Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 158 Go and sleep with Old Man Shan

Boom boom! !

The golden thunder broke out violently, turning into ferocious thunder dragons biting and killing each other.

The violent explosion echoed in the team building and spread to all directions of Seireitei. As the confrontation intensified, a round of golden sun seemed to appear on the battlefield.

The scorching light burst out suddenly, covering the entire team building with unparalleled momentum, and it continued to extend.

The building in the team building collapsed, and the ground carrying it let out a deafening whine. For a moment, the soil was flying, tearing the gullies.

Countless bolts of lightning continued to wreak havoc, engulfing and biting each other!

As if the two armies were confronting each other, the sound of fighting soared into the sky, wounds were traded for wounds, life was fighting for life, and it gradually disappeared with the passage of time, leaving only a few lightning bolts leaping to the scorched ground and into the atmosphere.

The sizzling sound was even more continuous and endless.

The surging aftermath spread in all directions, and cracks on the ground spread endlessly like spider webs, almost covering the entire team building.

While the aftermath was shaking, several tyrannical spiritual pressures came rushing from a distance, and a sense of terrifying coercion enveloped everything in front.

Mo Chengshuang also looked at the scene of ruins in front of him, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

The irritating chirping sound rang in his ears again, and between the humming, it seemed that hundreds of ducks were quacking non-stop.

"Hehehaha, you, with the word "sword" in your name, are actually at a disadvantage in the duel between ghosts and dao. It's really an incredible thing."

Yulu Zheliu let out a light laugh, and when her waist was thrown back, her posture was extremely exaggerated, but it would not make people feel disgusted.

"It's been many years since I saw you in such a mess."

"This little brother's strength is far less pitiful than you think!"

"If you want to realize this great ideal, you have to make very difficult efforts!"

While chatting, Yulu Zheliu looked towards the rear. Although her eyes were covered by black leather strips, it did not prevent her from seeing the scene behind her.

"Hey, the captains are coming. The guy with the word sword in his name, aren't you ready to leave?"

Mole Chengshuang remained silent from beginning to end. Finally his eyes fell on Su Feng. After staring for a long time, he gradually disappeared into the spirit child:

"Your mission will not end here."

When the other captains arrived, all they were left with was a mess on the ground and the wailing captains.


The battle between Sufeng and Mocheng Shuangye almost destroyed the entire team building of the Ninth Division. All the buildings collapsed in the aftermath, and only a few places protected by the enchantment of ghosts remained intact.

Some of the team members who had not yet had time to escape were also buried in the rubble.

Fortunately, Madarame's special training from hell was very effective, and only a few unlucky ones were hit by the aftermath, causing themselves serious injuries and falling into a coma.

The captains didn't talk too much nonsense, and immediately directed other team members to rescue the ruins. The fourth division of the logistics force arrived at the ninth division as quickly as possible, and began emergency treatment.

A few of the seriously injured were treated by Mao Zhihualie himself using his life-returning skills.

In terms of therapeutic effect alone.

Li Hui Dao, Yi Zhi Dao, Ming Hui Tian is already the strongest Hui Dao.

"So, what happened?!"

Ayasegawa Yumichika and Madarame stared at each other, not understanding the ins and outs of this.

A guy wearing the uniform of Squadron 11 captain Haori appeared, and the two of them were beaten inexplicably, and their bodies were blocked by the opponent's inexplicable attack method.

Just when the other party was about to lay a black hand on Ayase Chuan Yumi, Su Feng arrived at the right time, stopped the act, and then began to say something they couldn't understand at all.

"In a nutshell, in a nutshell."

Sufeng explained, "Yongqin Wuxi, you have been targeted by the person just now, Mole Chengshuang."

"Your Zanpakutō's glazed peacock is the natural nemesis of the Zanpakutō, Molejo Shuuya."

Ayase Kawa Yumika stared at the figure in front of her, blinking a few times with the corners of Haori's eyes, and there was a hint of confusion in her pupils.

"Huh? Isn't this guy's Zanpakutō called Vine Sparrow?!"

Before he could respond, Madarame raised his eyelids and stared at Sufeng with suspicion.

"Asshole, peacock, who would give such an ugly name as sparrow!"

Ayase River Yumichika was furious and tried to cover up the matter.

However, Sufeng's ability to disrupt trouble was also top-notch. He didn't care about the two people's feelings at all and just continued speaking openly:

"Although I don't want to say it, the relationship between you two is really deep."

"Not only are they inseparable from each other, but they even have the same ideas."

As soon as these words came out, large beads of cold sweat seeped out from their foreheads, instantly staining their collars and linings.

"Ikkaku is better. At least he didn't hide the news that he has mastered the swastika from you."

Although Sufeng said something he didn't really want to say, the smile in the corner of his eyes betrayed his truest thoughts.

"On the contrary, Yumichika Wusei, in order to continue to stay in the 11th Division and not be despised by others, directly fooled others with incomplete explanations."

"But have you ever thought that just by concealing it, you have betrayed others' trust in you?"

The words made the two of them panic.

Especially when the nearby team members and captains cast strange glances at them, their expressions had changed from ferocious to twisted.

"Ha, haha, Captain Sufeng, you may have been injured in the battle just now."

Yumika Ayasekawa smiled sarcastically, trying to continue to use lame excuses to get through, "I don't understand what you are talking about at all..."

"That's right, that's right!" Madarame Ikkaku agreed from the side, "I'm just a third seat, how can something like mastering the swastika happen to me."

