Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 163 Peeping from Xuye Palace

Boom! !

Hundreds of righteous skeletons sacrificed part of Mocheng Shuangye's soul, and ignited a fiery flame covering dozens of miles above the barren void circle!

It was supposed to be a virtual circle of night, but at this moment it entered daytime, and wherever the eyes could see, there were terrifying flames rising into the sky.

The fiery colors of orange and red colored the sky and the earth, and the giant red spirit blade spurted out from it, as if it was going to burn everything in Hueco Mundo.

The Quincy masters who had fled to the extreme distance looked at the distant sky in horror, and the doomsday-like scene was reflected in their pupils.

They never expected that they could still be affected by the shock of the battle after fleeing dozens of miles away.

While the flaming giant blade that pierced through the night tore through the atmosphere, it also wiped out the cold air flow within tens of miles, followed by scorching high temperatures, sweeping all directions.

Quincy masters with weaker strength even need to form a spiritual pressure defense to resist the rolling heat wave.

They could not imagine what kind of terrifying impact the person at the center of the flame would bear.

A sword of cremation rushed into the zenith, annihilating the air currents in all directions, twisting the void, showing a series of dark cracks.

But in all directions of the flames, the thick clouds were constantly being annihilated and re-condensed. Countless thunder snakes were wandering and running away, and endless power erupted between the roaring bursts.

Mole City Shuangye's sudden outbreak exceeded Sufeng's expectations, but it was still within the acceptable range.

If we abandon the ultimate killing move of geographical location, Sufeng still has a little confidence in facing Yashiro Kenpachi.

The howling wind suddenly rose, and the blue-white wind continued to condense and intensify, gradually evolving into an inky black color, connecting with the thick clouds on the zenith, and countless thunderlights poured out like waterfalls, blending into the endless power of light and heat. , once intensifying the force of the wind.

Sufeng faced the exploding sea of ​​fire head-on, and the roar of the mist shook, absorbing the hurricane and sinking into the blade. In an instant, the silver-white blade turned into red.

The indescribable scorching temperature burst out from it, even overwhelming the power of a cremation knife.

The practice of Genryu Tozen allowed Sufeng to understand what wind and thunder were in the Zanpakutō space, and developed the latest moves based on the most familiar wind element liberation.

All the spiritual pressure poured into the blade, and magma-like red lines spread all over it, glowing with a blazing bright light.

Sufeng faced the cremation with a sword, and when the spiritual pressure was excessively consumed, even the Xunlei Yuyi could not continue to maintain it.

I saw his eyes staring forward, and what was reflected in his pupils was a knife-shaped flame tornado. Lan Yin was in his hand, and he was slashing straight towards it!

"The wind of heat and anger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blade fell like the flow of magma, and the invisible wind suddenly broke out, pressing down in front.

There was no huge explosion, no light and heat shooting straight into the clouds, and no aftermath that shook everything in all directions.

The knife-like flame that penetrated the heaven and earth disappeared in an instant, as if it had been wiped away without any trace.

There are large red scorching crystals remaining on the sand surface, which are the colored glaze formed by melting the sand surface under high temperature.

And this is the only trace left in the confrontation between the two.

Bhikkhus, in the middle of the world, there are winds called heat and trouble.

If these winds come to this Four Continents Realm, all living beings, living beings and residents in this Four Continent Realms, with all their identities, will be scattered and destroyed, and nothing will be left...

Sufeng stood on the spot, his breath calm, staring into the distance, Lan Yin naturally dropped from his hand, and the remaining hot breath dripped down, instantly corroding the sand surface into a bottomless hole.

Looking at Mole Cheng Shuangye in the distance, his aura was disordered and completely lost his original elegance.

Destroying hundreds of corpses in one breath was a big drain on him.

However, at this time, he couldn't take care of this.

Compared to the loss of his body and soul, Su Feng faced this No. 96 attack head-on, which shocked him beyond measure.

With his talent and knowledge, he couldn't even understand the form of the move just now.

Direct attack system? Ghost system? Or the rules system?

Mole Chengshuang also panted heavily, trying to regain his composure.

He could clearly perceive that Su Feng was just trying to hold on, and the attack just now had exhausted all of his spiritual pressure.

The seemingly relaxed posture is nothing but the end of the battle.

Not to mention continuing to fight, I'm afraid I can't even lift the Zanpakuto...

Before the thought came to an end, an even more horrifying scene appeared. The turbulent flow of spirit particles visible to the naked eye lingered in the distance, completely enveloping Sufeng in it, and disappeared at an even faster speed.

The recovery speed of the opponent's spiritual pressure is far beyond normal.

Mo Chengshuang didn't care about other things, he condensed a new body with his backhand, and ten bodies stood on his left and right.

Fiery spiritual beings surged from all directions, and the Ghost Path incantation No. 73, Double Lotus Cang Huo Pendant, was chanted again, forming a weak sound wave that condensed in the sky.

The azure blue flames poured down like a waterfall, rushing mightily towards the location where Su Feng was.

It only needs to affect the recovery speed, then there is still hope of winning in the end!

Until now, Mo Chengshuang still hasn't given up, and still has the idea of ​​defeating Su Feng and using his own spirit to fuse the opponent.

"Rain and dew pomegranate."

The firm tone resounded in the empty desert, and what responded to it was the familiar chirping voice.

"Hee-ha-ha! Are you finally willing to call someone?"

The enchanting figure appeared behind Mole City Shuangye, Yulu Zheliu covered her mouth and chuckled, as if laughing at the unbearable situation at this time:

"Hehe, are you already regretting your reckless actions?"

"If you are willing to continue to observe Wu Jian for a period of time, you may really discover the weaknesses of this interesting guy."

