Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 143 Everyone’s Attention

The voice fell.

Zaraki Kenpachi was obviously stunned for a moment.

He looked up and down, his expression suddenly tightened, Su Feng looked gentle and elegant, his eyes seemed to be inspecting.

a long time.

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, and his white teeth were particularly eye-catching in the moonlight, accompanied by a deep laugh.


The laughter gradually amplified, and there was a hint of madness in his expression, and his ghost-like face became more and more ferocious.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Kenpachi Zaraki covered his face with his hands, and while tilting his head back, the bells at the beginning and ends kept ringing, and the whole person seemed to be in madness.

"It's so exciting!"

"I thought it was just a stronger Death God, but I didn't expect it to be the same kind!"

The ferocious smile like a beast made him look like he was taking a step closer to an evil spirit. No, it should be said that Zaraki Kenpachi was the real evil spirit.

The streets were filled with that extremely crazy laughter.

Regarding Zaraki Kenpachi's evaluation, Sufeng refused to comment and responded with silence.

Just take it as what he said.

With a quick step, Sufeng's figure disappeared at the end of the street, followed closely by Zaraki Kenpachi's laughter.

Two blazing spiritual pressures were locked together, one behind the other.

In order to prevent being disturbed by Yamamoto Genryusai and others, Sufeng walked directly along the main road of Seireitei, passed through Seireitei Gate, and headed straight for Rukongai.

Since you are fighting, you must have fun.

The spiritual pressure is brewing, and the wind is rising all around.


The third area of ​​West Rukong Street, Lifu Mountain.

The manic spiritual pressure rioted, like boiling magma, and the materialized golden light became brighter and brighter. The whole person turned into a shining sun and walked in the suburbs.

As the number of residents in nearby Rukongai decreased, Zaraki Kenpachi became increasingly unable to suppress the violent fighting spirit deep in his heart, and his ferocious face was full of excitement.

"There is no need to move forward, this is a very good battlefield."

He swung the long serrated knife, whizzing with energy, instantly cutting off a tree as thick as a bowl in front of him.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense anymore, let's start fighting!"

Zaraki Kenbayashi swung his Zanpakutō, pointing the tip of the sword directly at Sufeng in front of him. Golden spiritual pressure shot up into the sky, tearing apart the clouds above the zenith.

"as you wish."

Sufeng's face was as calm as the surface of a lake without any waves. He held the handle of the knife in his right hand and slowly pulled out Lan Yin.

More turbulent spiritual pressure raged nearby, followed by the howling wind, and——

Heavy clouds regrouping!

The restless arcs of electricity flashed and jumped in it, and the roaring thunder turned into roaring sounds that shook the sky.

Two terrifying spiritual pressures covered Lifu Mountain. Residents in the entire neighborhood hid in the buildings and shivered, and extreme fear spread deep in their hearts.

At the same time, in the West Rukong Street District 1, Runlin'an District.

A white-haired child suddenly woke up from his sleep, with large beads of sweat on his forehead.

He pushed aside the quilt and didn't even bother to put on his shoes. He hurriedly took a few steps and walked barefoot into the courtyard.

The white-haired child looked up at the western sky. The huge vortex of clouds looked down at the earth below like a devil's eye.

The suffocating feeling of depression spread in Lifu Mountain, West Third District, as if being strangled by someone's throat, every breath almost used up all the strength of the whole body.

He knelt down weakly, his little eyes full of fear, and he didn't understand what was going on.

The violent spiritual pressure soaring into the sky caused the Seireitei, which had already returned to calm, to fall into a commotion and boiling once again.

Among them, the captain-level Shinigami was the most sensitive, and he noticed the identities of the two spiritual pressures.

In the fifth division team building, in the courtyard.

"It seems that our Captain Sufeng was finally caught by Captain Zaraki."

Playful laughter came from the shadows, and Ichimaru Gin walked out slowly, with a fake fox-like smile on his face.

In the long pavilion not far away, Aizen was wearing the captain's haori, sipping tea with a relaxed expression, with a gentle smile, as usual.

"Just think of it as a spice to the boring life."

"But what I'm curious about is the price that the loser of this battle will bear."

Ichimaru Gin's smile paused, and a trace of doubt flashed in his slightly restrained pupils.

Shouldn't we focus on the winning side?

"Captain Aizen's thoughts are really unpredictable."

Hearing this, Aizen smiled and reminded:

"Silver, do you think the outcome of this battle is still in suspense?"

Rarely, Ichimaru Gin remained silent.

Just because he subconsciously recalled the information about Sufeng.

The Fourth Division team building.

Seinosuke Yamada stopped the experiment at hand, and looked in the direction of Seiryukon Street in astonishment.

Even with his brain circuit, he still couldn't understand the unfolding of the current situation.

How did the legendary Beast Captain Saragi Kenpachi meet Captain Sufeng and start a confrontation with Reiatsu?

Uzhi Hualiu also put down the writing brush in his hand to correct the document, and walked out of the room lightly. After a moment of perception, his figure flashed and walked away in the direction of the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure.

The result of the battle is not important to her, but the process of the battle must be seen by her.

The white captain's feather fluttered backwards in the wind, passing the streets of Seireitei like moonlight.

The second division team building is a nest of maggots.

As soon as Zaihou walked out of the Kidou barrier, a shocked expression suddenly appeared on her tired pretty face, and she subconsciously looked in the direction of West Rukongai.

"This guy……"

She gritted her teeth and said, "How did you get into trouble with that lunatic?!"

The captain-level spiritual pressure erupted in the Lifu Mountain in the West Third District, which is relatively close to the Seireitei. Naturally, it cannot be hidden from the Shinigami above the rank of official.

Let alone a captain-level existence.

However, the captains responded differently to the battle that was about to break out.

Among them, the first team is the most special.

Yamamoto Genryusai sat cross-legged in front of the fire, staring at the gurgling tea stove with burning eyes.

Under the tea stove, a flaming Zanpakutō was lying quietly, providing stable heat for the boiling tea.

Yamamoto Genryusai turned a blind eye to the confrontation of spiritual pressure in Rukongai, as if everything was normal and nothing happened.

As early as when Zaraki Kenpachi and Tsunayoshi Sufeng met, he had expected it.

Now the two of them are fighting in Rukongai. Relatively speaking, this is the best outcome.


In the West Third District, Li Fu is in the mountains.

Boom! !

Sufeng stared ahead, raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, and activated the wind. The strong wind gathered on the blade. As he stepped forward, spiritual pressure surged wildly.

Amidst the explosion, the bright golden spiritual pressure was like a beam of light, soaring straight into the clouds. Zaraki Kenpachi smiled ferociously and raised the long serrated sword in his hand:

"Come, let's start our fight!"

Thanks to the big brother Derek in the forest for the reward

There is one more chapter, currently being written

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