
Su Feng took a sip of tea and immediately sprayed it on the faces of the two people opposite him.

"Well, to be more precise, it seems to be out of control."

The other party took out the silk scarf from his arms, wiped the tea from his face gracefully, and tried his best to maintain his original demeanor.

"I wonder if your kid's head was caught by the gate of hell. You didn't notify Mr. Yamamoto first about such a big thing as hell getting out of control, and you actually came to me for help?"

Hell was only suspected to be out of control, Su Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense mentality eased immediately.

This hell is not that hell.

The hell mentioned by the three people is not the Maou underground prison, but the real hell.

The body of the god of death is usually composed of spirit particles. Once dead, the body will return to the spirit world in the form of spirit particles.

However, the spiritual pressure above the third grade cannot be returned due to the high concentration.

In this regard, the Soul Soul World established the [Soul Burial Ceremony] for such powerful spirits.

Externally, that is what Maou Academy of Spiritual Art has always taught, the soul burial ceremony can make this kind of spirits return to the world of corpses and souls.

But in fact, spirit sons above the third class will never return to the land of the corpse and soul world no matter what.

And the real purpose of the soul burial ceremony is to let the dead captains fall into hell!

In addition, those who committed major crimes during their lifetime and cannot be purged by the Zanpakutō will also be locked by the gate of hell, and then sink into the deepest part of hell.

Strictly speaking, millions of years ago, King Ling opened up the Three Realms by himself.

The world of spirit sons - the world of corpses and souls.

The world of utensils—this world.

And the desert paradise that Xu arrived from these two worlds - the Xu circle.

Only hell is not within the scope of the Three Realms. To exaggerate, hell is not within the authority of the Spirit King.

This is a world independent of the Three Realms, strictly defining the boundaries of life and death.

The five nobles perform their duties, their interests are entangled with each other, they are hostile to each other, and each has its own goals.

Among them, the last family of the five great nobles, the Prisoners, is the most unique existence.

Whether it is the power struggle among the nobles, or the changes and turmoil in the world of corpses and souls, it has nothing to do with them.

Even thousands of years ago, in the battle between the Thirteenth Guarding Team and the Invisible Empire, the criminals never appeared.

Among the Thirteenth Guarding Team, very few knew of their existence.

Only the five nobles know each other's details.

However, such a low-key existence is closely related to the fate of the Three Realms.

The stronger the spiritual pressure of the dead, the more unbalanced the power in hell.

Today, Yuhabach, Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, Aizen Soyousuke and others are still in the world of souls, and their spiritual pressure stabilizes the balance between the two sides.

And once they die, the gate of hell will be directly opened, and those powerful beings who died in the past will reappear in the Three Realms.

The boundary between life and death will be completely broken, and the world that Juhabach has always expected will be born accordingly.

Su Feng seriously doubts that once such a thing happens, the Three Realms may return to its original state.

There is neither birth nor death, neither forward nor backward.

The importance of hell is self-evident.

"Explain in detail." Su Feng warmed up the tea again, "What happened to the suspected loss of control?"

"Also, for this kind of thing, the Golden Seal Conference should be held as soon as possible, right?"

Prison crime Guizhi, who was the one who asked for help just now, after deliberating for a while, just opened his mouth to explain:

"Suspected loss of control means that the number of turmoil in the gates of hell this year is far more than usual, even exceeding the sum of the past hundred years."

"And this also means that some unknown change must have taken place in the depths of hell."

Speaking of this, Su Feng stretched out his hand to signal: "Excuse me, haven't you prison criminals been responsible for observing hell?"

"Don't you guys know anything about what happened in hell?"

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Guizhi's face, and the elegant demeanor he had always maintained disappeared.

"All we can do is observe the surface of hell and pay attention to the changes in the gate of hell. As for what is happening in the depths, we don't know."

Although it sounds easy to say, Sufeng also knows that the prison criminals are also responsible for killing those who escape from hell.

The gates of hell are not perfect.

Instead, it is like a huge fishing net from which the dead may escape at any time.

However, the more powerful the existence, the more difficult it is to escape through the gap of the gate of hell. They can only wait for the day when it opens wide before they can return to the world of life.

"The turmoil at the Gate of Hell made the elders of the clan particularly concerned. They immediately ordered us to come to the five nobles for help."

Prison Takashi's expression became serious again, "Son Feng-dono, as the chief of the Tsunayashiro family, you shouldn't be able to shirk this, right?"

Sufeng sneered disdainfully: "That old guy Qiuyue is still in office, you should ask him."

Prison Takashi did enough homework before coming here:

"Most of Tsunayashiro Akizuki's authority as the patriarch of the family has been cut off. The one who really has the right to speak is Mr. Sufeng."

"The Golden Seal Association has also approved our actions."

Sufeng nodded and understood why the prison criminals did not hold a meeting.

If the five nobles were to sit together again to discuss detailed matters, they would not be able to reach an agreement within ten and a half months.

The fastest solution is to ask for help now.

"What did Mr. Yinling say?" Sufeng suddenly asked.

Prisoner Takashi replied: "We are visiting in the order of noble seats."

The implication is that the Tsunayashiro family, as the head of the five nobles, is naturally the first one to be visited.

"It's really a headache."

Su Feng rubbed his frowning brows.

Although they are all five nobles, and the Tsunayashiro family controls the Great Spirit Book Corridor, they still don't know much about the last branch of the five nobles, the Prison Criminal Family.

Hell is not within the intelligence scope of the Great Spirit Book Corridor.

"It's understandable." Yuzui Guizhi replied understandingly, "But please Sufeng-dono, please make a decision earlier. Hell is getting increasingly out of control."

"I know." Sufeng nodded, "I'll give you the answer tomorrow."

When it comes to the family, he has no right to make a final decision. After all, there are many factions in Tsunayashiro's family, and he always has to listen to other people's opinions.

The two of them said goodbye respectfully, and there was absolutely no fault in the etiquette.

Compared with Sufeng, he looks more like a nobleman.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Su Feng's eyes suddenly became indifferent.

He didn't know the specific purpose of imprisoning criminals, but there must be a problem in these remarks.

The strong men with first-class spiritual power and above are still alive, so the balance of spiritual pressure cannot be broken at all.

From his point of view...

There must be something fishy about this matter!

Thank you for the reward from the moonlight phantom

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