The second division team building.

Captain's exclusive room.

A figure flew in from the window, his movements were skillful and light, making it difficult not to suspect that this person had done similar things many times.

Sufeng put down the tightly wrapped Broken Bee and asked, "Which direction is the maggot nest?"

Broken Bee stretched out two small hands from the feather fabric and held the collar, trying to avoid the consequences of the spring light leaking out again.

Although I had been looked at by the man in front of me more than once, it was still a little uncomfortable to be alone in such a relatively narrow space.


Seeing Sufeng raise his feet and leave, Sui Feng quickly added, "Be careful with Dong Shanwei's Zanpakutō, I will be there soon."

Sufeng nodded and disappeared from the window in a flash.

Looking at his retreating back, Suihou tightened the Yuori wrapped around her body again and sighed worriedly.

If things continue like this, she's probably going to be compared to the vice-captain.

Could it be that after leaving Sifengyuan Ye Yi, he was really as useless as Quefeng said?

Broken Bee fell into deep self-doubt.


To the northwest, the Maggot's Nest.

When Sufeng arrived here, many dangerous elements had already walked out, attacking the defense line lined up by the second division team members in a ferocious form.

On the other side, several figures dressed in black were surrounding a strange creature and engaging in a fierce battle.

This creature has no fixed form and is generally like a black cloud. Any attack landed on it will have no effect.

On the contrary, the black clouds continued to eject the corrosive liquid outwards, and the attack landed on the wall, and even a large crater appeared.

It seems that many people are surrounding the black cloud, but in fact, the black cloud is holding back several Shinigami, including the chief officer.

"Broken Path No. 4: White Thunder."

Sufeng stretched out his fingers out of habit, and a bolt of thunder emitting blazing heat burst out from his fingertips, falling into the clouds with unparalleled momentum.


The expected explosion did not occur. The black cloud expanded instantly, and its volume almost increased tenfold in a few seconds.

"Didn't I say that Yungui is immune to attacks in any form of energy?"

One of them shouted angrily, "Kidou's attack method will only be absorbed by it and then increase its own power."

Sufeng's expression was a bit incredulous. There is such a powerful Zanpakutō in the second team?

The enhanced version of Bai Lei was directly converted into his own power.

If we judge according to Nadong Shanwei's words, wouldn't this Zanpakutō named Yungui become the nemesis of the Oni Daoists and the elemental Zanpakutō?

"There are limits to everything."

Sufeng became more interested and immediately blasted out another white thunder.

The black cloud expanded again, already covering several buildings, and was still spreading in size.

Dong Shanwei's face froze, his expression extremely ugly, and at the same time, anger rose in his heart. He immediately stopped attacking and looked around.

He wanted to see who was so ignorant that he dared to cause trouble in the second division.

Finally, Dong Shanwei's eyes fell on Su Feng.

The unfamiliar face is not a member of the Second Division.

He was wearing a black death tyrant outfit. He must have been sent by other divisions to support him. He was indeed an ignorant guy.

Star pliers, a symbol of upper-class aristocracy...

A slightly familiar face, seemingly seen somewhere.

Captain of the 9th division, Tsunayoshi Sufeng? !

Relevant information suddenly flashed through his mind, and Dong Shanwei, who had originally planned to hold him accountable, suddenly fell silent.

It is impossible to be held accountable, and only Gou Yibo can avoid being held accountable.

He probably didn't say anything too extreme just now, right?

Dong Shanwei tried his best to recall every punctuation mark he just said.

"Breaking Path No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon."

After Su Feng tried a few white thunder shots, he found that Yun Gui's volume was still expanding, and there seemed to be no so-called upper limit.

Ever since, he directly mobilized the spiritual pressure to converge on the tip of his right finger, and the golden thunder burst resounded in the sky above the second team's team building.

As if punished by God, the thick golden thunderbolt landed on Yun Gui with a bang.

When Dong Shanwei saw this, his heart suddenly rose to his throat, fearing that his Zanpakutō Kumoki would undergo a super mutation and grow to cover the entire Second Division team building.

By then, he was afraid that he would have to perform a caesarean section to apologize.

Unfortunately, the situation did not develop as he imagined. Yungui's potential was limited. After absorbing the thunder cannon from Sufeng, it only maintained its original state for three seconds before it exploded.

Dazzling golden light bloomed from the middle, and billowing air waves swept in all directions, stirring up dust tens of meters high.

Countless clouds of debris exploded and scattered to every corner.

"Three white thunders and one thunder cannon."

Su Feng nodded thoughtfully, "If you can develop a swastika solution, it must be possible to send a flying dragon to attack the thief and shake the sky."

"Medium potential."

Soul Society is really full of talents.

Just in time to quell the turmoil here, Broken Bee, who put on a new set of dead bully outfit, also arrived just in time.

She turned a blind eye to the mess at the scene, and all the reflections in her black pupils were Su Feng's figure.

"Captain Broken Bee, you're a little late."

Su Feng pointed to Yun Gui who had returned to its normal size and said, "The traitor has already been punished."

Broken Bee casually returned Captain Yu Zhi to Sufeng and issued new orders in a tone that could not be refused.

"Dong Shanwei, you are responsible for handling the scene."

"Captain Sufeng and I are going to suppress the maggot nest."

"Yes, Captain!" Dong Shanwei immediately tensed up and accepted the order.

Although Broken Bee has not been the captain for long, he has established a certain degree of majesty.

This has a lot to do with the way she acted in the past.

And because of the team spirit of the Second Division, most of the soldiers and officers are ruthless mission machines.

Compared to other divisions, this place seems even more impersonal.

The next battle seems much simpler.

The dangerous elements imprisoned in the Maggot Nest do not have Zanpakutō, and most of their attacks are Kidō and Hakuta.

When the two captains took action at the same time, these guys were not even qualified to make a splash.

In less than ten minutes, all the dangerous elements who escaped were suppressed, and the second division returned to its former peace.

"The ghost barrier of Maggot's Nest has been completely destroyed."

Broken Bee looked ugly, "If you want to repair it, you have to wait for the members of the Ghost Dao Sect to free up their manpower."

The Seireitei is now in a raging war, and there will be turmoil with Zanpakutō everywhere, even among the Oni Daoists.

"It's not that troublesome." Sufeng stood up and looked at the maggot nest like a mountain in front of him. "It's very simple to prepare a temporary ghost barrier."

Thanks to the big brother Derek in the forest for the reward

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