The strong wind carried the spirit son cluster, tearing the air apart in an instant, and headed straight for Balk with extremely swift speed!


The flames exploded, and a strong impact filled the surrounding area, causing the wall on the left to collapse and sending dust all over the sky.

However, when the dust dispersed, a huge red ball appeared in place.


The red mane converged like water, and Balk reappeared on the street unscathed.

"A taste that makes Xu salivate!"

Balk's blood-red eyes stared at the black figure in the distance, and the ferocious Hollow mask was full of joyful expressions.

"Today must be Lord Balk's lucky day!"

"Whether it's a man or a woman, Mr. Balke is not picky about food!"

As the words fell, the red mane grew crazily like a tide, rushing towards the black figure in the sky. In its vastness, it covered the sky and the sun, and its power was astonishing.

However, such an attack directly failed.

Afterimages flashed by.

The girl's graceful figure instantly appeared behind Balk, her arms spread out, the bowstring condensed on the Lingzi long bow, and a bright blue arrow appeared at the same time.

With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the arrow flew out instantly and hit Balk's back accurately.


The explosion soared into the sky. Under the terrifying impact, Balk slid directly on the ground. Huge ravines tens of meters long were plowed directly on the hard cement ground, and countless gravels were rolled up. Splash!

Balk struggled to get up from the ravine, his blood-red pupils instantly shrank to the size of needle tips, and an almost substantial aura of violence lingered around his entire body.

"You've totally pissed me off, food!"

After the words fell, violent spiritual pressure surged up again, giving people a biting cold feeling in all directions.

Behind the back, the flesh and blood shattered by the arrows grew at a rapid rate, and the flesh sprouts were intertwined like weaving fishing nets. In just an instant, the hideous wounds were completely healed.

Seeing this, the girl frowned deeply, realizing how difficult the other party was.

The recovery speed of this hand alone makes Balk invincible.

Ordinary attacks cannot effectively damage his body.


Countless red manes rushed towards the figure in the sky in an overwhelming manner, faster than before.

When the girl saw this, with a thought, the spirits gathered under her feet.

The next moment, the whole person disappeared in an instant. When she reappeared, she had already come to Balk's side.

The spirit son longbow in his hand was raised again, and the azure light became more and more dazzling, like a small sun, blooming brilliantly in the sky.

"Gu, you fell into a trap."

Under the red mane, a ferocious face appeared, with fangs spread out and irregular sharp teeth emerging from it, giving people a sense of terror and horror.

The crimson light gathered between the fangs and instantly condensed into a ball that exuded powerful oppression.

False flash!

With a deafening roar, the ground quickly cracked under the pressure, and red light was like a pillar, arriving first and swallowing up the graceful figure in an instant.

However, just when Balk thought his plan was successful, a brighter blue light burst out among the red.


Violent explosions were heard immediately from it, and from the ground, one could see the center of the virtual flash explosion, a shock wave visible to the naked eye, mixed with blue light spots, spreading out in all directions.

Wherever he passed, buildings collapsed, and the dust in the sky almost obscured his vision.

Such a horrific scene.

It made Ishikawa Naoto's hands holding the Zanpakutō tremble a little.

Before he entered the range of Daxu's spiritual pressure, he would never have imagined that this was actually an Achiukas.

When he was studying at the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, his teacher had taught him more than once that only a Shinigami who had mastered the first solution could handle the Killian-level Daxu.

For the higher-level Achiukas, only captain-level warriors can fight head-on.

at the moment.

He, a seventh seat who had just mastered Shijie, unexpectedly encountered Achiukas.

Even if there is a captain standing next to him, this instinctive fear is still uncontrollable.

Especially when the opponent's violent spiritual pressure comes over him.

The huge difference in levels made it impossible for him to even draw his sword.

But what made him even more unexpected was that this extremely ferocious Achiukas was actually attacked first by someone else.

The most terrifying thing is that from a performance perspective, the two sides are evenly matched.

After breaking Balk's false flash, the girl launched her flying scythe, flashing in the sky with her light body, and the spirit longbow in her hand opened and closed crazily.

Countless souls gathered together and shot out as if they were free. For a moment, the color of the already blue sky became darker.

"do you know?"

Sufeng looked sideways at Ishida Munexun next to him, "Her spiritual pressure seems to be stronger than yours, and she has more combat experience."

Ishida Zongxian wiped the sweat from his forehead, his expression was extremely nervous, and he whispered in Su Feng's ear:

"We know her. She is also from the pure-blood Quincy clan, but her last name is..."

Before he finished speaking, an accident occurred on the battlefield in the distance. The girl accidentally got close to Balk's wildly growing mane and was instantly pulled out.

An afterimage passed across the sky and slammed into the top floor of the tall building, directly smashing through the building.

Buildings collapsed, rubble fell, and piled up into a mountain of ruins.

The azure spirit son cluster erupted again, breaking through the ruins and sweeping everything away, but Balk's figure had already arrived on the ruins.

The red virtual flash condensed again, taking advantage of the situation to lock the girl's spiritual pressure. The roaring sound resounded in the sky and poured into the ruins.

The pressure came, and the girl tried to use her flying sickle to dodge the attack, but it was too late.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

A transparent barrier fell from the sky, falling in front of the virtual flash like a chasm. While defeating the ruins, it also blocked the powerful virtual flash.

The red beams of light all fell on the barrier, but they were like earthworms shaking a tree, unable to move at all.

The girl's expression was a little stunned, unable to understand the scene in front of her.

Seeing that the prey he was about to capture was blocked by others, Balk suddenly became angry and crazy, and let out a terrifying roar:



The roar stopped suddenly, and a crescent-shaped wind blade exuding a blue-white color penetrated its body.

Balk suddenly froze on the spot, and countless blood exploded into a downpour. The sky was filled with dazzling bright red, and two equal bodies fell from the sky and smashed into the ruins.

Daxu's spiritual pressure began to collapse...

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