"Captain Sufeng, while Captain Uozhihua is here, you might as well ask her to check you first..."

Facing the two's sophistry, Sufeng sneered disdainfully: "The reason is so lame that even Rangju can't fool it, so you can fool yourselves."

When Matsumoto Rangiku, who had arrived late, heard this, several black lines suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"team leader……"

Before he could open his mouth, Su Feng restrained him with a backhand, and in full view of everyone, he slapped a bite on his pretty face.

In an instant, a bright red color rose on Matsumoto Rangiku's face, her body temperature rose rapidly, and vaguely, steam seemed to rise above her orange hair.

"The team members are still waiting for treatment. Go and help."

In a daze, Matsumoto Rangiku held her face in her hands and gradually walked away with irregular steps.

Her performance undoubtedly corroborated what Su Feng had just said.

For a moment, Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika fell silent.

At the same time, a new question also arises in their hearts: is their IQ really so low?

Sufeng turned his attention to the two men again and criticized their concealment behavior as a superior:

“Let’s talk about the next part first. Let me state in advance that the following remarks are definitely not meant to hurt you.”

"It's said that if you master the swastika, you will become a captain. Where did you hear this from an underground place?"

Kyōraku Shunsui stepped nearby, held up his bamboo hat, looked at the two people who were soaked in cold sweat with a careful look, and added:

"Mastering the swastika is only one of the necessary conditions for becoming a captain."

"It's just that this condition was broken when Captain Zaraki took office."

"And as far as I know, this guy doesn't even know the name of his Zanpakutō."

Su Feng nodded, and continued: "Leaving aside whether your strength is up to standard, you are far from being able to meet the requirement of the captain's balanced development."

"Hey, this is a bit offensive." Madarame said unwillingly.

Su Feng raised his eyelids: "Then how about you use a Thunder Roar Cannon?"

Silence, the only response to him was silence.

Not to mention the Thunder Roar Cannon, even the Red Fire Cannon is difficult to use.

"Hey, has this guy really mastered the swastika?" Jingraku Shunsui poked Sufeng's shoulder and asked curiously.

Mastering the swastika as a chief officer is something that has never happened before in the history of the Gotei 13.

"If I remember correctly, what is the insect pattern ghost lamp pill called..."

"Damn it, it's Dragon Pattern Kitomaru!" Madarame was furious, with veins pulsing on his forehead.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he already regretted it.

Just because the two people opposite him were staring at him with playful eyes.

Ayasekawa Yumuchika slapped her face with her backhand and sighed subconsciously.

Sure enough, Tsunayashi Sufeng was right.

Putting aside the time of fighting, in terms of IQ alone, Madarame Ikkaku is indeed inferior to Matsumoto Rangiku.

Sufeng turned his attention to Ayasekawa Yumichika again, and his body immediately tensed up.

For a moment, Yumi Ayasegawa was full of thoughts about how to excuse him, but before he could think of it, he heard that devil-like voice ringing in his ears.

"Incomplete understanding, Vine Peacock."

Sufeng continued, "It's just because your Zanpakutō doesn't like Fujishiro, so it will lose its temper when it is liberated, and is only willing to release half of it."

"Well, it looks very similar to Huatian Kuanggu." Jingraku Shunshui thought thoughtfully.

"You think that the 11th Division only recognizes the direct attack type Zanpakutō and despises the Kidō type Zanpakutō."

The look he looked at Yumichika Ayasegawa was filled with the feeling of hating that iron cannot become steel.

In terms of ability alone, the glazed peacock can definitely be ranked at the forefront. If the Swastika is developed, Yumi Ayasegawa can even become the strongest among the captains.

Sufeng ignored the change in Yumichika's expression and sighed before continuing:

"Just because he wanted to hide his Zanpakuto's name, he ignored his companions who were in a bitter battle."

"They even claim that fighting is a hearty enjoyment for them. What's the difference between this kind of behavior and those despicable people?"

"Not every member of Squad 11 likes to fight as much as Kenpachi Zaraki and Ikkaku Madarame."

Ayasekawa Yumichika was silent.

"Okay, the training ends here." Sufeng said frankly, "Mr. Yamamoto asked you to take your Zanpakutō to stay with the First Team."

"It's best to be able to sleep on the same bed as him."

"The value of the glazed peacock as an anti-Mole City Kenpachi Zanpakutō is far higher than that of you yourself."

On the side, Jingraku Shunshui coughed repeatedly, signaling Sufeng not to slander his teacher with such remarks.

"Even if you cough to death, I still have to say this."

Sufeng spread his hands and replied helplessly, "That's what Mr. Yamamoto said. I just paraphrased it in my own way."

For a moment, Jingraku Shunshui was silent and fell into deep suspicion.


At the same time, the twelfth division team building.

Underground research institute, in a warehouse where a large number of artificial remains are stored.

A body composed of countless spiritual particles slowly solidified, and the transformation from nothingness to reality took only a moment.

Slightly sharp laughter echoed in the empty warehouse, which suddenly doubled people's sense of irritability.

"Heheha, you who have the word sword in your name are ready to use new methods after your first defeat?"

Yulu Zheliu entangled Mocheng Shuangye's side, then disappeared in front of the container where the remains were stored, with her eyes sealed with black leather strips clinging to it.

"Hee-ha-ha, is this your backup plan?" She tapped on the container, chattering tirelessly, "It's really exciting, how will that funny little brother deal with it..."

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