Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 162 I pay you the highest respect

In the sky, the crescent moon hangs high in the west, and the lifeless desolation extends to the end of the world.

A few dead trees made of quartz stand alone, adding a little different color to this unchanging expanse of fine sand.

Hueco Mundo.

A line of white figures suddenly appeared at the end of the moonlight. Their steps were heavy and their movements were slow.

The dense density of spirit particles in Hueco Mundo made it difficult for this group of Quincy who had been living in the world for a long time to adapt.

Fortunately, this state did not last long. As his spiritual pressure increased, the environment in Hueco Mundo became relatively comfortable.

As a heterogeneous existence among humans, Quincy are born with extremely high spiritual power and extremely high soul potential.

Therefore, relatively speaking, a world with high density of spiritual beings like Hueco Mundo is actually more suitable for them to live in.

"Huh, let's set it here!"

The leader, an orange-haired girl full of youthful beauty, cheered and stopped moving.

"Miss Maki, I want to ask."

Someone in the crowd raised his hand, "As for the Death God you mentioned, how do you determine our position and what is the enemy's strength?"

"Although we are determined to die during this trip, we don't want to die in an unknown situation because of this."

After the words fell, Sogen Ishida on the side explained: "The communication equipment that previously contacted Soul Society has a positioning function. Mr. Sufeng will use Miss Maki and me as the coordinates to descend."

"As for the strength of the enemy..."

He pondered for a moment, and the god of death named Yazhou didn't explain the matter too much to him, but simply mentioned Mole City Shuangye's ability.

Although it is not difficult to judge from the simple description, the Quincy's fighting method of manipulating the spirits in the atmosphere is indeed the opponent's nemesis.

However, it is not difficult to see from Mr. Sufeng's request for assistance from the Quincy side that the enemy's strength may have exceeded his imagination.

It is even said that the power of Death alone may not be enough to kill the opponent.

Thinking of this, Ishida Sogen couldn't help but have a worried look on his face.

Can the Quincy really be able to contend with such an enemy of such strength?

Or is it that Soul Society can no longer tolerate the existence of Quincy in this world and is ready to annihilate all living forces in one fell swoop?

Thinking of this, Ishida Munexun couldn't help but feel a little despair in his heart.

The huge gulf-like gap between the Quincy and the God of Death is not something that just a few geniuses can contend with.

What's more, genius also needs time to grow.

"Well, don't think too much about it." Kurosaki Maki comforted, "As long as you come, let it be. Anyway, you have been labeled as a member of the Tsunayayo family, so you can only choose to trust Mr. Sufeng!"

Ishida Sogen looked at the girl who was jumping for joy in the desert and could only sigh helplessly.

"This is the information. Start preparing, everyone."

"Before Mr. Sufeng arrives in Hueco Mundo, we need to prepare the battle formation."

The current Quincy family has suffered varying degrees of decline in strength due to being assimilated by humans and becoming hybrids.

To this end, they developed corresponding battle formations to ensure their own safety.

Many of them include Holy Bite, Green Cup, Five-frame Bound, Breaking Light Formation, etc. Most of these battle formations require items such as silver tubes and soul-piercing objects for assistance.

Most of the Quincy who came to support Hueco Mundo were elite hybrids. Only Ishida Sogenu and Kurosaki Maki were purebloods.

With their strength, it may be difficult to participate in a captain-level battle, but if they arrange the battle formation, it will not be a problem.

Dozens of silver tubes were distributed in different arrangements within a radius of tens of miles, with abundant spiritual energy waves buried in them, and were crowned with the Quincy's respective control powers.

The thing that cut through the soul drew a Quincy formation on the desert. The huge five-pointed star was located in it, glowing slightly with fluorescence, and then disappeared in an instant.

Putting aside the power, the concealment must be prepared and perfected.

When everything was ready, the dark cracks in the sky were torn open violently, and the sharp tooth-like edges were like the bloody mouth of a giant beast, swallowing up all the stars in the sky.

Spiritual pressure as light as the wind rushed out of it, adding a bit of coolness to the already cold Hueco Mundo.

A figure surrounded by the breath of wind slowly descended from the mimetic black cavity and walked in front of the Quincy.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Sufeng raised his eyebrows and ordered in a tone that could not be refused: "Except for Ishida Sogenu and Kurosaki Maki, everyone else should stay away from this area."

"With your strength, I'm afraid you won't even be able to withstand Mole City Shuangye's spiritual pressure."

