Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 112 Troubles in Noble Street

With one strike from the three men, the sea of ​​​​fire in the sky was instantly suppressed.

Among them, the tornadoes that followed the wind were the main ones, and the air currents on the wasteland were all detonated.

A pair of invisible big hands crushed down, tearing apart the sea of ​​​​fire created by Liu Ren Ruohuo in an instant, and exploded the dust and smoke that filled the sky.

Although Kyōraku Shunsui cannot use the other abilities of his Zanpakutō, Fusei Dokraku, who explodes with all his strength, can still have considerable effects.

And combined with the tornado winds that follow the wind, it plays the role of one plus one being greater than two.

The same is true for Ukitake Jushiro.


Kyōraku saw the right moment and threw the Huatian Kuang Gu with his backhand to the edge of the suppressed sea of ​​​​fire, and immediately two pillars of spiritual pressure erupted on the blade.

Ukitake Jushiro coughed violently, but his movements were not slow at all, and he threw his Pisces Carp in the same manner.

The spiritual pressure of the two people intertwined in the air, forming a huge light curtain covering the sea of ​​fire.

The flames of the flowing blade weakened more and more until they formed a flame, burning continuously in the ghost path barrier.

Sufeng stepped in front of the barrier and curiously looked at the materialized Liubian Ruohuo.

Because it was covered by flames, its true appearance could not be seen clearly.

But judging from the battle, it didn't seem to have any fighting spirit, otherwise the three of them would never have been so relaxed.

"It's really dangerous." Kyoryaku Shunsui looked into the ghost path barrier, and the shadow of the flames was reflected in his pupils, "It's a pity that Mr. Shan insisted on stationing himself in the Seireitei, otherwise we wouldn't have gone through so much trouble. "

"This is obviously his Zanpakutō!"

Hearing his friend's complaint, Ukitake Jushiro had a wry smile on his face, but just as he was about to speak, an old illness arose again, and he suddenly had a violent cough.

"Ahem, let's hurry up and inform the teacher to subdue Liu Ren Ruohuo."

"Otherwise, this level of barrier won't be able to trap Liu Ren Ruo Huo for too long."

Jingraku Shunshui covered his face with his big hands and rubbed it vigorously: "This is really troublesome. As the captain, Old Man Shan doesn't know how to be considerate of his subordinates."

Because of the large difference in the concentration of spirit particles in the Nigu area, the messenger machine could not be used, and because of the limited distance, Tentei Kongra could not notify the Seireitei at all.

The two of them stayed behind to guard Ryuken Ruohuo, while Sufeng returned to the Seireitei with Rangiku.

After contacting Nirvana with the messenger, he didn't need to worry about the rest.

The captains' Zanpakutos were gradually subdued, and there was no hope that the turmoil in Soul Society would become bigger again.

Although it is not clear what Kuchiki Kyoukawa's purpose is, it is not difficult to judge from his extreme personality that it is nothing more than revenge against the nobles or Soul Society.


Behind the Sixth Division's building, there is Noble Street where nobles gather.

Compared to the turmoil in other places in Soul Society, this place seems much calmer.

Mainly because there are fewer Shinigami among the nobles who own Zanpakutō, and most of them serve as captains in the sixth division.

The war ahead has not affected this place.

"Dirty factionalism."

A figure stood on the roof, looking down at the bustling aristocratic streets below, disgust flashing instinctively in his eyes.

This was the existence he had sworn to protect with his life, but the bricks and tiles now only made him feel sick.

"Ugh, disgusting!" Kuchiki Xianghe's resentment almost solidified, and a figure slowly appeared behind him, "Muramasa, destroy everything here and let those high-ranking nobles fall into the abyss!"

"Yes, my master."

Muramasa put his right hand in front of him and bowed respectfully.

I saw his arms stretched forward, his fingers spread out, and the strange power spread in all directions in the form of ripples.

next moment.

Deafening explosions sounded in all directions on Noble Street at the same time, and flames shot into the sky!

The first to bear the brunt was the Kuchiki family, which occupied a huge area.


A ray of white light passed through the center of the building, and several ornately decorated buildings were directly cut off in the middle. The buildings tilted, revealing smooth cross-sections.


In just an instant, the street on the left was shortened by half out of thin air and turned into a large area of ​​ruins.

When the white light was withdrawn, it finally landed at the end of the street, and a figure slowly walked out of the shadows.

Wearing a white kimono, short silver-white hair, a slender figure, and a smiling fox mask on his face, he gives people an extremely fake feeling.

"Yeah, it seems like I used a little too much force."

The gentle voice sounded under the fox mask, making people immediately think of his identity.

The rebellious physical form of the Zanpakutō, the divine spear.

Other unconquered Zanpakutos also appeared one after another on the noble streets. Under the influence of Muramasa's ability, they amplified their inner desires and crazily destroyed everything in front of them.

Fire, water, thunder, strong wind, unknown creatures...

In just a few seconds, nearly half of Noble Street was turned into ruins.

The noble members immediately joined the battle and used ghost ways to fight against the enemy, and the strong aftermath was raging again.

The movement on the noble street soon attracted the attention of the gods of death.

After receiving the order from the chief officer, the god of death, who was in good condition, also joined the battle.

The number of people on both sides suddenly showed a one-sided trend.

It's a pity that the high-end combat power of the Reaper's side has not appeared, and the battle situation is still anxious.


"Broken Path 4: White Thunder!"

The mighty thunder streaked across the sky and hit a burly man with red skin, instantly knocking him back dozens of meters away.

"Isn't Captain Big Dog here?"

Sufeng appeared in the nearby ruins, "Why has Noble Street become the focus of Zanpakutō attacks?"

The scourge flew from afar with great force. The moment it approached, a huge hand the size of a house appeared out of thin air above it. It held a giant blade several meters long and slashed down toward Sufeng.

It is easy to see from his red eyes that the other party has no desire to communicate.

With an instant step back to the wind, he dodged the falling giant blade. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, directly approaching the Heavenly Punishment. He raised his hand and struck down with the sword.

"Destroying Noble Street is a capital crime."


Hot blood splattered.

The severe pain caused a trace of clarity to appear in Tianshu's red eyes, as if he had briefly escaped from control.


Just when he was about to open his mouth to defend himself, a black-soled sandal kept enlarging in his sight.


The burly body, which was far larger than an ordinary person, was hit in the face by Sufeng's kick. It turned into a rolling gourd and fell into the ruins in the distance, stirring up dust all over the sky.

at this time.

Many rebellious Zanpakutō also noticed Sufeng's figure and surrounded them one after another. The majestic spiritual pressure enveloped the surroundings, and a strong sense of suffocation continued to spread!

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