Yamamoto Genryusai and Kuchiki Ginryu looked at each other and immediately fell silent.

The room fell silent for a while.

Only the tea stove next to it made a gurgling sound.

Yamamoto Genryusai had no intention of speaking first. He slowly and skillfully took out the teapot and started the whole process of making tea.

As an old man who has lived for thousands of years, he has a unique advantage in patience.

Oh, don’t panic at all.

When Kuchiki Ginling saw this, a look of helplessness appeared on his old face, and he sighed:

"It's actually not a big deal."

"It's mainly related to the nobility."

As he told it, Sufeng gradually understood the purpose of the two people inviting him to come.

As a hierarchical world, Soul Society upholds the will of the Central Forty-sixth Chamber as the highest judicial authority.

But in fact.

Those who truly control the laws and regulations are the five nobles and the superior Golden Seal Society.

Today's five major nobles, except for the Shiba family, check and balance each other, and each has his or her own methods.

Kuchiki Ginling wanted to take advantage of Byakuya Kuchiki's appointment to ask Sufeng's opinion on the Shiba family.

After all, millions of years ago, there were serious differences between the ideas of the founder of the Tsunayashiro family and the ideas of the founder of the Shiha family.

Today, the Shiba family has withdrawn from the circle of noble interests.

Although they still have the title of one of the five nobles, they are actually no different from the common people in Rukongai.

In the recent rebellion and the rotten trees and the river, the nobles suffered heavy losses. Although they were not to the point of being injured, they could not be easily ignored.

As an important participant in this, Sufeng must have ideas that are different from others.

And as an alien being in Tsunayashiro's family, he probably has some other, slightly different views on the Shiba family.

The wind gently taps the table, making a slow and rhythmic sound.

This was a habit of his thinking.

Although he usually doesn't like to use his brain, he occasionally gets lost in thinking because of some worldly matters.

I have to say that as the head of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Yinling's ability is still worthy of recognition, at least in terms of speaking order, the priorities are perfectly controlled, giving people a sense of comfort.

In comparison, Kuchiki Byakuya, who has not yet become the head of the family, seems a bit irritable.

However, Sufeng is not much stronger, so naturally he is not qualified to evaluate Kuchiki Byakuya.

As for the purpose of Kuchiki Ginling, he only vaguely guessed part of it, and the specific full picture would not be known until the other party said it himself.

"I don't have any opinion." Sufeng stopped tapping his knuckles, and looked directly at Kuchiki Yinling calmly, "Since the Zhibo family has made a choice, they must pay the corresponding price."

"Mr. Ginling, could it be that he wants the Kuchiki family and the Tsunayashiro family to divide the power of the Shiba family?"

As soon as these words came out, Kuchiki Ginling slowly shook his head: "That's not the case, I'm just asking for your opinion."

"That's all."

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded in agreement, as if expressing his opinion.

Sufeng felt a little suspicious in his heart and glanced at the two of them with strange eyes.

Obviously, he still lacks much experience compared to these two old foxes in terms of using his brain.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

"Shiba Haiyan, Shiba Kongkaku, Shiba Rock Eagle, Shiba Isshin."

Su Feng counted with his fingers, "One of the five dignified nobles, the Zhibo family who controls the Tianzhu chariot leading to the Lingwang Palace, there are only three or two big cats and kittens left."

"Don't say I don't care about these, even that old guy Qiuyue won't take them to heart, right?"

The cheap uncle in Sufeng has been having a hard time lately.

Because of Tsunayashiro Tokinada, his career as head of the family came to an end at a glance.

And as a rising star, Sufeng performed very well in the Soul Society, and many family elders publicly expressed their support for him at the family meeting.

This made Tsunayashiro Akizuki's already sad life even worse.

"Correct, there's another Shibato."

Kuchiki Ginling reminded, "I've invited you here to discuss this matter."

"Not long ago, as the head of our family, Shiba Haiyan submitted written information to the Golden Seal Society and prepared to apply for marriage."

Yamamoto Genryusai finally spoke, and no emotion could be heard in his old voice:

"Originally, this matter should have been reported to the captain and vice-captain at the captain's meeting."

"But due to the current status of the squad and Shiba Haiyan's request, I did not hold a captain meeting."

Kuchiki Ginling nodded: "But as the five nobles, we cannot remain indifferent to this."

"Gifts must be given. For this, I want Byakuya to go to Rukongai."

After the words fell, their eyes fell on Su Feng at the same time.

After going around in a circle, Sufeng looked at the two old foxes again with a bit of contempt in his eyes.

After co-authoring to the end, I still want to trick him again.

For Shiba Haiyan's wedding, Tsunayashiro Akizuki would definitely not send anyone to Shiba's house to congratulate her.

The meaning of Kuchiki Yinling is already obvious.

"what is this?"

Sufeng picked up the teapot and filled his own cup. His rude action, which had no spirit of tea ceremony, made Yamamoto Genryusai's eyelids jump.

"I don't have much friendship with Shiba Haiyan. I only met him once or twice at the noble meeting."

"Sending congratulatory gifts or something like that is a bit forced."

At this point, he already roughly understood what Kuchiki Ginling meant.

Using himself as a bridge to ease the relationship between the five nobles, Soul Society is no longer in a tense state all the time.

Although they are both heads of the family, the gap between Tsunayashiro Akizuki and Kuchiki Ginryu is reflected in this matter.

Tsunayashiro Akizuki is more of a fisherman, while Kuchiki Ginzu takes a long-term view.

"As for gifts, the Kuchiki family will prepare them for you."

Kuchiki Ginling controlled human nature and immediately clicked on the topic, "At that time, you only need to go to Shiba's house with Byakuya."

After pondering for a moment, Sufeng readily agreed: "Time and place."

Nothing more than a little interest in the secret ghost ways passed down from generation to generation in the Shiba family.

"Byakuya will contact you." Kuchiki Ginling seemed to want to tie Kuchiki Byakuya and Sufeng to death.

"Besides, I have one more thing to tell you."

Yamamoto Genryusai put down his steaming tea cup and said, "The members of the Thirteenth Division stationed in the present world submitted a data report to the First Division not long ago."

Under Sufeng's unexpected gaze, Yamamoto Genryusai stated calmly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter:

"There are traces of humans with high spiritual power appearing in many cities in the world."

"Due to the busy schedules of other divisions, I decided to appoint you to the present world to conduct investigations..."

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