The Quincy's faces flashed with joy. They originally thought they would be involved in the battle, but they didn't expect that they were just setting up battle formations.

Although he has the intention to die, who wants to die if he can live?

Soon, there were only three figures left in the field, and the rest of the Quincy had disappeared from sight.

At this time, their flying sickle kicks showed twelve points of speed.

Its speed is comparable to wind and thunder!

Above the sky, the mimetic black cavity has not closed, and as the spiritual pressure is transmitted from it, it appears to become wider and wider, until it covers all the stars in sight.

The pure white captain Haori floated over, and Mole Shishuang, who was once a nobleman, was as simple as ever, without any aristocratic decorations on his body.

His expression was indifferent and calm, as if wearing a hard mask.

"The Quincy..."

Noticing the figures of Ishida Munezuru and Kurosaki Maki, Mojojo Sho also nodded slightly, beckoning:

"This is the most authentic reaction. In the face of death, even a righteous person will not easily face it calmly."

"You look more real than you were before."

There was a hint of appreciation in Mocheng Shuangye's tone.

Follow the wind in silence.

Can't you get over this?

It turns out that he has risen to the point where he can't be discredited even by black hands in Mocheng Shuangye's heart?

Faced with such a person, for some reason, I suddenly feel a little ashamed...

That's weird.

The other party is ready to fuse himself to death, and if he doesn't take any action, then he will really have a bubble in his head.

"What a strong sense of oppression." Ishida Munexun instinctively tightened the Reiko short bow in his hand, stared at the white figure in front of him, and thought to himself, "Is this the mole Cheng Shuangye that Yaozhou said?"

Compared with the Da Xu he faced before, the two are not at the same level at all.

The other party didn't even deliberately release the spiritual pressure, giving people an unspeakable sense of oppression.

Facing such an existence, he didn't even have the slightest desire to fight.

On the other hand, Maki Kurosaki, who was on the side, performed much better than Sozuru Ishida.

The orange hair is flying, the expression on the pretty face is firm, and the full materialized spiritual pressure is stirring around him, and he is already ready for battle.

She who once faced Balk without losing the wind is the true genius of the Quincy clan.

And as far as Ishida Zongxian knows, after the battle with Balk, Kurosaki Maki's strength seems to have improved again, and it is still a qualitative leap.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

Obviously, he is the Quincy Master who inherited the 【Quincy Cross】!

"Okay, enough chatting."

Mocheng Shuang also spread his arms, "In order to give the hero the status he deserves, I will use all my strength to show my respect for you."

The majestic spiritual pressure is integrated into the spirit particles of the virtual circle, and the heavy pressure is located under the sky.

The mimic black cavity quickly closed and twisted at an unreasonable speed, leaving only a few winding black lines interlaced among the stars.

Suddenly, a raging invisible wind blew up on the calm desert.

The spirit particles in the atmosphere were constantly condensing. Because the density of spirit particles in Hueco Mundo was too high, in just an instant, countless spirit child blades appeared around Mole City Shuangye.

The battle is about to begin!

Su Feng's spiritual pressure gushed out, and the substantive light lingered around him, and the surging wind even overwhelmed Mocheng Shuangye's limelight.

The bluish-white wind breath converges, condensing into a feather hanging over his body.

Strands of blue-purple electric lights visible to the naked eye are dotted on it like patterns, and the surrounding atmosphere even distorts as it rattles.

The evolved version of Duanfeng Yuyi, Xun Lei Yuyi.

Yuanliu Sword Zen is not practiced for nothing, and the compatibility between Sufeng and Lanyin has been greatly improved on the original basis.

The current Xun Lei Yuyi is one of the moves developed.

Mole Chengshuang also responded in silence. The spirit blades in all directions were already facing Suifeng, intertwined and twisted with each other, forming a unique shape of threads under his perfect control.

The next moment, the atmosphere was completely cut, and violent explosions roared continuously.

In just an instant, the desert within several miles was razed to the ground. Endless white sand rose into the sky and turned into huge waves, covering up the only light in the sky.

And at this moment, Mole City Shuangye suddenly burst into a bright light.

"Accept this majestic battle formation, Holy Biter!"

Ishida Sogen immediately activated the silver tube hidden in the white sand, and majestic light surged out from the soles of his feet, swallowing up Mole City Shuangya's figure in an instant.

The four destructive formations erupted one after another, opening the curtain of light and heat, traversing the desert, exaggerating the arrival of extreme high temperature.

