hits this pattern, the effect of instant death will be triggered, which is an insurmountable ability.

Of course, the premise is that the spiritual pressure of the person with the instant death effect cannot be much stronger than that of the Shattered Bee.

Broken Bee fell to the ground in embarrassment, realizing that she was already at a disadvantage. If it happened again, she might really die on the spot.

"Look, you were right by what I said, right?"

The bird was proud and flew in mid-air to show off, "You are the one now, and you can't even fight normally."

"Be prepared to accept your fate, death is your final destination!"

The next second, the attack came.

Bright golden lights flashed in the sky, and the birds and bees took full advantage of themselves.

The shrunken body cannot be captured at all, and its speed is no less than that of the Shatter Bee itself.

Even when Zhanfeng's mentality was unbalanced, he directly formed a crushing attitude.

"An old-fashioned person who doesn't understand fashion."

The bees attacked and shouted, "You have no idea what I'm thinking. You're not worthy of being my master. Go and die!"


In just a few moments, Yu Zhi, the captain of the Broken Bee, was torn apart by the Sparrow Bee's attack, and a long gap was torn open along with the Death Tyrant's suit.

The fair skin appears, and the slightly convex side is particularly eye-catching.

"It's been more than three years, do you still remember that woman's name?"

The Sparrow Bee seemed to have tasted the sweetness of the previous verbal attack, so it tried to attack the Broken Bee's psychological defense line again.

"But even if you remember it, that woman doesn't remember it either."

"Otherwise, why didn't she take you with her when she left?"

After the words fell, Suiyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his movements were obviously slower than a beat.

This opportunity was also caught by the finch bee, which immediately turned into a yellow flash and went straight to the nearest bee flower pattern.

Broken Bee also realized this and hurriedly activated Shunpo to dodge, but it was already too late.

But at this critical moment, a violent wind suddenly arose in the calm streets, roaring and sweeping across the battlefield where one man and one sword was everywhere.

The bird was careless and was immediately thrown dozens of meters away.

"Damn guy!"

She immediately captured the source of the wind, a disgusting figure at the end of the street.

God of death deserves to die!

"Captain Sufeng..." Suifeng's eyes flashed with surprise, "When did you..."

"From when she scratched your clothes just now."

Sufeng Laoren said that he had been watching the battle for a while.

If he hadn't considered that there would be nothing left to watch if Broken Bee died, he probably could have waited a while.

Broken Bee subconsciously looked at his body. Captain Yuori was scratched to pieces, and even the inner lining of the Death Overlord's suit had cracks one after another.

For a moment, Jiaoqiao's face turned red.

"Hahaha, that's really strange!"

The bees flew back from afar and stood in the sky laughing wildly, "There are actually men who appreciate your appearance."

"Hey, what's so good about this dry body!"

Hearing this, Sufeng's eyes looked back and forth between this man and his sword.

After a moment, he thought: "It seems that you are not that strong."

Bee: "???"

"Damn it, I know the God of Death doesn't have any good friends!"

"go to hell!"

In anger, the Sparrow Bee gave up on the Broken Bee, turned into a flash of light, and headed straight towards the wind.

She will make those who don't know how to speak pay a heavy price.


The terrifying spiritual pressure exploded, and the terrifying light pillar shot straight into the sky, extremely gorgeous.

Endless coercion fell on the bird in an instant, causing its movements to stagnate.

In the distance, Broken Bee looked at the figure in the light beam, dumbfounded, it was unexpectedly powerful.

With such a level of spiritual pressure, even among many captains, he can be considered the best, right?

"Little thing." Sufeng sneered, "Please repeat what you just said."

The speed of the bird was suppressed. Looking at the suddenly enlarged face in front of him, he couldn't help but feel strong fear in his heart.


Driven by fear, the bird seemed to have broken through its own limits and the blockade of the wind-traveling spiritual pressure, and its speed returned to its flashing state again.

But at this time, she no longer had any thoughts of fighting Sufeng.

Now the finch just wants to escape from this dangerous place.

"Humph, want to escape?"

Sufeng transformed into a bully who used his power to bully others. The Zanpakutō suddenly unsheathed at his waist, and a strong wind suddenly rose and swept in all directions.

In just one moment, everything in front of him was swallowed up!

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