Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 122 The issue of seniority

Blood rain poured out from the sky, dyeing the ground red, and dazzling flowers of blood bloomed above the empty barrier.

Under the attack of the Wind Chasing Blade, the ground cracked into neat ravines, spreading to the end of sight.

The appearance of this scene caused Ishida Sogenu and Ishikawa Naoto to immediately widen their eyes and stare ahead in disbelief.

They know the fact that Captain Death is very powerful, but there must be a limit to strength, right?

A Daxu of this level could be killed in seconds with just one strike?

Although he is unwilling to accept this fact, judging from the continuously collapsing spiritual pressure, this is the fact.

"Yes, saved?"

The girl was stunned, with a confused look on her face, and a trace of paleness on her delicate face.

Just a few seconds later, the virtual flash hit her.

I didn't feel much before, but as the battle ended, the desperate feeling of approaching death suddenly flooded into my heart like a tide.


Just when she was about to say thank you to the figure in the sky, she found that the other person raised his right hand, extended his index finger, and there was a dazzling electric light that kept dancing on it.

Before the girl could react, lightning fell from the sky like a pillar, and landed on the two corpses with a roar like a divine punishment.

This Yachukas has extremely tenacious vitality. Even if it is cut into two pieces, it is still not completely dead.

It seems that the spiritual pressure has collapsed, but it is just a disguise.

Under Sufeng's perception, the activity of the spirit in his soul was even far greater than that of other Daxu.

After killing the enemy, he has no habit of letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Because the distance was so close, the girl could even feel the blazing high temperature burning her skin.

She subconsciously activated her flying scythe, moving away from the center of the arc.

After looking around, the girl flew to Su Feng and thanked her sincerely: "Thank you for your help. Can you tell me..."


As the girl approached, she realized that underneath the white feather fabric was clearly a black death-defying uniform.

grim Reaper! !

Her eyes widened, and she instinctively wanted to activate her flying sickle again, trying to stay away from the young man next to her.

I originally thought it was a pure-blood Quincy who came to help, but who would have thought that it would be the Quincy's natural enemy, the Shinigami!

But after all, her movement was a slow step back to the wind. When the spirit was gathered and activated under her feet, a big hand had already grasped the back of her fate.

"Queen girl, you took action against Daxu without permission."

Sufeng's indifferent voice sounded, "You'd better give me a suitable reason, otherwise, that Yachukas will be your fate."


The girl looked sideways and glanced at the two charred corpses on the ground with a horrified expression. She swallowed subconsciously, and infinite sadness suddenly emerged in her heart.

"Hehe, this, this Lord Death..."

A flattering smile appeared on the face of the young girl, and it could be seen that she was not good at this kind of expression.

"I'm just an ordinary person passing by. I don't know anything about the Quincy Death God Achiukas..."

Sufeng stared at the other person expressionlessly until the girl became weaker and weaker, and she didn't even have the courage to look at each other.

"Okay, I admit it!"

Seeing that this kind of words could not be deceived, the girl raised her hands to show that she had given up resistance.

"When I noticed the spiritual pressure of the Great Void, I rushed over from home."

"I just want to do what I can, that's all."

Sufeng nodded, let go of the girl's neck, and chose to believe the other party's words for the time being. It was not difficult to judge from the expression that the girl in front of him was not lying.

"I believe your words for now, but you Quincys had better restrain themselves from killing Daxu."

The bland response made Ishida Sogenu subconsciously widen his eyes.

Is this differential treatment?

He had clearly just killed an ordinary Hollow before, so he was almost killed on the spot.

Wait, this Yachukas was killed by Mr. Sufeng, so that’s okay.

"Hey! Just let me go like this?"

The girl was surprised and stared at Sufeng with a surprised look on her face: "You are completely different from the God of Death that Yu Jie said."

"Who is Yusuke again?"

"Ishida Yusuke is also a Quincy and is my best friend!"

Mentioning the name Ishida Yusuke, a happy smile filled the girl's face, as if she had completely forgotten the danger and despair just now.

"Mr. Sogen, do you know this Yusuke Ishida?"

After hearing Sufeng's question, Ishida Munexun, who was standing far away, approached with a bitter expression: "Yusuke is the fiancée I mentioned before. After I inherit the Cross of Destruction, I plan to marry her."


The girl was shocked, her eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Zong, senior Zongxian, why are you here?"

Ishida Sogen smiled bitterly, pointed to the blackened charred corpse on the ground, and gestured: "I was also caught in a similar situation by Mr. Sufeng."

The conversation between the two made Sufeng realize that these two might be pure-blood Quincy of the Ishida family.

However, it is not difficult to see from the performance just now that although this girl is called Ishida Munexun-senpai, she is far superior to Ishida Munexun in terms of strength.

The genius girl of the Ishida family?

It seems more worthy of investment!

"That's it!" The girl suddenly realized, "This Lord Death is not a bad person."

As she spoke, she turned around suddenly, took the initiative to extend her white palm to Sufeng, and said with a smile:

"Let me introduce you, my name is Kurosaki Maki."

Sufeng blinked, shouldn't it be Ishida Maki?

Where did Kurosaki come from?

Ishida Sogen seemed to notice Sufeng's doubts and carefully explained: "Maki is the only daughter of the Kurosaki family and the only heir to this pure-blood Quincy."


Sufeng suddenly realized something. The development of the situation seemed to be somewhat beyond expectations.

As we all know, the Quincy lineage in this world belongs to pure humans, at best special humans who have mastered the ability to control spiritual children.

Coupled with this is the problem of the low density of spiritual beings in the world.

Although some Quincy in the world are pure blood, they still have limitations on their lifespan.

Although they live longer than ordinary humans.

But compared to those members of the Star Cross Knights who are often thousands of years old, they are far inferior.

By analogy, at this stage, Ishida Sozuru is no more than forty years old.

Because he has not yet fully mastered the Quincy fighting skills and abilities, he has not inherited the Quincy Cross, nor has he entered the grave of marriage.

After another ten or eight years, Ishida Munexun grew up completely, finally got married and had children, and began his journey of cultivating his children for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Su Feng's expression was a little awkward, and when he looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes revealed a bit of weirdness that could not be concealed.

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