Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 110 Rangiku Matsumoto is not weak to the sword

In the corridor of the Great Spiritual Book, the air became quiet for a while, and there was silence in the atmosphere.

Everything has been calculated, except for the final result.

Facing the empty bookshelf, even Aizen remained silent for the first time in a long time.

a long time.

The gentle smile appeared on that generous face again, as if nothing had happened.

"What an unexpected operation."

Aizen laughed, "I actually emptied the entire bookshelf."

"So, what exactly does Captain Aizen want to know?" Ichimaru Gin asked curiously, "What is the original content on this bookshelf?"

"The chief of the Tsunayashiro family, Tsunayashiro Sufeng."

Aizen replied calmly, "His life, all his deeds from birth to now."

"Obviously, our colleague has an ulterior secret."

"In that case, let's go to the next answer."

"I hope I won't be disappointed this time..."

Looking at Aizen stepping onto the platform again, Ichimaru Gin had a strange expression on his face.

In his impression, Aizen represented the image of having no plans left and everything under control.

Today is the first time I've had a bad meal.

He glanced at the empty bookshelf again, and suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to do so.

Don’t you want others to know your secret, so you vacated the Great Spiritual Book Corridor in advance?

As the chief of the Tsunayashiro family, Sufeng really has this authority.

Ichimaru Gin's face showed a half-smile expression, and he once again became very interested in this colleague.

Perhaps there is a common language between them.

At Aizen's urging, Ichimaru Gin stepped onto the platform in an instant, and the two continued downward.

This time it seemed much smoother. When they stopped again, the bookshelf in front of them was filled with books of the same format.

Aizen reached out and picked out a book and opened it directly. Familiar words flashed past Ichimaru Gin's peripheral vision.

"Kisuke Urahara?"


West Rukongai, District 3.

Sufeng never expected that this turmoil would develop to such an extent.

A pink cat girl with short dark red hair hung firmly on his body in an exaggerated posture.

His legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands were hugging his chest.

"It's so beautiful!" The cat girl rubbed her face against Su Feng's neck, "This is my purpose."

"That stupid woman Rangiku Matsumoto doesn't understand what I'm thinking at all."

On the side, Matsumoto Rangiku looked at the scene in front of her with a livid face.

Not to mention Sufeng, even she herself did not expect that the situation would develop in such an out-of-control direction.

Before encountering the gray cat, she had thought about the opponent directly drawing a sword and fighting fiercely, and then she defeated it with difficulty, and finally conquered it again.

In other words, because she lost her Zanpakutō, her strength plummeted and she was defeated by Haimao with a backhand.

To be precise, I guessed everything before.

After Rangiku Matsumoto finished handling the affairs of Division 9, he tracked the gray cat with No. 58 Binding Road Slap Toe Chaser.

Then one person and one cat girl started a life-and-death battle.

Things were originally on the right track, but with the arrival of Sufeng, the painting style went straight to the wrong side.

The gray cat abandoned her master, turned around and threw herself into Su Feng's arms. She clung to Su Feng's body like a pendant, and then rubbed it hard.

When this scene appeared, Matsumoto Rangiku felt like she was turning green from head to toe, and her whole body felt bad.

Although during this period, she tried to force the gray cat away from Su Feng and then replaced it herself.

But after trying several times, he almost tore off the captain Yu Zhi.

In desperation, Matsumoto Rangiku could only stand aside and glare angrily at the scene in front of her.

Huh, like a female cat in heat!

Sufeng now seriously suspected that he was contaminated with the properties of catnip. Otherwise, how could this thing suddenly become so abnormal?

"Enough is enough." He reminded, "If this continues, Rangiku will have the urge to break the sword."

After hearing Su Feng's words, the gray cat reluctantly let go of his hands.

"So, that's why you chose to rebel?"

Matsumoto Rangiku grabbed the gray cat's collar with her backhand, stared at the unconvinced face in front of her with a fierce expression, and growled in a low voice.

"Hey, old woman, what's your attitude?"

When Haimao faced Matsumoto Rangiku, he immediately transformed into a menacing look.

"If you hadn't been indecisive many times, how could I have chosen to rebel?"

"Also, your poor drugging skills have no effect at all!"

As soon as these words came out, Matsumoto Rangiku's face suddenly turned red, saying that his strength had increased dramatically with the bonus of anger, and he could beat three gray cats with one.

Everyone was cursing and cursing, but no one was convinced.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Sufeng rubbed his swollen eyebrows and said helplessly, "Haimao, go back to your Zanpakutō first."

"After this turmoil is over, you can compete with Rangiku again."

Zanpakuto is molded from the soul of Shinigami. Strictly speaking, Zanpakuto often represents the other side of Shinigami, or a certain part of his personality.

Like the previous bird-bee, he often used vicious words to slander his master, bird-bee, such as an old woman who didn't understand fashion.

In fact, this is also a reflection of Zhanfei's character.

As a classical woman, Broken Bee abides by the rules of the Soul Society. She is very conservative in character, but she is also eager to make changes.

The materialized bird expresses this side.

The same goes for gray cats.

Matsumoto Rangiku and Sufeng grew up together since childhood, and they have already left an imprint on each other's souls.

Although Rangiku Matsumoto is usually not in good shape, he is extremely concerned about Sufeng's every move.

After materializing, the gray cat showed unusual affection towards Sufeng, which was considered normal.

At Sufeng's order, the gray cat puffed up his cheeks and glared at Matsumoto Rangiku with dissatisfaction.

Then, under the eyes of Matsumoto Ranju who was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, he reached out and hugged Sufeng's back again, and then lightly pecked his face, before it turned into a ray of light and returned to Zanpakuto.


Matsumoto Rangiku was furious and pulled out the Zanpakuto from the scabbard, "Damn you, get out of here!"

The spiritual pressure poured into the Zanpakutō, but there was no response at all.


Before completely conquering the Zanpakutō, Haimao was still dissatisfied with Matsumoto Rangiku under the influence of Muramasa's power.

"No, as the eldest sister of Division 9, how can I lose to a Zanpakutō?!"

The more Rangiku Matsumoto thought about it, the angrier she became, and her pretty face looked like a bulging pufferfish.

In anger, she also pulled Su Feng over and kissed him directly on the mouth with an extremely strong attitude!

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