Division 9 team building, exclusive tea room.

The elegant fragrance of tea lingers in the room until it permeates every piece of furniture and every inch.

"Is this the sincerity of the Sifengyuan family?"

Sufeng glanced at the list on the table and said calmly.

In addition to the concession of interests between families, there is also an [artifact] exclusive to the Sifengyuan family.

It has to be said that the Shifengyuan family still values ​​​​Yushiro very much. Regardless of the distribution of various benefits, this exclusive artifact alone is extremely precious.

As a god-given soldier, Sifengyuan family has a large number of powerful artifacts, some of which are not even weaker than the captain after the liberation of the swastika.

For example, the Tianxuan bandage that can imprison Zanpakuto's release; the spirit cutting rope that can block the actions of Yuhabach; the Tiantaxuan that can fly freely in the world of corpses and souls; can seal most of the sealing papers in the world...

This is what Sufeng only knows.

Perhaps only the previous family heads know how strong the Sifengyuan family is.

And based on the performance of their artifact abilities, the source of the power of these artifacts is most likely the Spirit King who was sealed in the Spirit King Palace.

Sufeng speculates that the so-called artifact may be an objectification of the power of the Perfection Technique.

However, due to the lack of evidence, this idea can only exist as speculation.

"Your Excellency Sufeng, this is the greatest sincerity we can show."

The old man opposite had a kind-hearted look, with white beard and hair, like the great-grandfather of the neighbor next door who had never been buried.

This appearance and temperament are completely inconsistent with the Sifengyuan family.

Therefore, Sufeng had a deep impression on him and had met him more than once at a noble meeting.

The most senior elder of the Sifengyuan family, it is said that he has assisted Sifengyuan for a thousand days.

Sifengyuan Genji.

The exact age is untestable, but there is a high probability that it is a person from the same era as Yamamoto Genryuzai.

Facing the enemy who detained his Patriarch, Genji Sifengin's attitude was still sincere, as if he was just negotiating an unusual transaction.

"This is the result of the joint discussion between the family of Sifeng Academy. If you are unwilling to return it to Mr. Xishiro."

"The Sifeng Courtyard family has no choice but to re-elect the next generation of Patriarchs."

Su Feng couldn't help rubbing his frowning brows with this guy's attitude.

If the other party comes hard, he really doesn't feel embarrassed at all, and he can even open his mouth like a lion, asking for a few more artifacts.

But this kind of soft attitude really makes people unable to attack.

Before the negotiation, Sifengyuan Yuanji had already lowered his position to the lowest level.

Now even the words of re-electing the Patriarch have come out.

In desperation, Sufeng could only choose to agree.

You can't let Yushiro fall into your hands, right?

Maybe it would be okay if it were his sister.

Dark man? He didn't have a cotton estate, so it was of no use at all.

After Genji Sifengin left the artifact, he also forcibly took the angry Yushiro away from the team building of the ninth division.

A patriarch who seems to be very good on weekdays, once it comes to things related to Yeyi of Sifengyuan, his brain will suddenly shut down, and his IQ will drop below negative in an instant.

If Xishiro hadn't acted recklessly, the family of Sifengyuan would not have given many artifacts to Sufeng.

The group of people walked halfway, Yushiro stopped suddenly, looked at Genji Sifengin beside him seriously, and asked seriously: "Old Genji, the Sifengin family and the Tsunayashiro family should be regarded as feuds, right? "

"The hatred between us should be deeply rooted and cannot be eliminated?!"

Hearing this question, Genji Sifengin couldn't help laughing, put his thin palm on the top of Yushiro's head, and gently stroked back:

"There is no eternal hatred in this world."

"Compared to interests, hatred is as small as a speck of dust."

"Xishiro, don't be obsessed with the present, as the Patriarch of Sifengyuan, your vision should be more long-term..."

Having said that, Genji Sifengyuan suddenly paused, pondered for a moment and continued:

"Your Excellency Sufeng is also a very special existence in Tsunayashiro's family, maybe..."

"He may change the pattern of the five nobles."

After saying those words, Xishiro's expression was astonished, his face was full of shock, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at his elder in front of him with disbelief.

For a moment, his thoughts were flying and completely confused.

Could it be that what Tsunayo Sokaze said earlier was not intended to annoy me? !

Has some kind of invisible conspiracy been reached between the two nobles? !

Imagining a terrible possibility, Yushiro instinctively embraced his slightly thin body with both hands, feeling that the world is full of thick malice.

The Patriarch's sudden lethargy left Si Fengyuan Yuan Er stunned in place, unable to understand what happened for a while.

After much deliberation, he could only take him to the team building of the fourth team to check first, in case there were any hidden injuries or psychological shadow left behind.

Presumably, with Unohana's medical skills, it should be easy to check Yushiro's condition.

As if thinking of some unbearable memories, Genji Sifengin shuddered, and his originally kind-hearted temperament was suddenly destroyed.


It is still the team building of the ninth division, and it is still the exclusive tea room.

When Su Feng was about to check the artifacts that the family of Sifengyuan had exchanged, two strange spiritual pressures suddenly appeared in the corridor outside the tea room.

Before he could go out to check, the two of the same height had already walked to the door.

Dressed in light black aristocratic clothing, lined with white luxurious clothes, and wearing several star pincers on each temple, the overall aura is high and high.

"Long time no see, Sir Sufeng."

The two of them bowed at the same time, with respectful attitudes and fake smiles.

Sufeng was silent.

Without him, it was just because he had already recognized each other's identity when the two of them came into sight.

"The Ninth Division team is really honored today."

"In less than half a day, two major nobles came to visit."

One of them smiled humbly and responded calmly:

"Your Excellency is joking. Counting you, we are already three nobles."

"This kind of standard is far beyond even the meeting of nobles."

Sufeng nodded, casually pushed out two empty teacups, and motioned for the two of them to sit down and talk in detail.

The other party didn't mind this attitude, so he picked up the gurgling teapot and poured hot tea for the two of them.

"I came here mainly to ask for something."

Hearing this, Su Feng replied with a flat but polite smile: "You have never been involved in disputes among nobles, why would you ask me for something?"

However, the other party's attitude surprised Sufeng. The two of them stopped smiling, their expressions gradually became serious, and they said word by word:

"Hell, out of control..."

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