Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 130 The product of failure

"Naruki City..."

Yushiro was thoughtful.

Everyone looked at him with a hint of nervousness in their expressions, fearing that the head of the family would lose his mind and go directly to the real world through the world-traveling gate.

"Besides my sister's spiritual pressure, is there anyone else?"

Yushiro is not as outrageous as the elders of the Sifengyuan family imagined.

Hearing this, a look of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the figure kneeling on the ground. After a brief hesitation, a dull voice sounded from under the black mask:

"In addition to the living Death Gods stationed there, there are also Daxu, Quincy, humans with high spiritual power, and..."

"Chief of the Tsunayashiro family, Tsunayashiro Sufeng!"

As if he had made up his mind, he poured out all the information at once.

Completely ignoring the almost cannibalistic looks of the elders.

"According to the analysis of spiritual pressure, it is very likely that Lord Yoruichi had a brief battle with Tsunayashiro Sufeng."

"The situation of the battle is unknown!"

After the words fell, the room fell into deathly silence again.


Or was it intentional?

The last time Tsunayashiro Sufeng appeared in the real world, it was to quell the rebellion. What was it for this time?

Could it be because he found traces of Si Fengyuan Yoruichi?

For a time, everyone's minds were racing with ideas, and their rich imaginations instantly concocted more than 900 paid plots.

As the Shifengyuan family who controls the second team, its members must have good reasoning abilities and excellent associative brain circuits.

Only in this way can the truth of the matter be inferred from the limited information provided by his subordinates.

This way of thinking has proven to be very effective.

Most of the events, in their detailed analysis, finally restored their true colors.

If nothing unexpected happens.

Tsunayashiro Sufeng's arrival in reality is probably related to the paid plot just conceived.

Think so far.

The expressions on the faces of the elders and Yushiro all changed to varying degrees.

What's more, his face was distorted, with an expression of regret as if his cabbage had been eaten by a pig.

Although they don't know exactly what happened, it doesn't stop them from hating Tsunade Yayosufu.

Anyway, they are both big nobles, so the relationship between them is not that good.

Shifouin Yoruichi seems to have defected from the Soul Society, but he still has a very high reputation in the Shifouin family.

After all, he is also the most outstanding family head after Sifengyuan Qianni.

In comparison, although Shifengin Yushiro Sakizune is not bad, there is still a gap compared to these two.

"I understand, you go down first."

After Yushiro was silent for a moment, he waved his hand to signal the other party to leave first.

Such a calm and calm performance really exceeded the expectations of the elders.

Normally, whenever the slightest bit of information about Si Fengyuan Yoruichi is mentioned, the head of the family will lose his temper on the spot and find it difficult to control himself.

It's really abnormal to be so calm now.

"Suspend the Death Warrior Plan."

Yushiro whispered in a low voice, "Until the relationship between my sister and that Tsunayashiro Sufeng is investigated, all plans against the Tsunayashiro family are suspended."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and replied in unison:

"Yes, head of the family!"

Obviously, the ability of Shifengin Yushiro Sakizune was not as unbearable as Sufeng and Shifengin Yoruichi imagined.


After working for nearly a day, Ishikawa Naoto collected enough corpse remains from the ruins.

The main reason is that the destructive power of Sufeng's moves is so amazing that a powerful captain-level existence like Ginjo Kūgo could not leave any traces of corpses.

It can only capture the remaining souls in the atmosphere.

Tongzi Tongzi was left with a piece of black char that could not be distinguished from the head and the feet.

Barely enough.

In addition, what surprised Sufeng the most was that the souls of Ginjo Kūgo and Touzawa Tōko did not appear in the present world.

Instead, he followed the flow of souls and headed to Rukongai in Soul Society.

In this regard, Sufeng had no intention of letting them go.

No matter how weak Ginjo Kugo is, he is still above the standard captain level.

Although Yu Zetongzi is not as good as him, he is still at the level of a deputy captain.

It is better to control this potential danger.

As a rare species of Perfect Master, I think both Yamada Seinosuke and Niryuuri would be very interested.

As for mercy or something.

It's ridiculous, and I haven't seen Kūgo Ginjo and Kiriko Usawa being merciless when attacking other Perfection Jutsu practitioners and Shinigami.

Those who kill will always be killed.

Just when Naoto Ishikawa packed the arranged corpses for Sufeng, the messenger suddenly sounded.

When he connected it casually, weird laughter came from it, revealing a hint of madness inside and out.

"Captain Sufeng, according to your last reminder, I have strengthened the monitoring device of the real world in the Lingbo Measurement Research Institute."

"While you are still alive, you might as well help put an end to our failure!"

Sufeng frowned, not surprised that Nie Yuli knew his location.

After all, this messenger machine, which contains the highest technology in Soul Society at this stage, came from his research and development.

As long as there is no real-time monitoring function on the messenger machine, there will be no big problem.

After many reminders from Su Feng, Nirvana Li should not be so stupid.

He was just curious about what "we" in Nirvana's words meant.

"High-level leaders of Soul Society have conducted research on eternal life more than once, but this kind of research often has extremely high failure rates and dangers."

Nie Shuli seemed to know the doubts in Sufeng's heart, and explained very quickly:

"The research on immortal souls failed hundreds of years ago, resulting in a large-scale explosion accident. A large number of mutated souls spread into the world, mixed with human bodies, and gave birth to a species that resembles humans but is not human."

"This group not only becomes immortal by sucking human souls, but also possesses powers similar to those of the God of Death, and can even affect the stability of space."

Speaking of this, Nirvana's laughter revealed a hint of madness: "The explosion that year destroyed one-tenth of the Seireitei!"

Through Nie Shuli's narration, Sufeng also clarified his request and recalled relevant information.

Soul Hunter, also called Bawent, is the product of an accidental experiment.

Niryuri discovered traces of this group by strengthening the living device of the Lingbo Measurement Research Institute.

"Catch a few and try again?" Sufeng replied indifferently.

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, my dear Captain Sufeng!"

When he needs help from others, Nirvana can also say two sentences:

"The reason why I asked you to take action is just because these guys are devouring human souls and have seriously affected the stability of spiritual beings in this world."

"A failed product like this has no research value at all..."

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