The sudden annihilation of Po Dao disrupted Sufeng's offensive rhythm.

"Twenty-one of the Binding Dao: Red Smoke Escape!"

Shifengin Yoruichi took advantage of this gap and used his spiritual pressure to condense a large amount of red smoke. While isolating his own spiritual pressure, he also concealed his figure.

The next moment, strong winds struck, and thick clouds rolled in the sky.

The smoke dissipated, and Sufeng walked out with a Zanpakutō over one meter long, menacingly.

For a bad woman like Si Fengyuan Yoichi who casually slanders others and almost hits him in the face, she must be captured and put in a dungeon to be tortured day and night.

There was no trace of the other party everywhere, but in just a moment, Sifengyuan Yoruichi escaped from his spiritual pressure sensing range.

The wind was surging, and under the clouds, the blue and white colors were distinct. There was faint thunder swimming in the clouds, and the roar was deafening.

The weather in Naruki City changed continuously in just half a day, except that it didn't rain at all.

This makes people hiding at home a little worried.

Isn't it the end of the world?

After a short search to no avail, Sufeng restrained his spiritual pressure.

The appearance of Yoruichi Shihoin was not accidental. The previous rebel turmoil in Naruki City and the subsequent arrival of Sal Apollo attracted the attention of Urahara Kisuke and others.

Sufeng's strong performance will naturally be recorded by those who are interested.

Then when he reappeared in the world, he met Kurosaki Maki and Ishida Sogenuari, and fought against Achu Kasbalk.

The fluctuations in spiritual pressure caused by battles are as eye-catching as a bright moon rising in the darkness in this world where the concentration of spiritual energy is low.

It is simply impossible to hide from Kisuke Urahara and others.

It is not difficult to judge from the brief exchange with Shifengyuan Yoruichi that the eldest sister who defected from the Soul Society was probably worried that her incompetent younger brother would be passively involved in the turmoil among the great nobles.

As for whether the rebel turmoil is related to Yushiro.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that someone takes the blame. As the 23rd generation head of the Shifouin family, Shifouin Yushiro Sakizono, even if he does nothing, he must be a good one at taking the blame.

But Su Feng had a vague premonition that the last rebellion must not be as simple as imagined.

The strong wind swept across the entire city, and the breath of the wind turned into eyes and ears, sensing all abnormalities.

But perhaps because the spiritual pressure is too scattered, this method is not enough to perceive subtle abnormalities.

The spiritual pressure of Sifengyuan Yeyi completely disappeared in this city.

Maybe he fled back to Karakura Town, or he hid in the dark and licked his wounds, waiting for an opportunity to act.

"Team, Captain..."

Naoto Ishikawa cautiously walked back from the edge of the battlefield, and came to Sufeng's side, with a look of fear and flattery on his face.

"Was it fighting you just now, was it Daxu hiding in the dark?"

Because the spiritual pressure of the two was too strong, he didn't even dare to appear too close to the edge of the battlefield, so that he didn't know the specific situation at all.

"No, a wanted criminal in Soul Society."

Su Feng replied casually, "Remember to be careful when stationed in Naruki City, don't abuse the black cat that appears in your sight at will."

Hearing this, Ishikawa Naoto was at a loss, completely unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

But he still kept this in mind.

Not for anything else, just to live longer.

after all.

Only the longer you live, the more power you can contribute to the world of corpses and souls.

Because of the battle between Sufeng and Yoichi Sifengin, Ishikawa Naoto became more and more troublesome when he collected the traces of Ginjo Kugo and Tatsuzawa Kiriko again.

The blackened coke was crushed and rolled into the ruins, and it was really not an easy task to collect them all.

Sufeng looked in the direction of Karakura Town, hesitating whether to take a trip.

Considering his status, he finally gave up the idea.

Once Kisuke Urahara and others believe that they have a certain relationship with Aizen, then things will be a big deal.

You can get into Karakura Town, but it's hard to get out.

Sufeng boasts that his current strength is pretty good, but when combined with Urahara Kisuke, Gribi Tessai and Shifengin Yoruichi, they are still somewhat inferior.

Especially in the territory of profiteers.

"The time is not yet ripe." Su Feng shook his head, "Next time, we will take that black cat back to the dungeon of Division 9."


At the same time, on the edge of Naruki City, a black cat appeared on the roof of a high-rise building, and a trace of lingering fear and fear flashed in its golden vertical pupils.

Even though she had the upper hand throughout the battle, only she knew her actual feelings.

Not only was his whole body completely seen, but he didn't even dare to slack off in the fight.

The head of the Tsunayashiro family is like a depressing active volcano. A little carelessness may cause the volcano to erupt.

Sifengyuan Yeyi knew very well that once Sufeng was put into a state of full firepower, it would be very difficult for her to leave at that time.

She didn't want to be caught back to Soul Society.

After all, no one knows what the so-called feather tea is.

"Damn Tsunayashiro brat..."

Sifengyuan Yeyi cursed in a low voice, and the black cat figure was hidden in the shadows again.

learn from mistakes.

This time, her spiritual pressure was suppressed to the extreme, almost to nothing.


Soul Society, Seireitei, western section of Noble Street.

The Sifengyuan family's residence is in the northernmost courtyard.

In the room, several figures gathered here, and the atmosphere in the air was once solemn and dull.

They were all dressed in uniforms similar to those of the criminal army, all in black, with white bandages on their wrists and ankles. Their wide sleeves and trouser legs were tucked in, giving them a brisk and capable look.

"I think this matter is still open to discussion."

"The last death plan did cause heavy losses to the Tsunayashiro family, but they have already suspected us."

"Once a war starts again, it will most likely increase in scale and affect the entire Soul Society."


After a short silence, everyone expressed their opinions on the theme of this meeting.

But the dark-skinned boy sitting at the top had his fingers crossed in front of him, with an expression full of pity and grievance on his face.

The twenty-third generation head of the Shifouin family, Shifouin Yushiro Sakimune.

It wasn't until everyone finished expressing their opinions and fell silent again that Yushiro released his clenched fingers and whispered:

"But if the Tsunayashiro family hadn't interfered, how could onee-sama be exiled to this world?"

"The Tsunayashiro family should have paid the price for this. One death plan is not enough."

Under the aggrieved expression, the words he spoke sent chills to the bones.

And just then.

Suddenly, a figure in black walked quickly outside the door. When he entered, he knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and said solemnly:

"A member of the Second Division stationed in the present world discovered that Master Yoruichi Shihoin's reiatsu briefly appeared in Naruki City!"

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