"You really think highly of me."

Sufeng sighed, "At least there are more than thirty Zanpakutō, right?"

Heavy spiritual pressure enveloped the surroundings, and the air became thicker and thicker. The nearby Shinigami suddenly knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

The various figures surrounding him all have one thing in common.


Driven by Muramasa's ability, the rebellious Zanpakutos amplified their desires to the extreme, but at the same time, because they were separated from the Shinigami, their power also declined to a certain extent.

There are only a few examples like Zaihou who were suppressed by his own Zanpakutō and even nearly died.

But even so, dozens of Zanpakutō combined together are still a force that cannot be underestimated.

You know, Sufeng even sensed multiple familiar spiritual pressures in these figures.

Shen Qiang, Shan Yue, Rou Shizuku Sui, Yan Ling Wan...

If nothing else, relevant personnel are rushing to the scene.

Because of the battle, the spiritual pressure in the nearby area was chaotic, and the density of spiritual particles was also chaotic. The messenger machine could not be used at all.

But when the spiritual pressure appears, the captains should have already determined the specific location.

"Let it burn!"

A low roar came from the group of swords, and a crescent-shaped flaming sword tore through the air and flew straight towards Sufeng's location.

This move directly sounded the clarion call for attack.

Countless attacks, in a chaotic form, immediately locked onto Sufeng who was standing there.

The surrounding air was even directly distorted by this, forming disorderly interspersed lines, and the trajectories were extremely complicated.


The violent energy poured out, engulfing Sufeng, and the spiritual pressure at the core disappeared instantly, as if it had been wiped away.

next moment.

Sufeng, who had lost his captain Yu Zhi, appeared on the outskirts of the battlefield. He looked at the scene in the distance with a click of his tongue, shook his head and sighed: "Did I activate the group taunting skill?"

"Why are they all attacking in a swarm?"

"Do these guys have any prejudice against me?"

Before the words could be finished, spiritual pressure erupted again in the shadow not far away. A huge ball of fire condensed and flew out in an instant, and the blazing high temperature passed across the sky.

"Thirty-one of the Binding Dao: Round Gate Fan."

Sufeng didn't look back, and fired a round shield behind his back, blocking the fire ball in time.


There was a huge explosion, deafening.

The shock wave spread, and the ground was as fragile as tofu. A large amount of soil rose into the sky, and in an instant, a huge ravine several meters long was formed around Suifeng.

A figure holding a standard Zanpakutō walked slowly from a distance.

A tattered death tyrant uniform could not hide his strong and burly body. The hard muscles seemed to be poured out of metal. The red gauze was wrapped around his neck, and his short black hair had a pull that symbolized the status of an upper-class aristocrat. star clamp.

Su Feng raised his eyes and looked at the enemy who suddenly appeared, and he already recognized the opponent's identity.

"The Kuchiki family's son-in-law?"

Kuchiki Xianghe, who was still aggressive at first, immediately stiffened his expression and body when he heard this embarrassing name, as if the pause button had been pressed.

Although he was indeed given the surname Kuchiki because he married a member of the Kuchiki family.

But similarly, being reduced to this situation is inseparable from the Kuchiki family.

The air was quiet for a long time.

"Are you also a kid from the Kuchiki family?"

Kuchiki Xianghe's eyes were filled with undisguised murderous intent and resentment, and he broke the silence with a ferocious expression:

"What do you think when you see these thousand-year-old buildings reduced to ruins?"

"The wail of the god of death, the cry of the nobles, do you understand how I felt back then?"

"Everything you have devoted your heart and soul to is destroyed mercilessly by others. How sad!"

He noticed the pincer next to Sufeng's ear and instinctively thought that the person in front of him was a member of the Kuchiki family.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to see this scene."

Sufeng denied, "Some time ago, the rebels were in turmoil. We all believed that the Kuchiki family and the Shifengyuan family were behind it."

"Now it is the Kuchiki family's turn to suffer heavy losses. I am happy from the bottom of my heart."

The Kuchiki family's mansion was destroyed, what does it have to do with the Tsunayashiro family?

Just scream in sorrow, Sufeng said that he could even eat three bowls of rice in this situation.

Kuchiki Xianghe's expression became stiff again, and he felt bad all over.

He finally got out of the seal, creating such a huge sensation that he dragged half of the Soul Society into the war, and even the Kuchiki family's mansion was mostly destroyed.

Finally, when he was almost done, he waited for a member of the Kuchiki family whose decoration and appearance matched the image he had in mind. But you said you are not a member of the Kuchiki family?

The ruins in front of you not only fail to resonate with your grief, but instead stand aside and applaud?

Kuchiki Xianghe felt that after being sealed for hundreds of years, the Soul Society had become somewhat unfamiliar.

During the faction wars back then, those captains were vicious, sinister and cunning, and they plotted against each other just to compete for a small profit.

In order to let his faction win, he even sacrificed his subordinates and then framed himself.

On the other hand, the current captain looks like a fun-loving person.

Think so far.

Kuchiki Xianghe's expression was distorted again, and combined with the iron hoop on his face, he looked like a ferocious evil ghost:

"Whether you are happy or sad."

"It's time to repay everything Soul Society did to me and everything the Kuchiki family did to me!"

"Revenge is eternal!"

After he finished speaking, he raised the standard Zanpakutō in his hand, all the spiritual pressure surged onto it, and a dazzling lavender light shone on the blade.

"You will soon know what a profound mistake it is to use the Zanpakutō without restraint in front of me!"

"And you will pay a terrible price for it!"

"Whisper, Muramasa!"

The lavender light turned into a ring and spread on the blade. Its speed was even faster than Su Feng's nerve reaction.

However, the red light passed over Sufeng, and nothing happened.

The scene became very silent for a while.

Kuchiki Xianghe was surprised and subconsciously looked at his Zanpakutō: "What's going on?"

It was clear that the ability had been activated just now, but why didn't the opponent's Zanpakutō rebel?

He knew that his Zanpakutou Village was the nemesis of all Shinigami.

As long as a Shinigami has a Zanpakutō and has not closed his heart, he will have no power to fight back in front of him.

Muramasa's Hakkai ability alone allows the Zanpakutō to control its master's arm to kill himself or his companions.

But the other party clearly showed no signs of closing his heart, and didn't even release his spiritual pressure defense. How could Muramasa's ability fail on him? !

Kuchiki Xianghe began to doubt his life.

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