Mole Chengshuang also asked in a low voice: "Is all this what you expected?"

"Hahaha, how is this possible?"

Yulu Zheliu laughed excitedly, "I didn't expect you to lose to this very interesting guy, although he is also very handsome."

"But so far, the results are really good!"

"By the way, why are you calling people out?"

Mole Chengshuang was also silent. Seeing that the Cang Yan in the distance had been wiped out by the black wind breath again, he immediately said in a voice so low that it could not be detected:

"Change back to the original state."

"There's really nothing we can do about you, but people will respect your choice..."

Before the conversation between the two ended, a powerful spiritual pressure suddenly erupted in the distance, and a storm suddenly swept across.

A white figure instantly appeared in front of one person and one sword.

Looking at Yulu Zheliu, who seemed to be returning to his original state, Sufeng raised the corner of his mouth, and a cruel smile emerged: "Isn't it a little late to think of the enlargement move at this time?"

Before the opponent's ability could be activated, a big hand pressed directly on the face of the unsuspecting Mole Cheng Shuangye.

Then, under the stunned gaze of Yulu Zheliu, the power of his palms burst out, and he severely slapped Mole Chengshuang into the sand.


A large amount of white sand rose into the sky. Mole City Shuangye's eyes, mouth, and nose were all submerged and filled with white sand, making him miserable for a while.

"You, I..." Yulu Zheliutan opened her mouth slightly, her mature face was full of shock, and she couldn't even care about the excited laughter before, "The guy with the word sword in his name..."

Sufeng's play did not follow the routine at all, which really exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

Further away, Maki Kurosaki looked forward with beautiful eyes, excitement in her pupils. She didn't think it was a big deal, and she seemed to be more happy to see this scene that broke the rules.

Even Sogen Ishida opened and closed his mouth, unable to understand for a while.

Shouldn't really strong people respect each other and use their trump cards to fight each other?

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Isn't this the truth of the world?

He felt that his three views were being distorted.

Unfortunately, Sufeng's move did not end the changes in Yulu Zheliu's return to Shijie, and she was broken into pieces in the hot atmosphere.

A large number of spirit seeds were condensed and turned into a shallow blade, which appeared in the palm of Mole City Shuangye.

Against his embarrassed body, he burst out with powerful spiritual pressure, briefly forcing Sufeng back.

Mole Chengshuang also stood where he was, letting Baisha slip off his body, and his emotions became extremely complicated for a while.

He has always respected those who are willing to sacrifice for others and have righteousness in their hearts.

In his cognition, Su Feng is undoubtedly this kind of person.

The only downside may be that the hands are too dirty.

There is absolutely no demeanor that a strong person should have.

Isn't it a matter of course for Reapers who are both captains to respect each other?

Spit out the white sand stuffed in his mouth, because of returning to the original solution, he can no longer control the spirit as usual.

All the fused spirits in his previous state of Swastika have been integrated into the blade in his hand at this time.

After losing the strongest shield of the fusion technique, Mole Chengshuang also got the strongest spear!

"What a pity. I thought I could take the opportunity to seal you away."

Su Feng casually threw away the murderous stone device he had prepared in advance, and sighed regretfully.

"In the end, we still got to this point."

"Fortunately, I have returned to my prime."

Because of the higher level of spiritual son affinity, and under intentional circumstances, the recovery speed of Sufeng spiritual pressure is much faster than that of ordinary captains.

The surging spiritual pressure was intertwined, and Mole Chengshuang no longer cared about what happened just now.

The final blow determines each other's fate.

Life or death, let your strength decide!

Thick clouds swept in again. Without the suppression of Yi Dao Cremation, the dark clouds continued to accumulate, like surging waves, pressing towards the ground.

At the end of the line of sight, heaven and earth seem to be connected.

The violent heat wave pushed across the sky, rumblingly splitting the eyes of the clouds, turning into violent thunder, and condensed into thunder pillars that were all submerged into the raised blade below.

"The wind of heat and annoyance."

It's still the same move, but this time it has more power of the Perfection Technique.

Facing Mole Cheng Shuangye, whose spiritual pressure was higher than his own and whose combat power was at full strength, Sufeng didn't dare to be careless at all. Anyway, he had already revealed his trump card, so he might as well take advantage of it.

Magma-like lines flowed on the blade, and the hot breath that hit his face caused the moisture in the atmosphere to quickly evaporate.

Mole Chengshuang also took a breath, held the knife in both hands, and faced the attack with scorching eyes.

In an instant, the spiritual pressure of the two people intertwined, bursting out all their power, and the collision of the blades suddenly set off a terrifying storm that swept everything.

Large tracts of void were shattered, revealing dark gaps, like deep eyes, staring at the doomsday storm rushing towards the sky.

The mighty aftermath continued to spread toward the desert hundreds of miles away. As it rolled up the white sand, an earth-shattering sandstorm rolled up in Hueco Mundo.


To the west, a simple but majestic majestic palace is located under the crescent moon, with a huge throne at the top, towering white stone pillars scattered here and there, and huge buildings standing under the palace.

A skeleton exuding endless pressure sat in the throne, its empty eyes staring in the direction of the distant sandstorm.

The burning and terrifying aura spanned an endless distance, causing the figures on the throne to freeze.

The sitting skeleton Daxu slowly opened his mouth, and strands of black energy escaped from the white bones.

"grim Reaper……"

The concept of Reannofeng comes from the Sutra of the Origin of the World, because many things in the Bleach anime come from Buddhist classics, such as Xiaobai's Hyōrinmaru Swastika, Tosen's Yama Cricket, and the store manager's Avalokitesvara's opening of the Red Princess, Nirvana's Jizang Jizo, the design of Mao Prison, etc.

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