Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 118 People are addicted to food

West Rukongai, District 3.

The Shiba family's residence.

Different from the outrageously exaggerated style in Sufeng's perception, the Shiba family mansion at this stage adopts the simplest architectural method.

The flat and spacious courtyard is slightly different from Rukongai, but as the residence of the five nobles, it is still a bit shabby.

Compared with usual, the courtyard of the mansion is full of festive atmosphere, and the residents of Liuhun Street come and go to it from time to time to send a gift that can represent their own hearts.

After the Shiba family left Noble Street, it was easy for them to settle here.

Their good style quickly won the hearts of the common people. On this big day, many people would naturally come to congratulate Shiba Haiyan.

"This is my first time to see the wedding of a great noble."

Matsumoto Rangiku pressed Sufeng's shoulders, her slim figure kept getting closer, looking like she was squeezing.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen this form."

Su Feng closed his eyes, feeling the soft touch on his arm, and replied, "We don't invite the nobles, but let the common people come and go as they please."

"This operation of the Shiba family will be unilaterally regarded as a shame by the nobles."

Although Sufeng didn't care about these details, it didn't mean that other nobles didn't care either.

At the very least, the guy standing to his left took it seriously.

Kuchiki Byakuya frowned slightly and pursed his mouth, looking like a thousand-year-old iceberg.

Ever since he recovered from his injury, he has maintained this posture.

Then, under the order of Kuchiki Ginling, when Sufeng was invited to go to Rukongai with him, his expression became even worse.

Obviously, his impression of Sufeng was getting worse.

If it's not impossible to beat...

Shiba Haiyan showed uncontrollable surprise at the arrival of Sufeng and Kuchiki Byakuya.

Kuchiki Byakuya can still understand.

As a model of nobility, the Kuchiki family strictly restrains their every word and deed.

For a wedding of this magnitude, the Kuchiki family would definitely not remain indifferent.

What surprised Zhibo Haiyan the most was the appearance of Sufeng.

The two didn't talk much, just complimented each other superficially.

Zhibo Haiyan expressed her heartfelt thanks to Sufeng for coming.

At the same time, he also introduced his family to the two of them.

Shiba stopped mentioning it. They often met at captain meetings, and they fought side by side because of the Kuchiki Kyouga incident.

What surprised Sufeng was that at this time, Zhiba Ganjiu was still a stinky brat.

Despite all his efforts, his height was only around his waist.

And Shiba Kukaku has not yet grown up to look like the royal sister she will be in the future. She has a girlish attitude and a cunning look in her eyes, which is obviously not a good thing.

When she was greeting Su Feng and others, her eyes kept moving between the two of them, and she didn't know what dangerous thoughts she was thinking.

Sufeng and Kuchiki Byakuya did not stay here for too long.

Because the status of the two was too noble, the common people of Rukongai who came here as guests did not even dare to breathe normally in front of them.

Considering that this was a major event in Shiba Haiyan's life, the group left after sending congratulatory gifts.

However, on the way back, a little accident happened.

"Captain Sufeng, after the previous battle and the war that affected Soul Society."

Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes were firm, and there seemed to be flames burning in his black eyes.

"I have a new understanding of the way of swordsmanship, so..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Su Feng's impatient wave of his hand.

"I understand, you're looking for a fight, right?"

"Come on, let's draw a line and fight to a quick conclusion."

Under the surprised eyes of Matsumoto Rangiku and Gin Ginjiro, the two found a quiet place in the wild forest of Rukongai.

Then the kendo competition without spiritual pressure began.

Less than ten minutes.

Sufeng's curved arm trembled, and he stepped forward with his right foot. The blade in his hand turned sharply, and instantly struck Byakuya Kuchiki's weak point.

As the blade slipped, it swam down, and the tip of the blade, glowing with cold light, landed on Byakuya Kuchiki's neck.

A disastrous defeat, an even more miserable defeat than last time.

Kuchiki Byakuya's face turned pale, and his entire body seemed to be only black and white lines, feeling extremely lost.

He had anticipated various outcomes before, but he did not expect this one.

Disdainfully glanced at the devastated Kuchiki Byakuya, Su Feng casually flicked his hand, Lan Yin sank into the scabbard, called Matsumoto Rangiku, and left as a victor.

People are addicted to vegetables.

This is what Sufeng said about him.

Thinking that the Kuchiki family had reimbursed all the expenses of Division 9, Sufeng decided to let Byakuya Kuchiki indulge for a while longer.

Leaving aside the spiritual pressure, Sufeng can easily crush any Zhanquan zombie with his extremely high proficiency.

"Master Bai Zai, you, are you alright?"

Gin Ginjiro hurriedly stepped forward and supported Kuchiki Byakuya, who had lost all color.

"It's okay, it's just a small defeat."

Kuchiki Byakuya shook his head, seeming to have regained his former energy.

Looking at Sufeng's retreating figure, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes were profound and incomprehensible, revealing an indescribable and complex meaning.


In this world, Naruki City.

A week after beating Byakuya Kuchiki, Sufeng passed through the world gate and came to the real world as the captain.

According to the information provided by the members of the 13th Division, the place where the last abnormal spiritual pressure fluctuation occurred was in Naruki City.

However, when he arrived at the agreed location, he was rarely let go.

The Death God team member responsible for the connection did not arrive at the location on time.

After waiting for half an hour, Sufeng decided to give up and wandered aimlessly in the world.

However, Naruki City, as a neighbor of Karakura Town, has a very high spirit concentration compared to other normal cities.

Su Feng had not been wandering around the modern streets for ten minutes when Xu's spiritual pressure appeared within his range of perception.


A black shadow flew across the sky so fast that it even exceeded the limit that the naked eye could capture.


Under the collision of an unknown behemoth, a building several meters high suddenly collapsed, stirring up dust all over the sky.

In the dust and smoke, a blue spiritual beam tore through the air and shot out.

"Ho ho ho!"

Under Su Feng's unexpected gaze, the spirit beam accurately hit Xu's forehead, and its powerful destructive power instantly destroyed his brain.

The huge body comparable to a building immediately froze in place.

A gust of breeze hit, and the void instantly turned into countless light spots and disappeared into the air.

Looking at this scene, Sufeng narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression gradually became serious.

Xu's soul did not return to the world, but was completely erased by the spirit beam.

Is this the remaining Quincy clan in this world...

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