Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 109 Aizen's Purpose

"Heaven's proud son, a city wall made of iron."

Under Zuofeng's shocked eyes, Sufeng chanted softly and slowly, and the majestic spiritual pressure covered the top of the maggot nest like a surge.

The complex Kidō incantation pours into the spiritual pressure in a mimetic chorus, changing its original form.

"The dragon moves, the lion roars, the tiger roars, and the wolf runs, cut off the world before it collapses!"

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Duan Kong!"

It was supposed to form a huge transparent barrier across the sky and the earth. At the moment Sufeng's words fell, it was bent into a semicircular shape and completely enveloped the maggot nest in the form of multiple releases.

"With the level of those guys, they won't be able to break through this ghost barrier for a while."

Sufeng clapped his hands, showing a very relaxed look.

A strange color flashed in Sui Feng's eyes. Not only could it not be broken, the ghost barrier now was even stronger than the previous one.

During several battles, she discovered a characteristic of Sufeng.

There are no shortcomings in the four basic combat methods of Zhan Fist and Zhan Gui, and they are almost omnipotent.

This also means that Sufeng has the ability to develop and research that combat skill!

Thinking of this, Suifeng's eyes changed strangely when he looked at Sufeng again.

If you master that combat skill, your strength will definitely be able to leap forward like a flying star.

At that time, it will be easy to surpass Yeyi of Sifengyuan, surpass the captain of the second division of the past, and become the mainstay of the soul world!

"Your eyes are dangerous, Captain Broken Bee."

Su Feng always felt that the identities of the two parties were reversed at this moment.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something happy for a while."

Broken Bee turned his head away to prevent his ambition from being seen through by others.

"The trouble with the maggot's nest has been resolved for the time being, let's immediately call the team to conduct a patrol and search."

Su Feng didn't worry too much, "One minute every night may cause the team members to be killed by their own Zanpakuto."

As the captain, the superficial image still needs to be maintained first-hand.

Soon, dozens of figures set off from the second division team building, searching in the direction where the spiritual pressure was the strongest.


At the same time, the inner court of the Lingling Court.

The office is located in Room 46 of the Central Committee, below the underground meeting hall.

With a gentle smile on his face, Aizen walked steadily downwards along the endless stairs.

Behind him, a figure followed step by step, curious eyes constantly passing by on both sides.

"It's such a long staircase." Ichimaru Gin said in surprise, "I didn't expect that there would be such a scene below the underground meeting hall."

"Captain Aizen is really clever. He came to a place like this while the Seireitei was in chaos."

"Is there really the so-called truth of Soul Society's history at the end of the stairs?"

Ordinary captains are not qualified to go to the underground meeting hall without receiving secret orders.

As the most heavily guarded place in the Soul Society, even when the entire Seireitei was in turmoil, it still had a very strong defense.

If Aizen hadn't used Kyoka Suigetsu's ability to influence the guarding Shinigami, it would have been impossible for the two of them to sneak in here silently.

"This is the cornerstone of Soul Society's history, and it is also a very large database."

Aizen explained with a calm expression, "The Great Soul Scroll Corridor guarded by the Tsunayashiro family records a series of major events and secrets in the Soul Society from ancient times to the present."

"I'm just here to find some answers."

Hearing this, a false smile appeared on Ichimaru Gin's face, and his slightly squinted eyes opened a little, revealing tiny bits of azure color.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's really strange. Is there anything in this world that Captain Aizen doesn't know about?"

Aizen nodded, as if it were a matter of course: "I am not the god who created the world, and naturally I do not have the ability to know everything."

"Besides, the Great Spirit Book Corridor is not as simple as you think."

"This is a mysterious place that has nothing to do with the will of the God of Death, and is a place where all events and information in Soul Society are collected and recorded forcibly."

Ichimaru Gin had a look of surprise on his face, and his expression showed shock.

He didn't know the true nature of the Great Spirit Book Corridor, but from Aizen's description, he could still feel the power and mystery of this place.

Simply ignoring the will of the God of Death and forcibly collecting all information on Soul Society is already terrifying.

No wonder the Tsunayashiro family, the head of the five nobles, is in charge.

Nobles really like to control everything beyond their expectations in their own hands.

Thinking of this, Ichimaru Gin shook his head disdainfully.

During the conversation between the two, the endless stairs finally reached the end. A huge portal stood like a mountain in the darkness, with a huge word "forbidden" painted in red ink on it!

It was as red as blood.

"To get into it, you need a little bit of skill."

Under Ichimaru Gin's gaze, Aizen stretched out his right hand, and a large amount of spiritual pressure gathered on it, outlining straight lines one after another, spreading and covering the back end of his arm.

When his right hand pressed on the red word "forbidden", a blazing light suddenly burst out in the dark environment.

The movement in the forty-six rooms in the center above should have alarmed them, but under a strange force, they all gathered near the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened.

What catches the eye is the endless books.

The strange hexagonal space is so huge that it even exceeds the size of the Seireitei. Countless floors are constantly stacked, and each floor contains a large number of books. There is no end in sight.

Ichimaru Gin took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, and there was an inexplicable light shining in his slightly opened eyes.

Is this the final destination of Aizen?

"Come with me, Silver."

Aizen didn't seem to notice anything strange about Ichimaru Gin, and his tone was as relaxed as before:

"It's not easy to find the information you want in a place like this."

"First, we need to determine the year..."

The two stepped onto the platform between the floors. Driven by spiritual pressure, the platform moved smoothly downwards.

A few minutes later, the platform stopped before a floor.

Aizen walked down slowly, followed by Ichimaru Gin.

"Captain Aizen, please act faster."

"Although the Seireitei is in chaos, this does not mean that the Tsunayashiro family is also in the same situation!"

Ichimaru Gin reminded.

"No need to worry, Silver, it's all within the plan."

Aizen walked to a bookshelf and stopped, making no move for a long time.

Curious, Ichimaru Gin also stepped forward and looked at the bookshelf.

What came into view was a bookshelf that was so empty that there was no dust on it...

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