The spirit hides the feathers.

One of the artifacts used by the Shifengin family in exchange for Yushiro.

After confirming that no more guests would come to the door, Sufeng took out the artifact sent by Genji of Sifengyuan and examined it carefully.

As a typical representative of cunning and cunning, the other party thoughtfully gave me the instruction manual.

The method of using the Spirit Mask Haori is also very simple. You only need to wear it on your body, and then pour a considerable amount of Spirit Pressure into it to cover your own Spirit Pressure. With the No. 26 Dao Binding Curved Light, you can achieve invisibility. Effect.

After Sufeng thought about it for a while, he discovered the problem.

Isn't this a black technology cloak developed by Kisuke Urahara?

After he was banished to the human world, Aizen took over some of his research results.

The black cloak is one of them.

But looking at it now, Urahara Kisuke’s research and development inspiration also came from the Shifengin family’s artifact——

The spirit hides the feathers.

After a few short attempts, Sufeng put it aside.

Useful, but not much.

It might be possible to hide it from ordinary captains. Beings like Aizen are too cautious, but they also have countless ways to survey their surroundings.

It is somewhat unrealistic for Lingyan Yuzhi to hide everything under his nose.

In addition, there is also the spirit cutting rope that was once imitated by Nirvana.

There seems to be a large number of this artifact in the Sifengyuan family. A simple visual inspection shows that it is at least ten meters long.

Try Sufeng to get started, its toughness and strength are excellent, and it will not be a problem to deal with the captain-level Shinigami.

To some extent, it can completely replace the Zanpakutō.

The spirit cutting rope does not match Sufeng's fighting style, and its strength is limited, but it can be given to Ise Nanao.

The last item is the Chosen Bandage.

Its ability is to release the Zanpakutō from its confinement.

It is friendly to combatants like the Sifengyuan family who are good at close combat, and can be used in certain specific places.

But for Sufeng, it is still useless and of little use.

To sum up, we can only say that Si Fengyuan Genji is indeed a typical representative of the old and cunning.

You can't say that these artifacts are useless at all, but compared to the collections of the Sifengyuan family over the generations, they seem a bit shabby.

But then I thought about it, this was not a one-time deal.

There may be opportunities to continue trading in the future.

Shifengin Yushiro Sakimune is not the kind of person who gives up casually.

If you catch it a few more times, you will be able to assemble a complete set of Sifengyuan's artifacts.

How could something like shedding wool end so easily?

He casually put away the three artifacts, drank the tea in the cup, and went straight to the first team building in Zhongting.


Captain's office.

Yamamoto Genryusai worked diligently to deal with all kinds of piled-up documents, as well as documents sent by other divisions that needed approval.

Although he is old, he is still going strong.

He has been accustomed to this kind of official business for nearly a thousand years.

"Master Yamamoto."

Sufeng's sudden visit made the wandering pen pause for a moment.

"I need to ask you something."

After Yamamoto Genryusai finished processing the documents at hand, he raised his eyes and sighed softly: "Are you here for the suspected turmoil in hell?"

"Has the prisoner been here yet?" Sufeng asked.

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded: "To be precise, they came to me first and explained the relevant situation in detail."

"Actually, my understanding of hell is that even before the founding of Yuanliu, the prison criminals had approached me."

Based on his description, Su Feng understood a little more about the prison criminals.

Genryu was founded two thousand years ago, when Yamamoto Genryusai was still a vigorous middle-aged man.

A blade like fire slashed all the way from Baidaomen to Zengmu District without blinking an eye.

As the founder of Genryu, he traversed the entire Soul Society and gained a great reputation, which was known to everyone.

At this moment, the prison criminals came to the door. After explaining their identities, they invited Yamamoto Genryusai to jointly suppress the Gate of Hell, and collaborated with other nobles to find and kill the sinners who escaped from the Gate of Hell.

After several twists and turns, dozens of sinners were wiped out in Hueco Mundo.

A large number of spirit sons condensed and turned into the gate of hell, binding the sinners with countless dark chains and taking them back to hell.

Although it is told in an understatement, there is still a sense of blood and blood rushing towards the face, giving people a feeling of trembling in the soul.

The content described by Yamamoto Genryusai in words has not been recorded in the Daireishu Corridor.

As the most mysterious branch among the five nobles, it is within the normal scope for the Prisoners to have the power to block the will of the Great Spirit Book Corridor.

"Finally, I also participated in the suppression of Hell Gate."

“After consigning sinners back to hell.”

Yamamoto Genryusai said calmly, "Insert the liberated Ryuken Wakahu into the exclusive artifact of the Supreme Prison Criminal Family, and fill it with all the spiritual pressure."

"The flowing blade is like fire?" Sufeng caught the key word.

"That's right." Yamamoto Genryusai nodded slightly, with a more serious expression, and explained, "The essence of the Zanpakuto is based on the soul of the Shinigami, and it is essentially the evolution of the soul's power."

"And according to the prison criminals, the gate to hell is also an existence forged by countless souls."

"They are both of the same kind."

Hearing this, Su Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has a bold idea, but currently lacks key supporting evidence.

"I can't say much more about this matter."

Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes were incomprehensible and he continued in a deep voice:

"But the importance of hell is self-evident, and you should know it better than me."

Sufeng nodded.

Right now, he was just waiting for Kuchiki Ginling and the others to come to him to discuss things.

It was pitiful to say that Tsunayashiro Akizuki, as the head of the family, had been regarded as nothing by other great nobles.

Coupled with the fact that his authority has been repeatedly deprived by his family elders, Tsunayashiro Akizuki is now just like ordinary clan members.

In terms of status alone, it is not even as good as Tsunayashiro Tokinada, who has already died.

Not long after, the hell butterfly arrived.

The Kuchiki family is willing to contribute their part to guarding the turmoil in hell.

Represented by the twenty-eighth generation head of the Kuchiki family, Byakuya Kuchiki, dozens of members of the Kuchiki family are ready.

Since there was someone taking the lead, Sufeng was naturally willing to follow behind and help.

The Tsunayashiro family and the Shifengin family also reached an agreement on this and expressed their support for the cause of the prison criminal family.

Only Shiba's family has only three or two big cats and kittens left.

In this wave of suspected out-of-control incidents in hell, only Shiba Isshin and Shiba Haiyan were dispatched.

But this is already the entire strength of the Shiba family.

The remaining few don't even have Zanpakutō.

Three days later.

Everyone gathered in the Runlinan District of Nishi Rukongai, waiting for the arrival of the members of the prison criminal family.

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