The pureblood Quincy has been passed down to the Kurosaki family for several generations, and the current heir is named Kurosaki Maki.

If Su Feng remembered correctly.

The next generation heir to the Kurosaki family should be named Kurosaki Masaki.

That is, the little cabbage that may be favored by Shiba Yishin in the future.

After thinking about this clearly, when Sufeng looked at Kurosaki Maki again, he always felt that everything was very familiar.

She is dressed in a girl's outfit full of youthful vitality, has short orange hair that is side-parted, and has a sunny, outgoing and kind-hearted personality that is incompatible with this dark world.

And that sexy figure that is completely inappropriate for her age group.

This is clearly the Kurosaki Masaki plus version!

The entire elite generation of pure-blooded Quincy were wiped out by Sufeng on the same day.

If Nirvana was made aware of his efficiency, he would definitely dial the teleportation machine sixty times in one minute.

He has been thinking about the Quincy group for a long time.

However, due to the surveillance of Soul Society, Nirvana has never had the chance to attack them.

"Mr. Sufeng, do you know the elders of the Kurosaki family?"

Ishida Zongxian saw Sufeng's strange expression. After thinking about it for a moment, he asked carefully again.

In his opinion, as an immortal species, the Death God's lifespan can easily span several generations of Quincy.

The Death God captain in front of him named Tsunayoshi Sufeng may look young, but in fact he may be an old monster who has lived for who knows how long.

In this case, it seems reasonable for him to know the elders of the Kurosaki family.

"If you don't know each other, don't mess around with them."

Su Feng waved his hands, "You are the first batch of Quincies I know."

"And, from now on, the two of you have been labeled as belonging to the Tsunayashiro family."

Kurosaki Maki, Ishida Zongxian's expression changed slightly, and when he was about to speak up to refute, he heard Sufeng continue to say:

"One violated the agreement and killed Xu; the other attacked Daxu without authorization, and I even saved his life."

"Do you two still have unrealistic fantasies?"

Naoto Ishikawa nodded again and again, because he was stationed in the world, he often encountered different Quincy at the place where Xu appeared.

Those Quincy masters looked at him with disgust and disgust.

Now, Captain Sufeng made a move and captured two Quincy geniuses with legitimate reasons, which really gave him a bad breath.

Suddenly, the world feels a lot better.

Su Feng couldn't come up with a solution for the two of them for a while.

But since the two of them had already been caught by him, they couldn't escape from the palm of his hand.

Unless they want to wage a race war against death.

Kurosaki Maki lowered her head, looking remorseful, she knew that she should have taken the opportunity to escape.

Being labeled by someone now, I'm afraid that he has to sell himself to save himself.

Thinking of this, she quietly raised her head and glanced at Su Feng.

Well, the appearance is online, and it seems that it is not a loss.

For a moment, the girl's mind was full of thoughts, and the expression on her face changed again without knowing it.

To this.

Ishida Zongxian's mood was quite relaxed, he thought that Su Feng had repented of his previous thoughts and was going to judge him.

In comparison, just putting a label on it is completely acceptable.

Just being able to take action against Xu is enough for him to work hard for Sufeng.

It has always been Ishida Sogen's dream to destroy the Hollows in this world.

Now we can do it openly and at a small price, which is completely acceptable!

No matter how you calculate it, it's all a gain in blood.

The performance of the two of them was seen by Sufeng, and he suddenly felt that his decision just now seemed not entirely correct.

These two people don't seem very smart.


At the same time, Karakura Town is next door to Naruki City.

In front of a brand new store in a remote area.

A man wearing a dark green shorts, light green clothes and pants, and a green and white fisherman's hat opened the store door with brisk steps and walked straight inside.

"Store manager."

In the room, a burly middle-aged man with bulging muscles was kneeling on the ground, meticulously cleaning the room.

If Sufeng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize their identities even if he had never seen them before.

Former captain of Division 12 and founder of the Technology Development Bureau, Kisuke Urahara has been hated by Nirvana all his life.

As well as the former Great Ghost Priest of the Ghost Way, Giryo Tessai, who mastered the double Ghost Way forbidden technique.

"You should have noticed the spiritual pressure that broke out in Naruki City earlier, right?"

Urahara Kisuke changed his usual playful smile and asked with a slightly serious expression.

Hearing this, Giryo Tessai also put down the cleaning tools in his hands, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and replied seriously:

"Although it was only for a short moment, I still noticed that the spiritual pressure was exactly the same as last time on the plains of Naruki City."

"Is it the new captain of Division 9 again, Tsunayashiro Sufeng?"

Urahara Kisuke nodded and admitted: "Although I haven't seen it up close, it's not difficult to judge from its attack methods."

"This guy feels a little stronger than when we last met."

"The genius of a great nobleman is progressing at a terrifying rate!"

Grizzly Tessai frowned, vaguely thought of a possibility, and said directly:

"At this time, will Tsunayashiro Sufeng be with Aizen..."

"Is there any ulterior relationship?"

When the name Aizen was mentioned, even if it was as strong as holding Ling Tie Zhai, he still paused for a moment.

The tragedy of three years ago is still vivid.

The souls of several captains and deputy captains have been blurred, and even today, they still cannot fully control themselves.

"I can't say for sure about this kind of thing."

Urahara Kisuke thought of the previous scenes on the plain, and also frowned and thought, "The two may have a certain connection, or they may not have the slightest connection."

"According to what I know about Aizen, before the plan is completely successful, it should not be disclosed to a third party."

"But the behavior of this young master of the Tsunayashiro family is really confusing."

At this moment, a majestic male voice came from the corner: "Do you need me to investigate?"

A black cat stepped out of the shadows, watching the two calmly.

"The Tsunayashiro family is the most special existence among the five great nobles, and its members often have ambitions that do not match their abilities."

"Aizan may not cooperate with them, but he may use their strength."

The former captain of the Second Division, the twenty-second head of the Sifengyuan family, Yeyi Sifengyuan.

A look of human concern rose from the black cat's vertical pupils: "I saw the shadow of Sifengin during the rebellion in Naruki City some time ago."

"My stupid brother has probably been involved in the game between the great nobles."

"With his IQ, it is very likely that he will be tortured to death by the heir to the Tsunayashiro family..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thank you all for your monthly recommendation votes.

Today's 40,000 words were fulfilled as promised, without breaking my promise!

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