Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 157 Confrontation, the true purpose of Mole City

Rain and dew Zheliu, the Ghost Dao is Zanpakutao.

Its ability is quite buggy, and it can be called the phantom god of civil war among the gods of death.

You can integrate your own spirit into the spirit of inorganic matter, and you can freely control the material to attack or restrain the enemy as if you were controlling yourself.

Once integrated with a certain space, you can monitor, monitor, perceive, and control everything in it, and you can create avatars at will to appear in any corner of the space.

At the same time, it can also integrate its own spirit into the bodies of other creatures and control the fused part, but it cannot directly cause damage to enemies with too high spiritual pressure.

And the higher the spiritual pressure, the stronger the repulsion to Mole City Shuangye.

The strength information of Mole City Shuangye was quickly reviewed in his mind. When Sufeng's spiritual pressure surged around him, there was another wind lingering around him.

The dark wind surrounds the surroundings, turning into feather weaves and hanging down naturally, and the hem flutters lightly, like water waves rippling freely, and the complicated ring patterns are engraved on it, adding a bit of mysterious beauty to it.

The power of the perfect manifestation technique is strengthened, Duanfeng Yuyi.

Sufeng showed the greatest respect to such beings who could control their opponents, and he started with full firepower.

If he didn't have the confidence to keep it, he would even think of cutting off the empty blade with his hand and stabbing Mole Cheng Shuangye head-on.

For him at this stage, the Sky-Breaking Blade is only suitable to be used as a trump card.

After all, the consumption is a bit too much.

The ground turned into turbulent waves, which surged layer upon layer, and climbed to a height of 100 meters in an instant, like a mountain rolling towards Su Feng's position.

Mole Chengshuang also stood there, staring at Sufeng with a calm expression, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

"...turn it into a wave that overwhelms the sky—Breaking Path No. 57: The Earth Dances."

The undetectable chanting of ghosts made the overlapping waves solidify instantly, and the gray-brown ground glowed with a metallic black luster.

Just looking at it gives people unimaginable oppressive power.

Sufeng took a deep breath, Mole City Shuangye's strength was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation.

But as a Kenpachi, a Shinigami who masters the strongest swordsmanship, is it really okay to only use Kidō?

In the distance, Ayase River Yumichika, who was swept away by the earth to the edge of the team building, stared at the spectacular scene in front of him in astonishment, unable to recover for a long time.

He knew about No. 57 Breaking the Road and Dancing Around the Earth, and he was considered to be proficient in it.

But compared to the guy in front of him who seemed to be wearing mourning clothes, the earth spinning dance he used was like a child playing house.

The two are not on the same level at all.

A shiny head struggled out of the soil, and when he saw the horrific scene in the distance, Madarame's expression was not much better than Yumi Ayasegawa's.

"Speaking of which, do we in the 11th Division have any talents who can master ghost ways..."

“I don’t know if it existed before, but it definitely exists now.”

Ayase River Yumichika's spiritual pressure exploded, trying to break away the soil that bound him. After several attempts, he overturned the soil in embarrassment and struggled to get up.

Then, without saying a word, he immediately held Madarame's head in both hands and pulled it out hard.

The huge force caused the round and shiny head to twist immediately. Under the severe pain, Madarame yelled:

"Asshole, this is my uncle's head, my head!"

"Let me go!!"


"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Sufeng raised his left hand, and a transparent barrier fell from the sky, crashing to the front of him, resisting the rushing mud waves with indestructible strength.


The mud wave erupted, completely engulfing the figure below. The several-meter-high sky-breaking barrier had no advantage in the face of this scene that was like a natural disaster.

Endless soil pressed down, and during the fierce collision, it buried nearby buildings and rolled out.

For a moment, the training ground shook and roared, the terrain moved, and the entire ninth division team building screamed under the overwhelming power.

Fortunately, Mocheng Shuangye has only one goal.

The others only suffered the aftermath, which was not enough to be completely crushed to death. Only a few unlucky ones were swallowed up by the mud waves and were unconscious and seriously injured on the spot.

As Molejo Shuuya said before, he will not destroy the order of Seireitei.

If the other party didn't stop him, he wouldn't mind letting him go.

Just like Yumi Ayasegawa before.

The bursting wind swept across, rendering the heaven and earth in an instant, falling down and tearing apart the earth, and the intact figure of Sufeng reappeared in the outside world.

Duan Kong only withstood the first wave of impact, but the subsequent waves of mud covered it and still buried it.

Terrifying waves of air surged, surging in all directions, the storm rolled upwards, and rushed straight into the sky. The air under the zenith was constantly shaking, turning into endless torrents of turbulent waves, directly covering Mole City Shuangye.


The air wave trembled, and the air flow surged. The sky of the Ninth Division was occupied by the strong wind, and the wind blades pierced down, split and interspersed, and instantly blasted the ground into a sieve.

Facing the Yashiro Kenpachi, Sufeng treated him with unprecedented seriousness. In terms of strength alone, this person would be the strongest enemy he had ever encountered.

Based on his current strength, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

The wind blade swept down and swallowed up the position where Mole City Shuangye was. Unfortunately, this abundant attack was not enough for Mole City Shuangye——


When the dust dissipated and everything calmed down, Mole Chengshuang's intact body reappeared in place.

If it weren't for the huge criss-crossing ravines on the ground, Sufeng might have thought that his attack just hit the air.

"It's really a tricky ability..."

Sufeng sighed softly, "It's really impossible to defeat you in Seireitei."