The berserk stream of spiritual particles covered it, carrying an astonishing killing intent, flooding the battlefield within a few miles.

If it were just a single holy bite battle formation, it might not be able to defeat the Mole City Shuangye at all, but under the arrangement of the Quincy, all the spirits in this area have been manipulated into the battle formation.

In other words, Mole City Shuang is also fused, not only the spirits in the atmosphere, but also the spirits in the holy battle formation.

The dust on both sides stirred up, and the roaring sound washed away in all directions. The aftermath visible to the naked eye formed a ring, spreading in all directions.

The desert collapsed, and huge pits appeared in it.

When the dust subsided, two figures loomed in the white sand.

The indestructible sky barrier cuts across the atmosphere and remains standing. Only the criss-crossing marks on it indicate the extent of damage it has suffered just now.

Sufeng stood behind the barrier with an indifferent expression, and wind and thunder surged around him, wiping out the aftermath.

On the other hand, in the distance, Mole Chengshuang also appeared, his slightly arched body highlighting his current state.

"Good calculation."

He stared forward and said calmly, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. The joint holy bite battle formation just now had already injured Mole City Shuangye.

"The Quincy is indeed my nemesis."

"But that's all there is to it..."

The spiritual pressure in the atmosphere suddenly shrank, and the all-pervasive pressure just now converged on his body. Behind Mole City Shuangye, black bodies one after another continued to solidify and step out.

Righteous body.

The special righteous body transformed by the fusion and transformation of Mole City Shuangye's spirit son can be integrated into his spirit son and can be summoned for use when needed.

These prosthetic remains were collected during his escape from prison.

The scrap products abandoned by the Technology Development Bureau have no value in becoming the soul container of the God of Death again.

But this scrapped product was given a new life in the hands of Mole City Shuangye.

"O King! Mask of flesh and blood, O One with all forms, fluttering wings, and bearing the name of man!"

"Shuanglian carves the wall of the blue fire, and waits for the abyss of fire far away..."

A series of smooth spirits criss-crossed and circled among the skeletons, and the overlapping sound waves continued to stir, as if some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

Mole Chengshuang also frowned slightly, the severe pain in his abdomen did not hinder his speed of chanting the mantra.

Between the priorities, the majestic spiritual pressure has already covered the sky, rushing forward with the momentum of the sky.

Kurosaki Maki had a firm face, her slender arms raised the longbow of Lingzi, and the pure arrows exuding blue light were condensed on the bowstring.

Without waiting for Sufeng's reminder, she immediately launched an attack on Mocheng Shuangye in the distance.

"Holy Mie Ya!"

With a coquettish shout, the atmosphere was instantly torn apart, and a beam of bright light shot towards Mocheng Shuangye with unparalleled momentum.

At the same time, the only battle formation left in the white sand also broke out, and the pentagram formation emerged on the sand surface, and the dazzling light shot up into the sky!

"Broken Dao No. 73: Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant!"

Mole City Shuang also chanted the last Ghost Dao incantation without changing his face, and a large piece of blue blue flames suddenly shot up into the sky.

In an instant, the divine Mie Arrow that came rushing was wiped out!

The high temperature filled the air, instantly erasing the power of the surging battle formation on the ground!

Compared with the surprise attack that was caught off guard before, Mo Chengshuang also had preparedness, and it was difficult for an attack of this level to affect him.

Kurosaki Maki gritted her silver teeth lightly, and when she was about to shoot again, she was blocked by a figure.

"That's it for now, Miss Maki."

"You have done enough."

Su Feng's eyes were serious, and he watched the blue flames rushing ahead and the terrifying high temperature that filled the air with a serious attitude.

In the distance, the righteous skeletons were engulfed by the Cang Yan, and their bodies were scorched black. It took only a few breaths to turn themselves into a charred appearance.

Mole Chengshuang also looked at Sufeng calmly: "I respect all your thoughts and actions, and I will pay you the highest respect for my long-cherished wish that is about to be fulfilled."

"Captain Shinigami with a righteous heart, Tsunayashiro Sufeng!"

The charred corpse floated into the air, opened and closed its mouth, and began to chant again in an intermittent voice. The continuous sound waves continued to echo in the desolate Huecoil until it reached the end of the sky.

Accompanied by the trembling and trembling that existed like coke, the final chant also fell:

"Broken Dao No. 96: Cremation with One Sword!!!"

Thanks to the big brother Derek in the forest for the reward

The really last paragraph is over soon...

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