Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 171 The biggest culprit is myself?

Looking at the cracked lines on the barrier light curtain, Kuchiki Yinling only felt a toothache.

A feeling of swelling and pain emanating from the depths of the head from the inside out.

As an old man who has lived for thousands of years, he has to admit that his grandson is definitely a genius among the generations of the Kuchiki family.

In one year, he learned all the courses of the Shino Spiritual Art Academy, and at the same time mastered the real name of the Zanpakutō, and at the same time reached the conditions for the initial solution.

Even the Swastika, which is the ultimate mystery of the god of death, was successfully mastered in less than ten years.

Not to mention the Kuchiki family, looking at the entire history of the soul world, there are only a handful of Shinigami who can reach such a level.

With his current strength, it is indeed more than enough to serve as the captain of the sixth team.

However, he happened to encounter a monster-level Death. Even though he was beaten to the point of psychological shadow when he was a child, he finally developed and his strength in all aspects has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I thought the opportunity to turn around had arrived.

But in a blink of an eye, the opponent didn't even use Zanpakuto to beat him.

One shot, one punch, what else is there to say?

Kuchiki Yinling has now begun to regret that he found such an opponent for Kuchiki Byakuya to be the examiner of the captain's assessment.

This will leave an indelible shadow trauma in the child's heart.

"Don't worry too much." Yamamoto Genryuzai said in relief: "Soufeng will still pay attention to proportion when making moves."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Yinling raised her eyebrows and twitched her eyelids: "Master Chief, is this still called proper measure?"

"At least he didn't use the old man's bone flow in the instant coaxing state." Yamamoto Genryuzai said truthfully.

Kuchiki Yinling was speechless for a moment.

As one of the veteran captains, he is one of the few Shinigami who has seen the destructive power of Yamamoto Genryusai's bone flow.

As the strongest sect in the field of free fighting, it is no exaggeration to say that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's full-force bone flow can instantly kill the weaker Takura level Daxu.

Looking at the twelve captains of the Gotei 13, there are only a handful of them who can resist.

"So." After a moment of silence, Kuchiki Yinling replied dryly, "This brat Sufeng still misses some old feelings."

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded in disbelief.

Kuchiki Byakuya didn't die on the spot, which was considered merciful.

In the barrier, Kuchiki Byakuya slipped from the barrier and felt as if all the bones in his body were shattered. His whole body seemed to be trampled back and forth by a hundred Kilians.

He struggled to get up and looked reluctantly at Sufeng, who was walking in the white air.

"Well, don't put on this bitter and resentful expression, Dabai."

Su Feng smiled and said, "It's just a captain's assessment, it doesn't matter if you win or lose."

"You only need to show your strength that meets the captain's standards, and you can successfully pass the level."

"By the way, try this."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and his spiritual pressure surged and solidified, turning into green vines, and instantly tied up Byakuya Kuchiki who was unable to dodge.

"The Way of Inner Path, the Way of One, Life Returns to Heaven!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kuchiki Byakuya's entire body was immediately dyed green, from head to toe.

Before he had time to attack, his mouth was blocked by the powerful vitality, and the broken bones were restored at an unimaginable speed.

"Your performance just now is not enough to be the captain."

At this moment, in Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes, the smile of the guy in front of him was like a devil.

"Come on, continue the unfinished assessment!"

Byakuya Kuchiki was unwilling to leave the stage in this way.

He mobilized his spiritual pressure again, and his whole aura exploded again, and the countless blades in the sky regained their luster.

"Hangjing·Senbonzakura Kageyan!"

The blades shattered in the sky, and billions of tiny sharp blades suddenly fell down, instantly surrounding Sufeng in a turbulent state.

In an instant, the entire barrier was filled with pink color, and countless small sharp blades were squeezed together and collided with each other, making a tooth-breaking crunching sound.

"This is the swastika move I developed not long ago."

Byakuya Kuchiki's injury has not fully recovered, and Sufeng's mastery of the inner path is still far from being masterful. Compared with professionals Unohana Retsu and Yamada Seinosuke, there is still a long way to go.

"In the field of Hanjing, there is no way to dodge a simple Shunpo."

"You will pay a heavy price for your carelessness..."

The faint blue fluorescent light flashed in his pupils like lightning, and Kuchiki Byakuya's eyelids suddenly opened.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of tiny blades strangled towards the inside!

A violent gust of wind whizzed and exploded, and there was an overwhelmed creaking sound on the light curtain of the enchantment.

"Captain Unohana, please increase the output of Reiatsu."

Jingle Chunshui spit out the grass roots in his mouth at some point, and said with a bitter expression, "The all-round impact without dead ends will be a heavy burden on the enchantment."

"These two brats don't even know how to consider the hard work of seniors."

Uzhihualiu's face was calm and calm, a large amount of substantive Reiatsu appeared on his white hands, all of which poured into the enchantment of the ghost way, instantly strengthening the light curtain.