"Perhaps only by destroying the entire Seireitei can we deal with you."

Mole Chengshuang also had a calm expression, and there was no trace of emotion in the depths of his pupils, and he replied quietly:

"What are you going to do?"

"Now that you know Yulu Zheliu's abilities, you should understand that your strength is not enough to hurt me."

"Or are you planning to destroy the entire Seireitei?"

He seemed to be talking about something trivial, as if he was talking about crushing an ant.

"Remember what I said?"

Sufeng raised the blade in his hand, "All intelligence and information are forcibly recorded in the corridor of the Great Spiritual Book. This has nothing to do with the will of the God of Death."

"Yulu Zheliu is not without flaws."

And just as the words fell, a woman with a charming figure appeared beside Mocheng Shuangye, and her sharp laughter filled his ears, as if trying to pierce his eardrums.

"Hahaha, this guy is really interesting!"

"Guys with swords in their names, don't look at me with that offensive look. I have never told this little brother about my abilities!"

Before Mole Chengshuang could speak, Sufeng frowned slightly and stared at the figure that suddenly appeared in the distance.

Covered by his spiritual pressure, a humanoid spiritual pressure appeared within the range of perception.

"Yulu... Zhiliu?"

"Ah, I've been discovered!" Yulu Zheliu covered her mouth, pretending to be surprised, "You are indeed worthy of the special existence this guy said."

"You are the only one who can sense my existence with reiatsu alone without the help of other things."

"Brother from the Tsunayashiro family, I am really becoming more and more interested in you!"

Mole Cheng Shuangye's expression remained calm, without any fluctuation, as if the current scene had been anticipated.

"Are you aware?" he asked, "Tsunayo Sufeng, if this special power can be used properly, the world will change."

"The roots of the void will be cut off directly, and the Soul Society will fall into eternal peace."

Sufeng frowned slightly, vaguely aware of the special power mentioned by Mole Cheng Shuangye.

Previously, he originally thought that the other party was referring to his Zanpakuto Lan Gin, or some kind of more secretive existence.

But now let’s judge based on the actual situation and Mole City Shuangye’s words.

This special power probably refers to—exceeding the affinity of the spirit child.

The reason why the existence of Yulu Zheliu can be sensed is entirely due to the enhancement of perception caused by the improvement of the affinity of the spirit son.

Think about it a little bit, the purpose of Mocheng Shuangya is to transform human beings in this world, completely abandoning unnecessary desires and emotions, so that human beings will not become empty after death.

In this way, the goal of annihilating the void from the source is achieved.

In the original timeline, Mole City Shuang also noticed Roja Palamia's anti-membrane thread, realized that this thing could help him achieve his goal, and just escaped from the endless hell.

At the moment, Luojia has not been completely transformed by Sal Apollo, not to mention the anti-membrane silk, and even the Arrancar has not been achieved.

On the other hand, Sufeng's spirit son affinity can achieve a similar effect to a certain extent.

Ever since, Yashiro Kenpachi set his target on him.

After figuring out the key point, Su Feng looked helpless and sighed softly: "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Contribute your strength." Mo Chengshuang also said quietly, "Cutting off the root of Xu will allow you to leave a strong mark in the history of Soul Soul Realm."

Sacrifice the small self to fulfill the greater self.

This is what Mole City Shuangye thinks.

What the victim thought was irrelevant.

"You're a little too extreme."

Su Feng lightly raised the blade in his hand, the wind and thunder changed, and the thick clouds above the sky swept in again, countless thunder snakes rushed and swam away, just as if they were about to destroy the world.

"Annihilating all the void in the world will only return the world to chaos."

"This scene, let alone the God of Death, even the Spirit King would not want to see."

Without continuing to talk nonsense with this guy, Sufeng slashed down with his backhand, and countless thunder thundered down, covering the entire battlefield below.

For a moment, the ground shattered, earth and rocks collapsed, and chasm-like black cracks were engraved on the battlefield, extending in all directions.

Mole City Shuang was also completely shattered in the leaping thunder, turning into countless fragments of light, scattered into the battlefield, and reunited and condensed in an instant, evolving into a new figure.

As I said before, unless the entire Seireitei is destroyed, with this level of attack alone, let alone killing the opponent, even the damage is extremely reluctant.

"Beast bones scattered everywhere! Spires and wheels of red crystal steel."

"The wind is what moves, and the sky is what is still."

"The sound of spears clashing resounded throughout Xu City!"

Overlapping sounds resounded in the desolate ruins, continuous loud noises surged in all directions, and violent thunder and lightning covered Shuangye's side in Mole City.

Different from the ghostly incantations chanted by ordinary death gods, Mocheng Shuangya's voice seemed to be repeated many times. The stacked voices rolled the air, and the thunder on the ground even gradually overwhelmed the sky.

In contrast, Sufeng raised the corner of his mouth and pointed one finger at the sky. The thick clouds condensed into a vortex, a violent aura surged in, and the raging thunder continued to condense into the center of the cloud eye.

"Come and grant your wish."

A ferocious smile appeared on Su Feng's face, and the surrounding air trembled. A doomsday-like scene enveloped the entire team building, and was still spreading in further directions.

"Breaking Path No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon!"

The sound that sounded at the same time became the final clarion call for this battle.

next moment.

The roaring thunder came straight down with the force of destroying the heaven and the earth, flooding the entire battlefield, and bright light soared into the sky, making the team building look like daylight!

Thanks to the big brother Derek in the forest for the reward

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