Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 142 The beast that can use its brain

Sufeng carefully fiddled with the messenger machine and continued to enjoy the show in front of him.

Yamamoto Genryusai's output is as stable as ever, and Zaraki Kenpachi is also equally capable of sustaining the highest number of injuries.

Facing the angry commander-in-chief, the eleventh generation Kenpachi said that these were just drizzle and passing smoke, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Not to mention letting him break through the defense, not even a white mark could be left behind.

Eyes burning with flames, staring at Zaraki Kenpachi in front of him, Yamamoto Genryusai couldn't figure it out.

The dignified captain of the 11th Squadron, who once defeated the Karetsu Uozuki and killed an evil ghost in the Zengmu District with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood...

His talent in swordsmanship is actually so worrying, not even as good as that of ordinary officers.

Or, to be more precise.

It's not that Zaraki Kenpachi has no talent, he just follows his own instinct to fight.

It seemed that the way of the sword was like a shackle fixed on his body and instincts for him.

But actually, that's not the case.

True swordsmanship can improve Zaraki Kenpachi's combat power.

The fighting instinct he had honed in countless battles was just as brutal and disorderly as a wild beast.

Although these so-called techniques are effective in life and death fights.

But if he can master Yamamoto Genryusai's kendo, Zaraki Kenpachi's strength will definitely rise to another level.

The authorities are obsessed with this wave, but bystanders know clearly.

Sufeng watched carefully from the side, and saw that Yamamoto Genryusai, who looked furious with thunder and veins twitching on his forehead, was actually as calm as water, and everything was under his calculations.

A typical representative of the cunning and cunning.

He knew the details of Zaraki Kenpachi, and even more clearly understood the terrifying nature of it.

When he was young, he created a real mountain of corpses in Zaraki District, and even fought head-on with the first Kenpachi.

Although he sealed himself because he was afraid of losing his opponent and not being able to enjoy the battle, his remaining strength is still very strong.

If the Gotei 13 wanted to make good use of this invincible sharp sword, the prerequisite was to keep Zaraki Kenpachi's power under control.

The teaching of swordsmanship can be said to be quite boring for someone like Zaraki Kenpachi.

Bang! !

Another bamboo knife exploded, and bamboo fibers flew all over the sky.

In less than half a day, the remaining corpses of bamboo knives on the ground had piled up like a mountain.

Zaraki Kenpachi's progress in kendo teaching has finally advanced from the most basic chopping to two-handed kendo.

At this point, his patience finally ran out.

"Teaching without any use."

Zaraki Kenpachi's face, which could stop a child from crying at night, was full of unhappiness, almost solidified.

"That's it, old man."

He casually pulled out the serrated Zanpakuto stuck on the side, "I'm not interested in playing house games with you here."

Before Yamamoto Genryusai could say anything, Zaraki Kenpachi walked straight out of the only intact door of the dojo.

The lone gate stood among the ruins, looking very strange.

And as Zaraki Kenpachi walked away, Yamamoto Genryusai, who was still in a state of anger, calmed down instantly.

The temperature in the air dropped, as if nothing had happened.

"Is it weird?" he asked.

Sufeng shook his head and responded with a smile: "There's nothing surprising. For a wild beast like Zaraki Kenpachi who behaves as he pleases, a little restraint is normal."

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded slightly, knowing that Sufeng had understood the purpose of his move.

But one thing did exceed Sufeng's expectations.

His anger just now was not adulterated at all. After teaching students for thousands of years, this was the first time he encountered such a troublesome guy.

During the teaching process, Zaraki Kenpachi's various behaviors undoubtedly made Yamamoto Genryusai's anger continue to build up.

If it were a thousand years ago, he would definitely pull out the sword of fire and slash it down.

"The troublesome idiot is gone."

Yamamoto Genryusai collected his thoughts and looked at Sufeng again, "There are still some flaws in your understanding of Fu Zhan..."

One is tireless in teaching, and the other is accepting with an open mind.

They are harmonious and close to each other, forming a sharp contrast with the previous scene.


After re-consolidating the skills of Wei Mian and Fu Zhan, it was getting late. Seeing that Yamamoto Genryusai had no intention of staying to eat, Sufeng left the first team building.

Regarding the damage to the dojo, the captain said that the first team's finances will be responsible.

Compared with someone's behavior, it seems that he has already stood on the moral high ground.

Sufeng didn't care about this.

The big dog Kuchiki family is richer than the Tsunayashiro family. If you don't kill them, who will you kill?

What's more, Kuchiki Ginling needs something from him, so he can't just work for free, right?

Then he is no longer a tool?

Su Feng pondered as he stepped out of the team building door, but before he could take the second step, he was enveloped by a violent murderous aura.

A gloomy atmosphere covered the entire street. The weather should have been sultry, but it seemed to have suddenly entered the cold winter.

"The ghost is really lingering, Captain Zaraki."

Sufeng didn't even need to look back, he already knew who the owner of the murderous aura was.

Surprisingly, Kenpachi Zaraki, who has always been characterized by his low IQ, is often surprisingly smart when it comes to fighting.

"Ha, I've been waiting for this fight for a long time."

Zaraki Kenpachi smiled ferociously, holding the serrated blade and staring at Sufeng in front of him with murderous intent.

"What's more, that guy Ikkaku is still detained by you in Division 9."

Faced with the provocation, Sufeng sighed.

To deal with this kind of guy, if you don't fight with him, he will really persist forever.

In the past, Zaraki Kenpachi had never been able to find a place in the ninth team's team building because he and Kusuka Yachiru were both road crazy.

Suifeng, who had finally encountered him now, was naturally unwilling to let it go.

"If you fight here, you may be interrupted by others."

Zaraki Kenpachi moved his arms, and a series of crackling sounds suddenly sounded.

He looked around and realized that this was still within the confines of the First Team's dormitory.

Once the two start a fight, Yamamoto Genryusai will definitely be alarmed, and the battle will not be able to proceed at all.

"It's decided, I'll follow you back for the time being."

Zaraki Kenpachi said seriously, "We can't start our fight until we are far away from here!"

Sufeng was silent.

Who will say Zaraki Kenpachi has no brains in the future? His backhand is the Wind Chaser Blade.

Does this seem mindless?

But now that things have developed to this point, it would be somewhat unreasonable to refuse to fight.

Sufeng turned around and faced Zaraki Kenpachi's ferocious face, with a gentle smile like a spring breeze on his face:

"It's okay to fight, but there's one thing you need to know in advance..."

"The loser has to pay the price."

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