Su Feng looked at the countless sharp blades covering him, his expression remained calm and he was not moved by them at all.

If it was Baidijian, it might break his defense.

Just looking at the scene, somewhat looking down on others.

If the originally insufficient attacks are subdivided into billions, and single attacks turn into group damage, what can be used to break the defense?

The white air bursts out, the first-level spiritual power is fully charged, and the coax is instantly activated to the extreme state.

boom! !

The violent air flow instantly stirred up, shattering the surrounding Senbonzakura blades with devastating force.

Sufeng stepped forward, the corners of his mouth raised, and his smile was filled with an aura of danger.

He shook one arm, and it was like a steam engine, exploding countless white airflows, which instantly solidified to the bones of his fists.

"Dabai, watch carefully, this punch..."

"It will be strong!"

After the words fell, his right fist opened the sky, setting off an unparalleled explosion!

Kuchiki Byakuya sensed the abnormality in the tiny sharp blade, and made a decisive decision, and instantly unfolded the posture of the White Emperor Sword, with the wings of light behind him unfolding.

A huge ring floated behind, emitting a brilliant, blazing white light.

"Senbonzakura Kagegen, Final Scenery, White Emperor Sword!"

"One bone!"

The White Emperor's Sword slashed down with a crash, and its indomitable momentum became several times more powerful than before. Under this power, the ground cracked layer by layer, huge cracks spread crazily on the ground, and countless rocks and soil rose into the air. among.

Compared to Kuchiki Byakuya's majestic momentum, Sufeng only punched out with one punch, and the white air flow exploded like steam, destroying everything in front of him!

Boom! !

The deafening explosion shattered the barrier covering the battlefield in an instant, and the remaining power continued to sweep towards the distance unabated.

Kyōraku Shunsui's expression changed slightly, and when he was about to remind him, he realized that Unohana Retsu was one step ahead of him and had already dodged near Yamamoto Genryusai and others.

Am I the only one who co-authored the Big Wrong Story?

The powerful impact swept across, ripples towards the sky and distant mountain peaks. In an instant, the rocks cracked and the clouds shattered.

Endless dust exploded instantly, accumulating layer upon layer, burying the entire dojo.

The aftermath even affected Yamamoto Genryusai and Kuchiki Ginzu, who were standing very far away. The hunting wind kept roaring, as if it was going to crush everything.

When the dust dispersed, two figures appeared in the messy battlefield. The white air surged and forced back the incoming Sakura.

"It's amazing, Baymax."

Sufeng praised, "Your White Emperor Sword still hurt me after all."

On the exposed chest, a torn wound was bleeding out, but as the green light of the return path flashed, the wound closed instantly and returned to normal.

"I unilaterally announce that you have passed the captaincy assessment."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya's body that was still standing suddenly collapsed and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hey, Mr. Yinling, you can see clearly that this guy Dabai was still standing just now."

Sufeng shouted towards the distance, "Don't let me pay for medical expenses or anything like that."

Kuchiki Yinling was silent.

As a bystander, he watched most carefully.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Su Feng took his nails and forcibly tore a gap in his chest.

In other words, without using the Zanpakuto, he almost completely defeated Kuchiki Byakuya who used the swastika.

In this middle gap, men cry silently and women cry.

Even Jingraku Shunsui couldn't help but smack his lips: "Old man Shan, you seem to have taught a monster."

"Instant coax and bone flow, just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb!"

Yamamoto Genryasai was leaning on crutches, his eyes were lowered, as if everything in front of him could not cause any fluctuations in his emotions.

"It's not the moves that are powerful, it's the individual."

The captain's assessment officially ended. The person in charge of the assessment was almost unscathed, but the people who participated in the assessment were seriously injured and fell into coma again.

However, the coma did not last long. Before Unohana Retsu could give him return treatment, Kuchiki Byakuya woke up.

Because he has been comatose too many times, he has already developed resistance.

He lay on the ground without any image and looked up at the sky, recalling the process and details of the battle until his vision was occupied by a disgusting face.

Kuchiki Byakuya instinctively closed his eyes: "Next time, I will definitely defeat you."

The corners of Sufeng's mouth rose, and a gentle smile appeared: "Then I'll wait and see..."

Three months later, the captain's inauguration ceremony was officially held.

The captain of the Sixth Division is held by Byakuya Kuchiki, the 28th generation head of the Kuchiki family. The former captain Ginrui Kuchiki retired from the scene and became a team member.

Although there is no such thing as "retirement" in the Gotei 13, it is only for ordinary team members. Vice-captains and even captains with certain aristocratic status can choose their own place.

The captains were not surprised by this.

It is well known that the position of Captain of Division 6 is hereditary.

The only thing that is puzzling is that the face of the new captain of the sixth team is extremely cold from the beginning to the end.

It's like someone owes him a lot of money...

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